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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. Hi guys, Being in thailand for 17+ years. Working for Royal Thai Army. Im leaving thailand for 1 year contract under Ukrainian Foreign Legion in few days i will be LT and lead a foreign assault squad there. Just wanted to wish you guys great time and hope to see you in a year. i just wanted to say if i wrote anything made you feel sad.. or bad.. OR if i broke your heart.. sorry. see you.. PS: i willbe able to ONLY read my private messages
  2. so.. thai immigration doesnt issue it.. ok they dont let your embassy know? OR when 10000s people go to the embassy and tell them what the IO told them and they dont act? i think thats more problematic.
  3. just saying to bare in mind.. some IO's dont give this certificate. for example nonthaburi immigration doesnt give anymore. you need to get it from your embassy.
  4. OP just be sure your work permit is cancelled. Plus its not for your re-entry to country but its for your next work. If its not cancelled you will have lot of issues. then you have no risk at all.
  5. anyone who has a TR visa can change it to non-b IN thailand and can get work permit
  6. correction: your school is NOT responsible for cancel your work permit. It is your duty. Some schools or other work place do that just for boing nice. So you can kindly ask them to do that for you. If they dont do that it will make some problems with your next work. cancelling work permit at labor office is a 10min thing. normally your last day in thailand is the date written on the termination letter. im not sure if its still possible to ask IO to get 7 days and pay 1900 for that or not. If not you aill have 24 hours to leave the country. 24+1 is 500 baht per day.
  7. im not sure what you mean by 90 days stamping work permit. there is no such thing (dont know if its a must for some nationals). But this is the procedure for bangkok: -get your non-b visa -get your work permit from labor office -extend your non-b for a year at immigration for the next year if same work: -extend your work permit at labor office for the next year -extend your visa for another year
  8. I see.. Well sadly it seems theres no way to prove. Unless... do you think you can ask to see cctv cams in the shop? Im pretty sure they have cctv every where. Probably they will refuse to show without any court order but worth to try to ask. Again.. hope you can find a solution. Sorry
  9. my experience and also things i heard from other people about this kinda story is actually different. if you took it to service at an authorized service center accidents or likewise things are really rare. especially for bikes. you also mentioned about a changed part. most authorized services give you the changed part. do you have it? btw sorry about my english but by authorized service do you mean like.. for example you have honda did you go to HONDA? the things other service explained to you make me believe you didnt take it to HONDA. but like another big service place? the errors you are mentioning are serious and yes we know thailand but easy to prove that they made a mistake. the problem is time here. how long is it the light warning started since your service? because the other service told you the valve setting is not correct which you should understand it not too long. and the bike should warn you no too long too. you should not take it to other service but to the same service because now the first service will not accept any paper work from them. now i know its funny to you but.. have some questions.. are you sure you didnt dropped the bike when you are drunk? or anything like that? because the things you describe can be only in fast driving accidents. not small hits or drops when changing oil.. i dont think they take the bike for a test ride like cars. i hope you can solve the problem
  10. hi interesting enough before reading this post i have 2 people having the same issue around me. 1 is a little kid. having fever and vomit. Nothing serious tho. stayed at hospital for 2 days typical thai docs.. gave her bunch of medicines and 12K bill.. she has nothing at all now 2 teenager. family thought he got a cold. stayed at home 2 3 days went to hospital. family told hospital its ok he will be fine.. 5th day he has nothing. about the vaccine.. i dont see why not.
  11. well im not sure tbh but my TM30 is in nonthaburi but i think my first 90 days at CW immigration when im getting my non-b extension. and this is the website im using: https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=1666 thanks
  12. i would check it. its cooler might broken or its fan. also yes try to put it somewhere with airflow and at least 5-6cm away from walls
  13. did online. submitted 4, sunday evening got it 6, wednesday morning. luckily never had a problem with online.
  14. Any moderator please close the topic. The answer is obvious. Thank you
  15. im planning to go to my non-b visa extension at changwattana this friday. Queue for my section is full at least 2-3 months. so do you think i can get 90 days report queue and just try to do my visa extension? im asking because i remember they just asked me to sign my name from the list.. didnt check anything. and did my visa extension. If its still like that im planning to get a queue from 90 days. Or get queue from extension non-o thai wife? PS: do you think the counter number will be different and my name will not be on the list where i did last year (counter) but it seems to me all online appointments are going to the same counter i got queue from thai wife extension. counter L it says No: 29 / 32 i think last year it was N so.. counters are different maybe? thanks
  16. yes i agree with you and told that to my friend. Only scam part is the person is not the person she introduced her self. For example she said that her occupation is a nurse and need money to get back to thailand (again she is not a thai national but living in thailand) so my friend offered her the plane ticket. At first she didnt accept and my friend insisted then she accepted. So the scam part is only about her job and i dont think its a crime to.. tell a lie about your job.
  17. thanks for your post. my friend asked danish police and they told him to make a complain. tho i dont think anything will come up. I think they told him that jsut because they had to because of their work.
  18. Offered as a gift. My friend contacted with danish police and they told him there is no limit for scam money. And ask him to go to office and make a complain. But as you said how good they will follow it up. Also im pretty sure they told him to make a complain because they cannot say not worth the efford Thanks fkr your reply
  19. thanks for the answer and your time for explaining. So it seems.. the amount of money is enough but its like a dead end.
  20. Well.. basically she said she needs to go back to thailand (shes not a thai national).. and said she hasnt got the money to buy the ticket. Important detail is she never asked money. Only accepted when offered. Well turned out shes in thailand but was too late money already transfered. Also it turned out her job and so on was all not real. But again its confirmed that her address.. name.. phone are all real. And.. dont know will affect or not but the person who sent the money is medium level celebrty in denmark (in TV area)
  21. Hello. I was wondering how much money is enough for the police to start a scam investigation in Denmark. 3500 DKK (500 usd) (18.500 thai baht) transfered to thailand from denmark. Is this amount enough to start for the police? Also how the procedure (steps) works? Have all the true info of the person in thailand (she is not thai). Name.. address.. phone no. Confirmed. Basically this person turned out to be NOT the person she showed / introduce herself. Is it worth to report to danish police about this? Or contact thai police? Thanks
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