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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Did his wife go to the Family court and wait for probate ?
  2. Electrical fault while charging, so I presume no RCD cut out fitted, smoke alarms, or sprinklers installed, Safe and Trusted Thailand.
  3. If the bag has a bar code it has to be paid for, simple.
  4. Are you kidding me a non-plastic bag only 4b and your buying booze at 3K a bottle. How much did it cost you to go to another store ?
  5. They like me to hand draw the map in front of them, to prove i know where i live, maybe checking for oldtimers disease ????
  6. Going by that Photo, That's a lot of pussy you take home for 300,000, and it may only stay for a short time, before you see it again, and even then sitting on someone else's lap. ???? ????
  7. I imagine one of 3 things, a; took the money an ran, b; running from the Mafi, c; Caught by the Mafi fate yet undetermined. ???? ????
  8. Powdered Cumin 2 teaspoon taken orally you just have to swallow it bungs you a good'un was given to me in Morocco one time when I was i think suffering from food poisoning (mouldy biscuits), curled up on a beach with stomach cramps, followed diarrhoea, more cramps. I had suffered for hours, after the Cumin i was cured in 20min. Enjoy your curries, I buy them on-line now frozen i have too much other stuff to do.
  9. I was wondering that myself, do you still need "Thailand Pass'' when returning with Re-entry stamp ?
  10. So funny they take a week to update their system, when this change has been on the books for weeks. "We want people to come to Thailand but first we will take our holiday for Songkran before we bother to update our site, let 'em wait '' said someone with medals trying to hitch his cart before his horse.
  11. My wife slept on the floor when i was ill in hospital for 5 weeks, But she still does not know my ATM PIN number. Just saying.
  12. Those bloody Welsh Signs LOL before you can pronounce the name of a town you have driven through it.
  13. Thailand is not getting tougher for ex-pats, its just the same as years gone by, if you are on visa extensions there is no insurance required, and one year extension costs about $60 1,900 baht + 3000 baht for multi re-entry. Immigration rules haven't changed only covid has changed the re-entry, but I don't want to work or play golf.
  14. I have a friend who has Motor Neurone Disease (MND) he stays home and can't even use his arms, can barely walk or sit upright, He has a full time carer, Luckily we have an Agent nearby. Every month I have to use the ATM for him to take out cash, His Thai Wife, took every Baht he had and left him alone to fend for his self, I drove 8hrs to rescue him and found accommodation and a carer 3min from me. Yep Trust No One.
  15. PS' Why does it have to be Bangkok Bank?? I am mystified! I think it can be in any province as far as an agent is concerned as to why BKB? Last time I looked on Google maps it is next door to Jomtian immigration, but that is not so for other provinces ?? To open an Account in your name, take your wife along with your marriage cert, house book and ID it seem to help.
  16. I have never had my bank account checked when picking up my extension although very wise to do so.
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