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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. No mention of cost, they look very Expensive with all that tech, so a good commission rate for some, and still have to be hard wired for EV charging.
  2. In Nepal, automatic I month jail time for drink driving according to a taxi driver there.
  3. Who ever 'owns' or feeds these cats are killing them anyway. I love cats and dogs but whoever is overfeeding them is just a fool.
  4. So if you are gay no worries in getting enlisted as long as you don't have breasts.
  5. Marijuana has and never will be made legal, only <deleted> Hemp at 0.2 THC.
  6. Yeh my OZ bank is the same but paying the higher fee I am still better off sending it in AUD compared to the lousy Ex rate from OZ.
  7. Happened to me twice using direct transfer from OZ bank to BKB money sent in AUD, I got a lower rate of exchange, I made inquires at BKB and they checked first time it had gone to BOT (holding bank) second time i forget now what bank, after asking the OZ bank what the F is going on, I was told to write 'message to bank' "DO NOT EXCHANGE FUNDS." I now write that on any transfers I do, never had a problem since.
  8. The OP is neither single or divorced his subject title was BS. Also he doesn't answer the question what he will do with his kids while gallivanting around looking for chicks.
  9. MY point is he was NOT watching the dog take his food as you stated. Try reading the story ! ????
  10. Wife and Hubby Holiday to Nepal, paid for by donations, putting dogs before humans like all these dog pounds.
  11. Shameful military governments will always stick together, who are only concerned of their own wealth and control of their people.
  12. So will you travel with the kids or leave them in France ?
  13. Why chemical castration it doesn't last long, just take out the nuts and have done with it, many places do it for free, those 'rescue' places and some local councils do a yearly free de-nutting day.
  14. The Police said " He MAY receive a charge for assaulting his wife " Hey lady file the necessary report and get an injunction on him to stay away from you and your child !
  15. Why do number plates just fall off here, no doubt DUI drugs or both, running away like kids is the norm here. I'm sure the Father and young kid were wearing helmets. Not.
  16. 30,000 Baht now I feel like a cheap Charlie only giving 1,000 baht for a 1hr personal performance included was also a reverse. Giddy up Yeeha .
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