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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. when we are doing our legendary defence of Bahmut
  2. A view from a russian trench.. liberated from orcs.
  3. A POW fighting for Russia.. or was fighting 🙂 now he can save his life at POW camp. he is from Kazakhistan And he is not a boy or child.
  4. Well.. first of all you are a person who will not accept anything but whatever you think is the truth.. and which is sad Second you are full of wrong information. Third when you see and understand that you are corrected or likewise you choose to change the topic with words or sentences. Im sorry im not doing that. I live in the reality. You couldnt say anything about my post or reply to you. You are talking like you are a man who doesnt respect other people's freedom. Or you dont respect what other people want. I have nothing to say to you anymore sir. I have seen a lot. And what makes me happy is that im here to stand strong against people like you. Ohh and trust me i could write a lot of thing which would put you in shame.. but sir, i wont. Because all people here including you yes including you knows that you are wrong. From now on.. i will not reply to your posts. I think i already replied you. This is my only wish to you: i realky wish that another country invade your country just because they can. And not kill your people.. rape your mother and daughter.. kill your surrended soldiers on the side.. destroy your houses.. use chemical weapons on you.. i hope no one stop you because you want to live in thailand.. i hope no one stops you for your free choices.. if anything hapoens like that.. remember your words 'choices are not really free' .. necause they have to sir... thats why i said not everyone can understand in my post.. Like i said.. i already answered your questions and i think i really ansewered them but you just trying not to accept it and changing it.. so i will not respond you anymore because after all my responds and your responds i honostly think that you are a troll sir.. Enjoy your free life in thailand
  5. There are 2 groups: paid and not paid. For your other comments: Tbh i really dont care NK or African soldiers are fighting for russia. And yes they are there. What i care and makes me happy that im fighting on the good side. We dont kill people for fun. We dont give them pain for fun. We dont hit civs for fun. Ukraine is a country which fighting for its own freedom and thats the bottom line. They didnt attack any other country.. its their own free choice to choose joining EU or NATO. Such as yourself.. it is your free choice to come to thailand and live. It is your free choice to do what you want.. simple as it is. I know many people cannot understand this or accept this. And yes arms busines is one of the biggest in the world. So there is no way to stop it. Sadly. I respect what you believe and how you think. But people need to relize at some pont that russia is not a normal country. This is like.. to defence dark side or light side.. one is a totally monster murderer and the other one is not. Simple as that PS: when i come back home i can say i saved people and help today.. but russians cannot.. thats enough 🙂
  6. actually there are some videos recorded by russian soldiers and posted on their blogs too. dont ask me to post i wont. i will never ever do a russian advertisement here or any where else
  7. To make it clear i am a alive eye witness that i saw NK equipment in Ukraine. i dont know about other parts but yes i saw them in Kurks, i clearly state that i took some NK things from dead russian bodies by myself or by other squad members. So anyone who is saying NK not sending anything is just.. well you name it. also i must add that i saw many latin alphabet written russian materials too. so some how they are still getting EU materials. about NK soldires. im pretty sure that i will fight against them when i get back in 2 weeks. After Ahmet and Kadirov battalion tiktoker jokers.. lets see about NK elite soldiers.. PS: you should see how Ahmedov and Kadirov soldiers running away. We even took some of them as POWs but i must say the new group arrived to kursk of russian soldiers are better. they also equipped real good. if you guys have any questions i can answer
  8. you gotta be kidding or you better. havent you seen the videos NK soldiers getting uniforms under russian flags? or other videos.. or you were closing your eyes at that time?
  9. Hi guys. im in bangkok now. I have 2 weeks for rest. i will get back and rejoin my unit in 2 weeks. lets have a beer together 🙂
  10. UPDATE: my unit is going to Kiev. it is our rest time. we have 2 weeks. i will go back to my home in thailand and come back again. will spend my break with my cats. see you bangkok soon. we are losing land at east Kursk slava ukraini!
  11. Thank you and thanks for the support..
  12. UPDATE: sadly no good news Orcs started some serious counter attack both from east and west side of kursk. Its very difficult to hold them now. they got back 1 or 2 villages already. We are waiting for supplies. some serious fight is coming in coming days. local russians dont want us to leave them behind. about POW situation. it is true that russians murder most of the POWs doesnt matter ukranian or international fighter. sometimes they dont because they also need prison exchange. another thing about ukranians... they hate russians well you can basically say since the 1648 rebellion of the cossacks against the polish–lithuanian commonwealth following russian conquest of the crimean khanate.. but i think no one needs a history lesson now. Slava Ukraini!
  13. UPDATE: sadly no good news Orcs started some serious counter attack both from east and west side of kursk. Its very difficult to hold them now. they got back 1 or 2 villages already. We are waiting for supplies. some serious fight is coming in coming days. local russians dont want us to leave them behind. about POW situation. it is true that russians murder most of the POWs doesnt matter ukranian or international fighter. sometimes they dont because they also need prison exchange. another thing about ukranians... they hate russians well you can basically say since the 1648 rebellion of the cossacks against the polish–lithuanian commonwealth following russian conquest of the crimean khanate.. but i think no one needs a history lesson now. Slava Ukraini!
