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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Your post makes no sense : shouldn't have, should have ??? have you capsized evenkeel ?
  2. Simply FALSE information, my THAI wife is a trash hero. Not all are Foreigners.
  3. Nothing in this story suggests the kids were treated badly, but Hey carry on victim blaming. It was her husband and father that were abusive to HER ! Its forking sad how YOU think women should be treated.
  4. ???? So now what ? Jeez. Lets hope she will recover this trauma.
  5. All and every type of religion, including Buddhist beliefs, are nothing more than cults.
  6. They always call me about 2hrs or 24hrs ahead, they get water, end of.
  7. I think you'll be in for a shock when they threaten to revoke your visa/extension.
  8. But he didn't repay it, so what do you expect, I don't have much sympathy for this guy. His car was worth 600K and it sounds like he was in a private room/hospital.
  9. Sorry not read all posts; Tell/show her about the UK Citizens test.
  10. Change Hotel, easy.
  11. For some people their world is Flat for others their world is a Condo. ????
  12. It's normal in Trat now, except for one person I know as it requires them to walk along a beach 700mts to there home.
  13. Mr Leliang ? sounds like Chinese not Thai , just saying 'coz that's where the name originates from. Was he wearing those Coke bottle glasses while driving ? ????
  14. Lucky she didn't get a gun pointed in her face, one is left to wonder why she needed 35k in the first place ? IMO I wouldn't rule out gambling as it seems the norm here.
  15. Of course there is no prostitution at the bars, under police protection /ownership.
  16. I can only blame these stupid youtubers showing the girls all over social media. Leave 'em alone.
  17. Say no more, but murder ? These guys hopefully won't be going out for a while.
  18. 3 pin Switched power outlets are available from Lazada, I can only recommend PANASONIC.
  19. Two skinny men oh dear. ????
  20. YUK a thread of Steven's seeds
  21. Note to self, if i come home at 4am to take a shower from a night out and probably drunk, LOCK the DOOR.
  22. Steve PLEASE read full stories before commenting.
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