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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. with all respect im not sure being a programmer is a talent... also im not sure you can find a work in your field in thailand. actually it is impossible.. what you can do is to find a work in an international school as a computer teacher or in an university. for international school you can find a job around 70-80K for university around 40K so i suggest you to think again
  2. for 1 year non-b multi you need to take it from your hometown (your country) Thai embassy. thats what i did. i dont know what do you mean by work permit time thing. if you have a work permit it is good up to your contract date or the letter from your company. normally your visa and work permit go together. if i remember correctly for changwattana you need to do your work permit first and then visa. or otherwise. PS: just a friendly reminder, at the work permit office the first thing they check is the tax papers. you better pay it before go
  3. well this the problem using agency. they will give you the visa but will provide the visa where ever they can bribe the immigration officer. in your case seems they have some immigration officer who accepts the bribe from Trang. actually the agency should offer you to do the 9 0days report for around 300-500 baht for you. try that. you can ask them. at the moment you are registered to (tm30) trang. so the thai immigration thinks you are there. the thing is you have no idea what TM30 the agency or the bribed immigration officer used. which means your address. another problem is if you go to another immigration and ask for TM30 they will ask you to show your previous tm30.. which you dont have. suggestion: you may try to leave the country. just go and take re-entry visa from immigration. not sure you must take it from where you are registered (trang) or not. but if you chose to fly there is no problem you can get from the airport. lets say you have the re-entry.. just stay 2-3 nights where ever you go. come back.. this time do your TM30 by yourself where ever you stay. now im not sure if immigration will want to see your previous tm30 or not, but i dont think so because you left the country. if you chose to do this i suggest you to find out if you do this way immigration will ask you your previous tm30 or not. PS: i dont thing traveling to Trang will help you to do your 90 days because you dont know your address in trang.. good luck
  4. i suggest you have their info in your phone. house book, ID, passport then use the mobile app. it takes 10min you can do by yourself
  5. i think all up to what kind of personal things you are talking about. i mean do you mean your PC? cats? dogs? or the whole things in your house?!
  6. now.. first of all.. if its not very personal what kind of problems? legal things or only she got the money. or other things.. another thing is why he wants to run away?! again the reason. without divorce and divorce later.. your friend needs to know something: if they married in thailand and you mentioned officially married.. if one side doesnt want to divorce, they cannot divorce. the only way is he must go to the court if the wife doesnt want to divorce. and the court will take really long time around 2-3 years and most likely it will ended up wife favor. plus it will cost him. 1) the answer is related to 'he wants to run away'. in thailand or out of thailand. if in thailand he must notify the immigration the same day he divorce showing the red divorce paper which he will get from amphue he divorced and there will be date on the red divorce certificate. well thats his last day in thailand if there are not any reason will give him visa to stay in. 2) he can keep his non-o and extension till he get divorced. but for the next extension the wife must go to the immigration so the way you explained the situation it seems the wife will not go... that means his next extension is in danger. 3) if the situation is urgent i would suggest him to contact with an agency which can give him non-o retirement. then no problems. Actually if i were him i would go this way. so divorce or not he would get rid of the non-o marriage visa just in case for the future visa problems. the way you describe the situation seems the wife will make lot of problems with the divorce too. He may try to talk to her and convince her without any lawyer. most likely he must tell her he forgive what she did, and accept to pay some money for some months to her. sign a contract and divorce. or just talk to her and convince her for a divorce as soon as possible. i had friends that wife threatened them that the wife will report him to the police talking bad about the king. and she arranged some fake witnesses too. then they sat and talked and agreed with a divorce around 50K payment to her.
  7. hmm good to know. thanks
  8. i think the question here is.. why? it seems you are ok doing the TM30 by any options.. and also it sounds like you are ok with playing safe. so.. why dont you just come here and do it via immigration or mobile app? mobile app takes 5 mins to do. the way you describe things seems you already know where you will stay and so on.. so prepare yourself. you already know where the immigration is.. just do it how it should be bro as you did before.. nothing to lose spending few hours in the immigration just for tm30
  9. i mean.. to be honest there are seriously really good cams in thailand too. which you can go and just buy... i dont know the reason why you want to use amazon. i have 3 cams in my house. bought in thailand. allof them are 4k.. working great. why dont you just go and check some malls? if not just check some websites. if you want to know where i bought i can help. send me private msg i will give you the website i use. they are based in hua hin and farang owner.
