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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. In the full story He owns the port, Let him out on bail and he'll be gone.
  2. Not only the worst tea in the world, but I would guess that awful tasting butter that smells rancid
  3. The whole country seem to be Mentality Disturbed, not one cleaver but two..........
  4. More Thai driving skills on display, but I must say the car did look to be going very fast, not that, that is an excuse for the truck driver.
  5. I guess it was leaving as he was caught at Gate 81.
  6. Shame the whole country doesn't have 'severe consequences' for all gun possession.
  7. I wonder if it was in his carry on, luggage or checked in luggage.
  8. Agree, I took a friend from France, the notary, not only could not read English yet alone French, I told him what it was he signed it, and supplied copies of his diplomas, and his Photo 1k but that was a few years ago.
  9. I said for AWHILE I know your reading skills are not that good, my last Profession was a truck mounted cranes Technician working long hours and sometimes 7 days a week, flying to remote sites throughout WA Australia, they couldn't find an Oz with my skills, so they employed a Brit, who didn't try to avoid work like many Ozzys and just got on with the work, I also never had a day off sick, I didn't get sick pay as I was 'employed' by an agency.
  10. Yes I know thanks..................................
  11. His in for a shock when he wants to claim his pension, from all accounts a; he will have to go back for 2 years and b; it is means tested, and that would include the house he 'Owns' here and any money he has stashed in his bank. Then there is the question of education for the child, will they home teach, or pay for a private school.
  12. Not before he tried to fight the fire and open the doors, I can't imagine hearing the screams he must have heard from inside, I pity him having to live with that for the rest of his life, he should be given counseling.
  13. Imagine if he kicks the bucket.
  14. I agree, just wait for the go fund me page to start.
  15. stupid naivety , the owner of the land dies, your lease means nothing IMO, it might even have to be forcibly sold if probate shows the owner is in debt.
  16. Cheap gold for sale on social media, what idiots.
  17. Yep I wouldn't have done that at even a much younger age, I learnt what some men were like when I was 12.
  18. When will these gold shops learn to have screens, and move them away from the doors, they are normally the first 'shop' you see going into these supermarkets and malls.
  19. And from what we are led to understand that is only the ones that die at the scean, not those that die in hospital, that could be days, weeks, or months after, or left in a coma for years. I'd add at least 20% to that figure. Only Thai driving instructors/schools/testers allowed, only Thai vehicle inspectors and only Thai mechanics allowed. But Thais know best, we can't have foreigners doing those jobs that they 'think' they know how to do.
  20. How do you know the driver was complicit was it him that paid to get the bus passed knowing so many gas tanks were illigal ?
  21. The pope has sent his condolences, why did his god allow this awful thing to happen in the first place.
  22. RIP, but probably just more bad driving and maybe looking at the view.
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