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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Yep first Gang to get rid of would be the RTP leaders of the pack......................
  2. Come on Transport Minister, you are missing out on a nice little Jolly to the UK, for you and a few inspectors, to see how a proper inspection is carried out. Oh look what is that strange blue object the bus will drive over ? Thailand has no clue how to inspect. I'm sure you could by one for every province and cream a few million of the top.
  3. So dosn't notorious mean well known ? but the cops have done nothing to stop this Gang.
  4. Whew thank god there is no prostitution, I was really concerned about that. Love the Pic in the full story, many on the beach having a drink, and why not it's a holiday.
  5. Yes that is the standard, but in a recent picture the have shown a hand held gas reader being used, no doubt just for the press to appease the populace, they are also available to be fitted in the engine compartment for $100.
  6. So out of the 1,340 buses checked will have Gas Sensors fitted with alarms in the cab, my guess will be ZERO.
  7. So How did they pass and Who did the last inspections ? ? Track these wonkers down. Thailand needs to up it's game on safety, and it's not always about money, some is down to pure laziness, and ineffective training by teachers who don't know how to inspect properly in the first place.
  8. That is one hell of a hole in the boat. I don't think that would happen overnight, it has either been developing for some time (rotten) or he struck something. IMO
  9. Those who could not pay were the lucky ones, this is how bad their Junta is to go through a 20 day journey to escape, I suppose now the survivors will be sent back by the Thai govt.
  10. How people can treat other human beings like this is beyond me.......I hope they catch these THAI traffickers and give them full life in a very small cell.
  11. But it's all gone very quite since, I haven't read anything on any gay marriages since. Also what was that bit about they will not be the same as a man/woman marriage that was reported at the time ?
  12. Just normal Thai driving, and with a child on board. Go anywhere on any highway this is how they drive. RIP young girl.
  13. Maybe All buses will now be required to carry an extension ladder outside and a step ladder on the inside ...............
  14. And yet it was denied that it was not even one of their cells in another report I read.
  15. Well they can't send them from overseas as they have their passports and phones taken away, until the 'debt/fee' is paid back.
  16. Krungsri bank GBP, TT rate 15th 43.07841 today the 17th 42.61372....what a load of 'ankers so lets all figure that out, apart from this Government has no Idea what is going on in there own country.
  17. Oops Massage course, dam spell correct
  18. Diesel will not ignite with a spark, it is ignited by Heat.
  19. Not if it leaks onto a hot exhaust manifold
  20. Well it can only be speculation as I haven't seen this Engine, and yes I do do know what I'm talking about, I was a diesel mechanic for 40+ years, I took a job at a school as the groundman/ gardener for 3 months, as a change, and luckily I was there when the driver reported the smell of fuel, I simply snipped off the end and stretched it a bit as they are C shaped, and told her to go and get new spill pipes fitted now. Luckily it was when she had already dropped off the kids at school.
  21. Apart from underaged women, how is this any different to Thai 'agents' sending young women overseas for 'Message courses' ?
  22. So he did not notice the person while driving forward..............I'm guessing no warning 'beepers' or flashing lights fitted.
  23. I was also under the impression that a legal migrant worker could claim at the social security counter at local hospitals ??
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