  10. To any Moderator please, i think my post is done. please lock the topic. thanks @CharlieH
  11. and another silly post from you. total non-sense which goes well with your many other posts.. such as accouraging bribing IO's too. and really interestingly chosen words too... its again obvious a post from you just to say something or just to post. anyway i sold my house for 2.8 and got my 500K it was very easy process.. you dont need to post anymore please.
  12. hi yes, plan changed little bit. now the buyer is someone my friends friend. He accepted to pay 500K cash and the rest to my ex and again cash. Im not sure but i think his job is like buy houses redo them and sell again but again im not sure. i dont care about that part. and again yes, the plan changed because of mortgage. The original planned buyer couldnt get that much. your question is really good one. My plan is first i will move to a rent. and not sure what to do in the future. im seeing a new girl for a while... if things goes well i may think again about buying a new house with her. you may ask why buy again. Well because i want to live in a house i can do whatever i want. plus a good rent house starts from 20K to 35K the house i want to rent is 25K.. if i buy a house in a muuban with swimming pool and gym i will pay half of 20-30K so why not. and dont forget that rental houses raise the rent every year. And i already talked with the lady im seeing and she accepted to pay half of it. so if i buy a house which is around 4mil. i will pay very little every month. again some people will say its not your house. This is not about whose name the house is but the FEELING. its not easy to explain. but thats how it is.
  13. 500K cash to my bank account and 2.3mil to ex-wife account so she can close the mortgage.
  14. UPDATE 07/03/23 : i sold the house yesterday. My ex wife, me and the buyer will meet at the bank next week. She will tell the bank she wants to sell the house for 2.8 and then the buyer will pay me cash 500K and transfer the the rest of the money to my ex wife. Ex wife will close the mortgage. then again we all will go to land office and do the name transfer. I agree with the buyer that we will pay it 50-50 for some people keep saying there is nothing about me in this case. Well there is. and thats the point some of guys cannot understand. yes, house is on my ex-wife name. yes it is her mortgage. so these are true. BUT she gave me the full right of the house. So it is ME who decides about the house. yes, it sounds like a dangerous game but as i mentioned in my previous post there are some really good thai women there not always after your money. she is one of them. all she wants is me to hurry get rid of the mortgage. so as she gave me the full rights about the house IT's ME in this. thanks for all comments and help. PS: it took 1 month to sell the house. its 3 year full high quality furniture house. so probably it helped a lot.
  15. well technically/officially they need to do. but if they will not do anything with the immigration then no need to do.
  16. you want to say 20 baht? well normally if you have a printer its kinda free... if you go to copy shop 1 page is between 2-5 baht
  17. the question is did you post it to the correct forum section.. what do you want to do.. what are you asking?! eyangwa?!
  18. ignore him. you dont need to wait for another post or report to make 1 extra copy dude.. seriously?! if they dont want they will give you back and you can use it next year...
  19. i dont think need to wait for another post to make 1 extra copy for my documents... lol its not going to hurt me... plus if they dont want the 2nd copy then i can use it next year... PS: this is thailand and we all know its full of surprises. Im also surprise someone go the IO without at least 1 extra copy of documents. And actually not go with some other extra paper work just in case. so you will carry a brown folder with full of paper 1 time in a year for you 1 year visa extension... whats the problem?!
  20. i thought you cannot use paypal in thailand if its not a business account. i have a friend who teaches online to chinese students and now he cannot do anything with paypal because he hasnt got business account paypal. so thailand blocked him. and he already lost 20K baht last month. now hes looking for a new option. Also paypal is not transferring his money to his new what ever hes using. so can you still pay things or use paypal in such a way? thanks
  21. i dont know about this situation but i dont think you can pay them directly. the mortgage is related to your wife and her ID and so on. most likely she has some app in her mobile and telling the payments and so on. at this point i would not trust you are paying them. in the future all can come to a point actually you didnt do any payment. i would check this UNLESS: your wife gave you the password to the bank app and you have the full ownership of the app. banks use app for the payment
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