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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Are you trying to say Porn and naked pics of adults are not allowed in Canada ? What constitutes an illegal image ? Can i smoke a joint while waiting ?
  2. I think Mummy had the wool pulled over her eyes buy her son, did he get paid in cash for the land ? (Land office should know this). Who goes out drinking with so much cash and then goes seeking more at gun point, unless you owe money to a loan shark through gambling, (why did he need to sell the land) ???????????????
  3. Just a normal day here young kids skidded up on the inside of me 2 days ago, i had stopped for a car reversing out to my left, he thought he would zoom past on the inside. I see this kid zooming around everyday around narrow winding roads. Short life for him I am sure.
  4. Your laws need amending or is it 18 yr olds heads are thicker?
  5. Last time they tried pushing the water down stream like this the RTN completely seemed unaware about the incoming tide. Sh@t for brains.
  6. So where will the cops buy their booze ? Long live the Ma & Pa shops ????
  7. If you were concerned one iota Tu Tu then you would resign forthwith, and give the country back from the military, and to the people to whom it belongs !
  8. Cheaper to build a concrete home than covert a container. For mobile I'd buy an old bus and convert it, even better if you could get hold of a 'tall transit bus ' cheap.
  9. How can you blame a driver who parked as close to the curb as he could in order to deliver his heavy load? Unbelievable. It is a long straight wide road, with plenty of room for a motorcyclist to get past. If he was paying attention, which clearly he wasn't. He was also quoted as saying there was another truck parked behind me, i don't understand how he managed to hit me and not the one behind.
  10. As usual bad reporting. Is the retired guy dead now ? House used to belong to him so who does it belong to now? The rubble i mean.
  11. The Skulduggery Party continues unabated, jobs for the boys. And what is that Emoji on his shirt?
  12. Strange story, wasn't forced to go by him, allowed to keep their phone, rings the cops, but not her parents, seems the parents need investigating along with him.
  13. Yep never did understand that mythical story, only two humans on the planet, have a couple of male kids, one kills his brother, off he goes to the land of Nod where he begat a wife ???. Wet dream in the land of nod ?, or incest with his mum ? as an avid reader when i was a kid (dad worked in a book factory) when i read that story i closed that book thinking what a load of BS i was 11yrs old.
  14. First the dog would bark, second my wife would bark, not sure but possibly bite as well, if the intruder had taken off his shoes to sneak around the dog would steal them. If the intruder was looking for money, i would ask him, if he finds any, can we go 50/50 ?
  15. As a falang we are not allowed guns anymore even to defend ourselves.
  16. No worries, if you click on the full story, full passport details.
  17. Thought I'd point this out ; This is appears not about renewing a driving licence but obtaining one for the first time. It is not clear, surprise surprise, if that includes obtaining a Thai licence from your foreign one.
  18. I have never had a WP and have opened 4 bank accounts, The Bank of Ayudhya aka; yellow bank was the friendliest and easiest, not sure if they still do but used to have 'A tourist' account. Bangkok bank was the worst even with a retirement visa, insisting on a WP but it does depend on whether the staff can be bovered. As already suggested Tourist areas will be more accommodating. Don't forget there are a lot of things you can't do over the counter unless it is the branch where you open the account. Good luck but I would try the Bank Of Ayudhya first.
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