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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Going by the photos in the full story, his place looks a complete hovel where any number of dieses, bacteria, germs could live.
  2. I have never signed in or out, oh once i did and put my car number. I can never remember my phone number its left in the car when i shop.
  3. No I don't but, i need them to do that stupid test with two small sticks in a box, as i do with reading as it is too near and nothing like long range sight.
  4. I used a small local hospital, BP checked, weighed, temp check, given the form, all done before seeing the doctor, Doctor " how are you ?" Me " Ok'' she checked me with a stethoscope, signed the form 300 baht. IE still breathing with a heart beat.
  5. I have no idea what type of Mangoes these are on my tree but they do not turn yellow on the tree they will rot first, they will ripen off the tree however, and of course are eaten when still slightly crunchy with sugar and chilly powder. They are delicious when slightly yellow. I personally think they are the 'blue mango'. On a side note the new fresh leaves can be cooked in hot water, they are quite nice with a tang of mango.
  6. Sorry I have not read all posts, but why not use your Doctor and say a nurse as your witnesses for a living will ? after all its really all about what happens when you are immobilised / or very sick with no hope of recovery normally.
  7. They should stop using the word Marijuana false stop! and IMO stop using the word Cannabis, Marijuana is a completely different strain of HEMP and only HEMP will be allowed if registered and sell the flowers to with no more than 0.2 THC that wouldn't get a fly high, you are left with leaves and stalks that are of no use to get high.
  8. I got 24.738 yesterday on TT BKB today down already down 0.1+
  9. Very sus. Ordered to get fit or forced ? Either the getting fit punishment killed him, or he just could not take anymore physical abuse. my bet is the first one.
  10. Well maybe they attended a children's day event in the past so already shown how to hold and aim a weapon. Hopefully these events will never return since Covid.
  11. And a lot are so stupid they can't even take the 'TEST' yet alone pass it.
  12. Is this people or vehicles ? If it is people then lets say a conservative average of 3 in a car not including trucks with 7+ on board that is around 1 cop for every 30 people, obviously if you included the crammed trucks say 7 per truck well you do the math.
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