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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. Yes.. i know how you feel.
  2. Sorry to hear it man. This is my point. They sell oir info to scammers... sad
  3. Thats partly correct But a person with 12.000 thai baht salary working at a exchange office and have your phone number can sell it to a scammer. Easy money. Thats also a way. And this is the whole point of this topic.
  4. Well the whole point of this topic is to tell whatever info you give it may ended up at a scammer hand. Employees of these kind of places sell your phone number or info. He can get lot of info about you including your personal infos. He can scam you or not is another story. So heads up. But it seems... the topic is moving away. Anyway.. im done with this topic. Enjoy life guys
  5. Yes. She learned her lesson. Thnx
  6. Wow.. You know what.. i seriously want to appoligise from you. I mean it. Because im 44 years old and never ever met a person who is.. perfect. A person never made a mistake in his or her life. Sir you are my idol in this life. I adore you. I beg you to create a youtube channel or write a book to enlight us about being perfect in this life. I hope i satisfy your ego enough. Hope your happy. Im also very happy that you are so perfect that never bit scammer tricks. Or so perfect that you never ever did a mistake in your life sir. Btw.. the person they scammed is a lady from england age of 55. Just arrived thailand and decided to live here after staying 3 months. With all respect.. with the all information scammers know about her.. dude.. trust me you would piss yourself right there how they know so much. So.. just shut up pls. You made your point. Its obvious you are one of that guys know too much but.... lol Also its obvious you didnt understand my post or not read properly. Sadly here we have many ppl like you.. im great. I know all.. blah blah.. well we all know how it ends later... and how its sad You are ignored and i will not reply your posts anymore. Thnx
  7. you know that.. in many apps or PC installs you get that warning right? its a standart warning! so please stop trying to be smart guy. we all know these things. also please try to read the whole story. i said they know all info about you and i mean it. so at some point they convince you. so any way.. thats not the point. the point is to let people with the type of the scam.. so.. calm down man.
  8. well i photo my documents with my full resolution photo samsung phone which is 4K and it did accepted. was less then 2mb. i really dont think its the 2mb limit
  9. hi well i cannot say what wrong you are doing but yes you are doing something wrong. i did it a week ago and its was super easy. i suggest you check the locations of your files where you are uploading. i do remember you need to upload like 2 different places. i also named the files such as ID and housebook
  10. im not sure about 10pm.. i would say 4 pm?
  11. yes true
  12. dude.. you have no idea what you are talking about. no idea how softwares works.. so on! you are ignored. i suggest you to stay away from keyboard for a while
  13. few things here well you are talking about a youtuber... its their job.. to create a scene.. event.. content.. thats the first red flag for me. thats what i really hate about. tiktokers and youtubers. i was living in khon kaen are. my home was 45 km from khon kaen. it was 14 years ago and i swear that time there were no farangs in khon kaen at all. maybe 50 and thats all. 1 day i had to call the cops i will not give the reason why i called them.. they were on the scene in 30min which is seriously better then in many european cities. 1 day i had to call ambulance. same location. they where on the scene in 10min 1 day i had to call to police because of loud music in my muuban in bangkok.. and they were on the scene in 35 min. so far my experience with police is good.
  14. exactly
  15. yea. sorry about not giving more details. didnt think need more to say tbh. they send you a APK file with that line id. when you click that APK file it hack your phone
  16. well scammers pays money to people working in some companies which are taking your phone numbers. such as the money exchange thing starting with RICH... the guys working there are not getting enough salary OR its good to get some extra money. so.. why not give them some tel number.. lets say 1000 baht for 10 numbers.. how do i know.. i know
  17. lol and then what? freezing suspicious accs? cancel latest transactions? you are aware that transactions are in seconds... right? you are a joke
  18. you are so bull<deleted> they send you an app APK file when you click on it its done. no need to do any cover up in my post. its only shared to ppl know whats going on and inform. so obviously you are one of them.
  19. hi probably everyone already figured it out but wanted to mention and share. Sorry if this mentioned before. long story short where ever you write your number, most likely some employee there has some kind of agreement with scammers and give your phone number to them. they get paid per 10 phone numbers. 1) my friend scammed 20K from his bank acc + 50K from his credit card same time: - she just bought a new condo with the help of a bank. mortgage. 2 months later a lady called her and told her shes calling from tax office and she needs to pay tax for the house. now normally she wouldnt buy this trick. but the info they gave her was unbelievable. they even know the address, her IDs, all personnel infos you name it! told her to add official line id and check her info. she did the moment she added the line id they hacked the phone transfer 20K from her bank acc then 50K from credit card. she got the transfer money sms from the bank and yep she knew it.. she called the bank and explained all. the bank told her that the money transfered to CIMB bank ( i might remember the name wrong) she called the CIMB and they told her she needs to contact police. She did. police told her she has no proof and contact to her bank. she did. her bank told her she needs to contact CIMB. well you can see where it goes. no way to stop them... 2) i gave my number some places and the worst one was the famous money exchange office start with RICH... something i never do write my number for such things and that day i did. 1 day later i started to get scammer calls especially TikTok PR calls. then scam SMSs like 5 a day. 3) my friend had to write his number at a bank. the next day he started to get scam calls and SMSs. there is nothing to do. police dont do anything. banks dont do anything. dont write your number anywhere.
  20. well.. first police listens both sides and some eye witnesses. Then check he car's or bikes accident positions and check for the evidences such as tire brake tracks, etc. then decide about the result. few things effect the decision of course. or both sides calls their insurance companies and they talk and decide among them. bare in mind in Thailand the result comes with what they see. Dont waste your time explaining how it happened such as ohhh that car was coming on me so i had to do this or that. They wont listen. strongly advice you to buy a dashcam for car or bike. that also plays role in decision. most likely you will ended up paying some money anyway.
  21. Hi just wanted to do some update.. you care or not. me and my team is in south of bahmut. Klichivka its tough.. not same like Iraq.. Afghanistan things.. we are fighting against something stronger than us.. my team have azerbaijanis, georgians.. and brazilians. We lost some really good people. bless them.
  22. Thank you. And thank you for the support
  23. Good questions First i must say actually i was going last year but couldnt because of some personal reasons. I want to go because i think what russia doing is not fair. Like many things not fair in the world. And yes i did react and i act many things not fair in the past. Im full volunteer which means i will not get that 550 euro which normal foreigner volunteer gets or ukranian army member gets. So.. its free. But for your question.. yes i got really really good money from iraq and afghanistan. Ohh and from africa and mexico. I hate fight. I hate young people die. Thats why im going so other's kids will not go.. In this case i will be in UA Thanks
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