I have been in a similar situation when swimming and could feel the drag on me, got back to about waist high, then i noticed out of my depth a very young girl about 8yr struggling to get back and very scared, but kept eye contact with me, I thought well if there is a small break in the waves i might take one go to grab her and pull her in only about 15 meters from where i stood my ground, Then out of no where 5 Thais rushed in to 'save' her, one was trying to ride a wave in, now I'm watching all of them struggling. Eventually i managed to gesticulate for them to link hands???? then by some miracle i grabbed hold of them pulled all of them in, they just dropped the kid near me while they went off to shore exhausted, I picked her up and carried her ashore laid her down in the recovery position I could feel her breathing, and just to comfort her laid my hands on her till she came round, I will never forget that kid, she had maintained eye contact with me all through her struggle. Next day she ran up to me on the beach and waied me. ????