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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. works for both of course. i think you can download it from the immigration website. i checked playstore but couldnt find it. its called 'section38' or 'น.38'
  2. hi probably it depends on the work. For me all i need is my own documents (passport / academic degree / TM30 / 90 days and my military past documents) and documents from the work i would say nothing more than 5-6 pages.
  3. now it seems you are not living in thailand and want to enter thailand time to time for a few months and live in your country for another few months. if this is correct: i would get a multi non-o because you will not use it like abusive way they wont say anything to you and let you use it. What i mean is.. you will come here and stay 2 months and you will come back again another 2-3 months later. you wont leave and come back in the same time. no need to worry. get a multi non-o. when they see time between your leaving and entry they will understand your not abusing the visa. and they wont even ask you questions. this is exactly how my friend working off shore doing.
  4. are you getting the non-b outside of Thailand? if so there is no way you can get the work permit before the visa. changwattana is asking documents from the work place before work permit. Work permit wants visa extension first. well of course it will be 40K up because you are using a lawyer which is actually 3100 baht for the work permit and 1900 for the visa extension. New non-b is 3000 baht. i would go and do everything by myself. no need a lawyer for 8K thing and pay 40K lol plus you need to be there personally to extend the visa and get a new non-b visa. the numbers you are talking about... have no idea where you get them or who told you. new non-b 3000 baht + extension 1900 baht + 3100 work permit = 8K
  5. did you register yourself as the owner when doing online? if so.. well.. no need to think too much if not, then did you add copies of the house book and owner ID? i would do it via mobile app. its really easy and in english too. try that way. screenshot every step. i did my tm30 via mobile app by myself. the only problem took time was my passport. it took some time that the program recognize it.
  6. i have many teacher friends so i know many problems they are having at a school. i hope im wrong but it seems to me it might be a good idea not to work at that school. The first reason is think what they can demand in the future if they dont even want you to go to do your visa just for 2 days. Thats non-sense. Plus they should know how getting the visa works. I have a feeling this school will do things you wont be happy in the future. Do they pay your visa and work permit? that might be another reason why they dont want you to do in another country. good luck
  7. his username is turkish but it means engineer in english... so i would try his way.. lol
  8. no product can do that. there are some ways or products will show better but they wont do the magic. my old car was in the same situation (ford focus 12 yrs old). so i really know what you are talking about and what you need or want to do. you need a new repaint. and to be honest you need to find a good garage to do that. if you live in bangkok and if you want to do that contact me i will give you the info where i did my car. they did it really good and really reasonable price (im so surprised). they made the color really the best close to the original (most garage cannot do) even the electronic color change reader gave very close numbers which means almost original.
  9. krugthai bank is the real thai government bank. so its very reasonable to use the bank. and yes you need a krungthai bank account to cash the check and again it makes a lot of sense. no bank take your money to open a bank account. as mentioned before you can deposit money. but you will pay yearly something around 500-700 baht for your ATM card. up to the ATM card you chose when you are opening your account. ATM cards are different based on their insurance on you and the amount you can use on them. it doesnt take 1 hour to open a bank account. My longest one was 20min and its just because of some mistake bank made. if you are going to throw away your tax return for not wasting your 10 min... its your choice. if you are working and living in thailand i think you must have at least 1 krungthai bank account for sure.
