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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Maybe it depends on if they have cancelled your reg number, and re-issued your reg number to another vehicle already.
  2. Hi, i know this has been asked before, but can't find the link. My friend has just returned after 2 1/2 years, he needs new car tax, I know there is a cut off point where you have to re-register the car, i.e. new number. but how long is that ??
  3. hope this helps. But as said not all Immigration offices follow the same rules, and IMO b'coz they don't know or understand them, just make them up for 'their' office. (like many officials here) if not they lose face and will never admit to being wrong. most don't require the photos. TRAT I. O.
  4. Maybe in Chaing Rai but not in many other provinces, full package of all docs and home visits Every year. not only that but when my new passport arrives, about 3 months after my last extension, Trat want me to do the whole process again with new photos 'n all.
  5. Maybe they'll give her a gift basket, and recommend rubbing the chicken essence into it.
  6. Or just laugh at them. Maybe the IO wanted to sell you a work visa, IMO that's what part of home visits are about, talking to witnesses and neighbours.
  7. ATMs ? they want your money not your germs, dealing with many people on a daily basis, it's not just about covid, coughs, colds, flu and TB which is very prevalent in Thailand. You seem very selfish.
  8. I wear clothes when i go out does that count ? ????
  9. It is easier to apply for a wife/ married extension less paperwork. Where we're you married? What province will you apply.?
  10. What a clown, he got away with a warning, now plans to continue, mate your extension WILL be revoked. i was threatened with mine being revoked just for letting the F word slip out during a home visit when they wanted to see my bank book again.
  11. I sincerely hope that one of the ladies, is the wife of my severely disabled mate, who had the mafia after her, took all my mates money, house, car, left him in a rented room, and paid an agent to go to Dubai along with 9 others, unable to do anything for himself though MND, whom I had to go and rescue 8hr drive, to come live near me arrange a full time carer, who sadly passed away last month. Or maybe better she comes back and the mafia take her out. BITCH of all bitches may you rot in hell.
  12. The Monks will be queuing up at his door. The spirits would tell you isn't that obvious. ????
  13. Come on kids we're off down to the River for a good old gawk at a corpse, " yippee no school"
  14. If your spending that kind of money why not get LPG fitted, Carburettors have not been used for a very long time my 23yr old NV has fuel injectors no carb but throttle tube.
  15. Sounds good in theory but; Chemical castration only lasts about 3 months and is very expensive, at about 100,000 baht a time ! correct me if i'm wrong but on a ten year sentence that's 40million baht !!!!!!!!!! + all the probation fees etc.
  16. OK so they can't be named bcoz of defamation rules here, BUT they could name the ones that passed, even give em a sign outside, maybe the others would lose face and get their act together. (incidentally has Pray-out been selling off his shirts, in the 2nd photo, isn't that the one $$ from his amazing beach video that captivated the world, cough cough.)
  17. Meanwhile what is the Government doing to help ? Naff all as usual ? What a total disgrace !
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