Just tell her if she burns the Chanote then you will be left with no other option than to make a police report about it's loss when you return, to obtain a new one, and you could also add that without the Chanote then you could never put it in her name as you were thinking about doing. Yeh LIE if you have to. Dump her at the first opportunity you get.
and or "Darling before I send you next months money I need to see a photo of the Chanote'' you will then have photographic evidence of not only the Chanote but it was in her possession at the time.
And Thailand isn't ? Maybe not quite a police state but run by the Army/religious fanatics well are you sure about that 'coz last time I checked the Army run Thailand and those drinking bans on 'religious' days with a government funded 'religion' Aka CULT tell me differently.
There is an immigration office in the 'Town centre' of Klong Yai about 15-20klm from the boarder you can get a re-entry stamp there, but check and give them a call. You can get transport there from the boarder or Trat bus station. I forgot to add they are only open ' Normal hours' not weekends.
From the FULL story; School was immediately suspended and students took shelter in the "Schools Bomb Shelter" what has the world become when schools have to have frigging bomb shelters.
As I said ' I think' as it was published in the BP but whether it has been implemented yet is another story. You could just google what I have for the full story 'Thais can now use any hospital' it was a new years 'gift' by no other than, Anutin. ????
Just another incompetent Thai driver. The scariest thing in Thailand is avoiding these morons on the roads who only take their test at 15 kmh. it will never change until the test does, and RTP get of their collective Ass and do proper road patrols.
I presume you have never attended any funerals, ordinations, they all drink especially at ordinations as its the last chance before becoming a monk to get pished.
Utter speculation one could say she MAY have had LSD, Yabba, Ice, or Coke.
That little Photo Op showing what a wonderful PM he is must have cost a small fortune, and there he was the other day telling the army to turn off lights, incidentally Tu Tu who pays your lecky bills at your Military Barrack House ?
My friend used to tow his boat on a USA made trailer, all lights functioning correctly, stopped by cops on several times, he was told ''you need work permit'' ???? so in the end he used to get the guy from the marina to drive it. This was in Jomtian. I guess it would depend on your location on how the cops react. But hey do it.