  10. yes its possible. all the new teacher or them need is that the new school prepare all the documents for the visa the same day new teacher or them quit from the old job. there are many things the teacher or them must consider. - contract with the school the teacher or them are working now. it says both sides must notify in 2 months? i write this because from your post it seems to me things are like must be as soon as possible. In most cases this is not that important but if its middle of the semester and the school has no other teacher to replace this might create some serious problems. - what is the reason the new school doesnt want them to leave the country?! starting immediately doesnt sound like a reasonable request for this because to get a new non-b takes only 2 days max. but some nationalities must go back to their own country to get a new non-b. - the teacher must bare in mind that the last day of his visa and staying in thailand is the date on the job termination letter provided by the old school. - for the another province its still possible. i have a friend who was working in udon thani and moved to bangkok and didnt leave the country. same situation with the OP. i think he got a document from udon thani immigration explaining the situation (i suggest he provides all the documents from the new school to the immigration where ever he is now) when hes doing everything at bangkok immigration, bangkok immigration also called udon thai immigration and confirmed all things. He contacted with both immigration before doing everything. He was from india so it was very difficult for him. good luck and please update
  11. So is it like there is no law on this? I mean the manager can post that pics without bluring the plates... ok thanks
  12. so the muuban manager where im living at the moment posted some of the wrong parked cars into our muuban line group, and kindly warned them to move or park another place. then one of the car owner said that he should blur the number plates of the cars because its violating some kind of human rights or privacy law.. something like that. so i was wondering if he was right or not. Or in what cases we should blur the number plate. What about the case i told you.. thanks
  13. first of all im not sure if this is correct place to post if not please move it, thank you. so i use grap for food sometimes. it is expensive but great when im lazy to go out and buy food. But never tried grap taxi thing. but i heard its really cheap. so... decided to try just to see. my place and the place i want to go is 400-450 baht with taxi. I checked with grap and it was 650 baht. i was wow 250 baht. of course didnt use the service. first time and will never use it. then checked BOLT (im not sure if writing the name correct) its another taxi service app. well it has options too like grap but there is also high demand times so the price is higher thing!! also if there is traffic jam where you are going to they immediately cancel your drive and cannot find any other drive. Totally non-sense taxi service. well i never used taxi services and i tried.. well checked.. i will never. you have any good or bad experience?
  14. what a loser.. he needed to post about banana lady & 100 baht story. next time i will buy banana for you. dont cry EDIT: when i read the title, i think it was about a ladyboy
  15. another idiotic post from the same OP talking about bad smelling technicians.. dude you really have some issues in your life..
  16. maybe not everyone is hiso like you or maybe cannot effort and buy like you... totally a nonsense post i think.. EDIT: i had some people come to fix my things. including 3BB internet or some pipes. I will be very honest with you, some of them smell better than many farangs you can find at sukhumvit or pattaya..
  17. very confused options: 1) you guys are in USA and waiting for her K1 to come to thailand but meanwhile you guys want to come to thailand while shes waiting for the K1? 2) you guys are in thailand and she is waiting for K1 visa and you are asking if you can stay with her? 3) you guys are in thailand and you are asking you guys can travel? well if you guys are in thailand i dont thing there is any rule or law says you guys cannot stay together in thailand.. thats the whole point being GF and BF now if you guys are in the USA, im very sure that if shes waiting for green card she cannot leave the country for 2.5 years. she can work. Im not sure if this is the same thing for the visa. i wouldnt risk it just wait for the visa. if you guys in thailand and want to travel yes sure just dont miss the interview day.
  18. suggestions: talk to the shop owner and prove that the phone is yours. this is easy if they still not hacked it because you can use the pin code to open it. You said you called them already so it means they are aware of the situation which means they shouldnt hack it. Tell him you want it back. Most likely he will ask that 2500 baht back. If hes really a nice person he will give it to you for free. here you have options. you can try to bargain with him some middle way payment or pay him fully or tell him you will go to the police and do the report. I would chose second one. Go to the shop with a very polite and friendly face. keep saying thank you thank you.. Just offer them 1500 baht as a thank they found your phone. They also know its illegal to buy stolen item. now.. if they hack the phone it means it will be 70% gone. it wont be easy for you to prove its your unless you have the receive of the product. Because in the documents of the product has the phone codes. so you can prove again. If you dont have them.. i would say its almost impossible after hack. well.. last hope option is go to the police and make a report and tell them you know where it is. Go with the cops prove the phone is yours (use your pin to open or documentation). There are few options there with the police for you. if you want justice, report the shop as well. because again its illegal to buy a stolen item.
  19. i would... stop giving my truck to him maybe?!
  20. well thai government not shocked only them but me too. i never paid this much high bill (last 2 months) for 17 years in thailand...
  21. just a quick head up for KK IO when i went there for monthly income extension the very first thing she asked me to show me the income more than 40K baht in yearly bank report.. She gave me a yellow mark pen and asked me to highlight all 40Ks and dates so if you dont want to waste your 30min to find every 40K while shes looking at your face like hurry up i suggest you to do that before going there. But up to you there is also a chance she will ask you why did you do that.. lol Also she noticed that and asked me why my salary not come to the bank on the same day of the month. I told her its always the last 4 days of the month.. like yours kap.. she said ok.
  22. they send an email with PDF file. but there is no signature.. no stamp on it.
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