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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. do it via mobile app. It is so easy. takes 5-10 min to do. no IO funny stuff. There is also a website but i heard it stuck or freeze often.
  2. i would rather not to know... i dont want to stop drinking water or taking a shower.
  3. the porn card was in the TV you newly bought? it might have some virus in it and affected your TV. OR maybe your TV setup off for the adult content? need service. I would take it back and ask for a new TV without a porn card in it.
  4. one of my friends had some serious issues with lotus. not 1 but i think 3-4 times. he bought something and went to the cashier to pay, then he realized they charge him more than the price tag. So, he mentioned the situation and the cashier was like ohh sorry they forgot to change the price. My friend is really good at law and he know all. So, he asked for the manager. in this case actually the customer MUST pay the price on the price tag with no arguments. So the manager accepted easily and he paid the same as price tag. he also demanded some money because of some reasons, they told him to take this matter to higher position and will let him know. Few days later the exact same thing happened at the same place! and same situation.. and yes i know impossible and 3rd time another day!! in 3rd time he refused to leave the louts and asked for a immediate solution. And he got some backup from thai consumers there too. because they had the same issue. Well at the end lotus gave him 10.000 baht gift card and asked him to close the case. he got the gift card and lotus seriously checked the price tags and replace them. what happened to me is, i found out dated products at MaxValue. well i didnt do anything but warned the stuff. They all suddenly gather around me and tried to stop me taking pictures or talking with other people WHICH i was not going to do because i was in a hurry. but it was a scene how they panicked!
  5. Well the more reading your answers the more its clear that you are using an agency to keep your staying in thailand as long as you can, and no intensions of studying. Otherwise you wouldnt use an agency. Thats why most likely there will be no letter to prove your excuse for missing many classes. But if you are really studying and just used the agency to avoid all immigration joke.. ok. And if so, i think school can give you a letter explaining the situation. I would also take some photos with your grandfather showing his situation. Dont know will work or not worth the try. i wouldnt trust that agency which will assist you at the immigration. Thats most likely he will just meet you right after all the immigration process which is no help to you at all. But if the agency knows someone at the immigration when you are getting your stamp, thats another story and might work out. never heard of this though. first of all i would say immigration most likely will not let you enter the country with the current ED visa. so you better stop spending money on agency and just leave the country normally and forget about your ED visa. get a tourist visa and come back OR ask your agency to provide you with the papers from the school or whatever they working with and present them to the thai embassy in your country. This might be risky if the agency.. created one school for you. and sorry to hear about your grandfather, hope he will get well soon. also... i know you dont want to hear this.. but really.. you need a proper visa to stay in thailand.. i mean what will you try after your ED visa? martial arts school? for how long it will take you.. good luck
  6. Hi again, you can also download from PC and use on your phone. its probably because of your phone regional settings. It must be Thailand. Meanwhile try the TM30 website again. It might work lol
  7. I would say just walk around, look around and ask prices.. Try to avoid paying 2 or 3 month deposit. I hate that. Also you are looking at the most expensive areas, i would look other areas. They are cheaper and really easy to reach the area you want
  8. Their website freeze sometimes. Use the mobile app. I did it. Its so easy and tkes like 5 min to do and less document then website. Search for ^section 38^ its a blue app Good luck
  9. If he is overstay, doesnt it mean his visa exempt or any stamp already expired? I think he must leave the country and come back. I wouldnt go to the immigration.
  10. Hi, Im planning to get a LASIK surgery for my eyes vision. I just want to know if anyone done it and whats the experience? I checkec YanHee hospital website and it seems good for both budget and doctors. 2 eyes around 60K. Bangkok hospital is 100K but seems more service ( 1 night stay at hospital) I did lot of research via google and youtube. I believe if the operation goes well no need to stay at the hospital or anything extra. Im ok for all the operation needs. If you have any experience, info or something to share please do. Thank you
  11. I believe this topic is concluded. Also started off the main idea.. Thank you for all the comments. Can any Moderator please lock the topic.. @Crossy @CharlieH Thank you
  12. sorry, i dont agree with you in many parts
  13. im with you. I dont think either. But better to wait and see..
  14. yes, we will see.. im pretty sure he will show the signs he got the message or not soon
  15. Thnx for the comment. Tbh i do agree some part of your comment. Although i dont care about other thais but i care about the working place and the environment where i am in charge. And i think these kind of actions should be happening in a pro working place.. i wouldnt mind to warn a thai doing the same things ( and i did in the past, different situation). If you are in a work place, you are. Thats it.
  16. I extended my non-b work visa and got my 90 day paper (first 90 days) from Chang wattana. But they told me i have to do my visa extensions here and my 90 days report to nonthaburi immigration because my mobile app TM30 is nonthaburi because my home is in nonthaburi. I have never been to nonthaburi immigration for 90 days but did TM30 via mobile app. It took my 5 min. Very easy and chang wattana immigration accepted the screenshots without any problems when extending my visa not even looked at them. so easy. so, my 90 days will be in nonthaburi immigration. But i have my first paper from chang wattana the same day i extended my visa. Does this count 1? so i can do my next online for the nonthaburi immigration? or its not 1 and i have to go to nonthaburi immigration do 90 days and the next one online? thanks
  17. When im coming back to thailand in May, after you leave your plane and a long walk, there are some health check people, they are looking for copy they really didnt care about my mobile app. i showed the copy and they gave me a green sticker (2 up vaccines) so it means you are ok. that times we had other situations. But i dont think printing it will do any harm. play safe. my vaccination status checked both by the airlines before boarding and the immigration after landed. Both health check point and then immigration too. if you have thai vaccine app it works too. I showed copy to health check point (they didnt take it only look) and my app to immigration
  18. sorry i didnt mention before, not officially but 1 or 2 female employee told him this is work place and its better if he not follow them where ever they go. basically his actions are not changed so far. Thats why i gave him a verbal warning and told him to apologize from the thai guy and the turk guy. Also told him not flirt with the female personnel. I didnt want to make it too serious thats why verbal warning. Just sit and talk and explain the situation.
  19. actually yes, he is Turkish and he is great with drones. He was working at Bayraktar factory before. But i also dont think Turks have big nose.. i think normal
  20. I didnt mean its because he is german. I mentioned his nationality just to understand if its a common and normal thing for german people. It would affect my judgment in this case, and my report.
  21. i dont need to fight to fire him. I can do any time. But i just want to give him some time and lets see.. But yes, so far hes totally negatively affecting the work. Although he is good with engines. But of course he must be pro too, and so far.. nope
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