  14. Very easy Donate to the right place instead of person. Thats all. You can be sure with youtube videos or websites. For example you can follow all donated money via website or youtube. People are showing how they give the drones or likewise. The links i posted are legit. And they are army websites. They are well known. Its obvious you didnt even click them but you made coment. Sad US is not sending money. They are sending weapons... ammo and likewise. This is something people confuse. That money they are helping is not the paper money you think.. it is in weapons.. guns.. ammo.. etc. That answers your question clearly.
  15. UPDATE from Kursk, so far we are holding against orcs attacks. i am sad that i dont have good news today. We are short of arty but still nothing serious. Ammo is not bad. We are allowed to carry 5 mags each which is more than russians. When i was in Bahmut we were only allowed to have 3 mags. Avdiivka 5 mags. 3 mags will be enough for only 30-40 min gun fight maybe little bit more. No food & water problem. we are still helping local civs. for the guys talking about russian war crimes: today we watched with our drone operator how russians killed our surrendered 3 great brave men.. they shot them in cold blood. RIP 2 georgian 1 colombian heroes. we got 3 POW today too. I am not sure but i think one of the russian POW was already wounded from his leg but sent back too soon. my squad's resting time is coming next week. We will be resting for 2 weeks. Im planning to come back to Thailand and rest at my home with my cats. Replacements will be here next week. EDIT: our drone operator told me that we bought 1 FPV observation drone with the donation coming from thailand. i dont know it is you or not.. but all i can say is... thank you.. i mean it. Слава Україні!
  16. UPDATE from Kursk, so far we are holding against orcs attacks. i am sad that i dont have good news today. We are short of arty but still nothing serious. Ammo is not bad. We are allowed to carry 5 mags each which is more than russians. When i was in Bahmut we were only allowed to have 3 mags. Avdiivka 5 mags. 3 mags will be enough for only 30-40 min gun fight maybe little bit more. No food & water problem. we are still helping local civs. for the guys talking about russian war crimes: today we watched with our drone operator how russians killed our surrendered 3 great brave men.. they shot them in cold blood. RIP 2 georgian 1 colombian heroes. we got 3 POW today too. I am not sure but i think one of the russian POW was already wounded from his leg but sent back too soon. my squad's resting time is coming next week. We will be resting for 2 weeks. Im planning to come back to Thailand and rest at my home with my cats. Replacements will be here next week. EDIT: our drone operator told me that we bought 1 FPV observation drone with the donation coming from thailand. i dont know it is you or not.. but all i can say is... thank you.. i mean it. Слава Україні!
  17. UPDATE: Hello from 3rd assault brigade 2nd foreigner storm unit we are holding our positions. We are fighting for the rest of the world! It is not easy. please understand us.. we are giving so much... it is not easy to be here.. please... help us.. help people who wants democracy.. who wants freedom.. who wants to choose freely they want to be with Europe but not with Russia.. feel that you helped us!!! feel happy with that feeling! everything helps... this is my brigade website: https://ab3.army/en/ and this is our drone team: https://terraops.info/ thank you! PS: we got another village in Kursk! PS2: we are again fighting with Wagner! Слава Україні!
  18. UPDATE: we are holding our positions. We are fighting for the rest of the world! It is not easy. please understand us.. we are giving so much... it is not easy to be here.. please... help us.. help people who wants democracy.. who wants freedom.. who wants to choose freely they want to be with Europe but not with Russia.. feel that you helped us!!! feel happy with that feeling! everything helps... this is my brigade website: https://ab3.army/en/ and this is our drone team: https://terraops.info/ PS: we got another village in Kursk today PS2: we are again fighting with Wagner! thank you! Слава Україні!
  19. Update: Magic happened! Well we defended the attack and we followed them.. we got another 2 villages. We were not expecting this either. Everything happened so fast. Finally again some good news.. Slava ukraini
  20. Update: Magic happened! Well we defended the attack and we followed them.. we got another 2 villages. We were not expecting this either. Everything happened so fast. Finally again some good news.. Slava ukraini
  21. UPDATE: so far we stopped their counter attack at all fronts in Kursk. I must say they lost a lot of people, tank, BMP and APC we got many POWs sadly we lost a lot too. my honest opinion is both sides cannot move any further. simply both sides dont have anything enough now. they are like zombies.. we totally clean a squad to the last man but the next day new meat wave is there.. sometimes we are very close to each other. we can hear their talking.. we already know some of their nicknames. Im sure its same for them too. both sides are using captured radios to confuse each other. sorry i cannot write more.. need to stop new counter attack happening right now.. radio said at least 2 tanks coming this way.. maybe i will post some old photos so there wont be any OPSEC problem.
  22. Update: It is safe to tell now without details. Orcs fall into our trap in all kursk front. They think we are withdrawing but actually we were encircled them. Basically we did very old.ottoman tactic.. its called Hilal tactic. Now there is only 1 group of orc left and still trying to attack the village but they will be encircled too in few hours.
  23. Update: It is safe to tell now without details. Orcs fall into our trap in all kursk front. They think we are withdrawing but actually we were encircled them. Basically we did very old.ottoman tactic.. its called Hilal tactic. Now there is only 1 group of orc left and still trying to attack the village but they will be encircled too in few hours.
  24. Thank you. Abd thanks again for your efforts and hard work
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