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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. I would be Ashamed if I made my missus stay home all day, or be by my side 24/7 my missus probably earns less than Grab drivers. Has heaps of friends, she would be so bored if she didn't work.
  2. BS This is a bad generalisation. I'm a dog lover but still would like them banned. And all unruly dogs euthanized. I would not keep a dangerous dog.
  3. Nice pun, i hate it when it's poorly rolled. It is just Anutin's pipe dream.
  4. Oh dear, Sorry i'm lost for words on this one apart from no you can't.
  5. Oz passports have to be applied for in person, you can not use an agent. They return new pp by EMS post.
  6. Yes as it frees up the cigarette lighter for charges etc. and your windscreen is free of cables. This is a 'piggy back' fuse can be fitted to ignition fuse in fuse box.
  7. Stupid Utter Nonsense why should anybody be ashamed if their partner works ? My wife works because she wants to. some have work ethics and i'm happy my wife does. Should she also feel ashamed bcoz her son delivers Pizzas. Jeez.
  8. No helmet, and bad driving. " I lost control " should read ''I am a cr@p driver who can't control my vehicle at speed round a bend''
  9. Exactly! These 'Soi' dogs just want to be soi dogs, I took 2 from a rescue centre they hated me and did everything to escape back to the streets. In the end I returned them to the pound.
  10. Coming near your home soon, a heap of dogs that bark and yap all day. They open these 'rescue centres' without a thought of how it ruins the life of any HUMANS living nearby or any consultation with them ! I know one was opened near me, and was destroying my peaceful life, luckily I got it moved away from me, destroy the dogs ! not us mere Humans. So many living here on the charity money meant for dogs.
  11. 'We' ? you mean ' You simply do not no that' while the rest of us are pretty sure alcohol has many adverse effects including physical addiction and heaps of body/brain damage.
  12. Tony you need to educate yourself, Opium is physically addictive, Heroin is manufactured from Opium and physically addictive. Weed is NOT physically addictive.
  13. Going by the Photo in the FULL story it looks like a pit bull or staffy, both dangerous dogs. I had a neighbour in OZ while I was living on a Cattle Station, he used to go out shooting 'Roos' one day he shot a Roo his staffy dog jumped off the back of his ute and viciously ripped it apart, he was so shocked, when he got home he shot the dog. His wife had recently given birth to a son, and that incident had freaked him out.
  14. Because the gate was left open after the trash was taken out.
  15. 1.1 % on mine and 1.25% at another bank.
  16. Also booze, drugs, gambling, cars and sex. Also Women that do the cooking of free food for them. sorry double quote by mistake.
  17. Can anybody recommend an agent for British PP renewal ?
  18. its not that bad buy a grinder and its better than what i used to have at home, no need to mix with tobacco I smoked skunk a few times and didn't like being stuck to the sofa unable to move, it reminded me of smack heads I once knew, bit of 'normal' marijuana was much better for me as could get on with things I enjoyed doing.
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