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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Then Post a list that you Think CW office has. your link does not show it.
  2. Does it matter what office, this has the official mark of Thai immigration police, if another office has their 'Own' form then that is their own made up one. Do you have a copy you can post ?? This copy of the official documents needed is from Trat IO. It may help others also.
  3. I still find it hard to believe you don't know the new rules even though it is not stated on my "evidence". And you have been a member of AN for 12 years, and have never seen it mentioned.
  4. You will also need to be at home, for the home visit, but you haven't mentioned what IO you use.
  5. It has been several years now since the Financial requirements need a one year statement, and most IO require a Hand Drawn map. No offence intended but I find it surprising you were unaware of it. I would Change banks like Krungsri take 20min to issue letter and a 1yr extension. And what @Upnotover says Edit: This is from Trat immigration
  6. There is no 'official' charge anywhere, I have never paid either. Anyone that does pay money will never get a receipt. If they want to start charging then make it official. Same as Extensions and home visits, some give them gifts, money 'for petrol' etc.. I was once told "we had to pay for the ferry" I replied "I didn't invite you to come, you wanted to "
  7. Agree, I also find that of the shoulder 'frock' weird, and the constant adjustment of pulling it back up, and any smile just makes me think they want money. The taking in of young boys and dressing them the same.....some of their rituals are just insane IMO. They don't even cook the free food they have begged for, nor clean up after. A state funded cult to keep the masses controlled. I could go on forever of my personal opinions. He seems to be enjoying himself.
  8. No you can just leave and move away, as with the murderer in the UK recently who killed a guy in a shared house for becoming Christian.
  9. Has he even ever been he only gets day release.
  10. OP all you ever do is go on about mental health and Psych problems, you need help, Seriously there must be someone who can talk to in 'your' hospital or are you in a padded cell. I am NOT joking.
  11. My wife did not 'Convert' she just followed his way of life and observed the rules of Islam. She was a Buddhist but became an orphan at age 12, married at 18.
  12. I buy KFC then find a table in the food court and wait for the Missus.
  13. Where Potatoes are grilled then given a roasting ?...
  14. It is a copy of the German engine made under License. They were not allowed to buy from Germany Because it's against EU rules to sell to China for military purposes. I wouldn't trust a Chinese copy though, there are many other components, apart from just the Engine, like Oil, filters and the complete fuel system that should be to Marine standards, and who is making the Generator/batteries and all the other electronics. ( I have seen 'fake' oil in Chinese engines it doesn't even float in water it looked more like tar).
  15. Srettha certainly not out of wood yet.
  16. Thank god for that! Could she be any worse than the begging clown we have now ?
  17. No but the only one's allowed to, anyone else trying to ask questions about him who cannot be named, will never be allowed to run this country, got to keep all that Tax free income coming in, of which nobody can disclose how much that is. IMO
  18. If you look at the photo it is a very small amount but the Cops are trying to make it sound like some big bust. Why did the Phuket Express not ask the cops the amount. Good pointing though Brit Boy ..
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