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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. Irrespective of whether or not lease agreements allow it many people are doing it, no licenses, no permits, no legal rights to do so on tourist, education visas. 

    Rental agencies are actively encouraging renters to lease for "homestay" knowing full well it is generally against the law in some shape or form here.

    Most of the online providers have a caveat asking if those placing the ads for homestay have the rights to do so, simply a yes is acceptable! No additional checks. 

    Once the property is on the online providers website it is almost impossible to get it removed.

    If immigration ever wanted to make a killing in terms of fines this is a golden opportunity, I don't see them missing out for too long.

    All that said I have no problem with the "homestay" concept, simply do it it legally, not a difficult thing to do.

    How would they the platforms prevent it?

    As a host they are very stringent in checking out who the actuall host is but I Don't know any way they can check for subletting.

    To expect the host to retrieve the property deeds from the lawyers office is a bit much and they would all be in different languages across the globe [emoji273]


    I think it's fair they provide the platform and that's why fines are in place in Thailand against the host and not air bnb.


    I only rent 30 days and I will report a tenant to juristic if I suspect it's short stay as the practice is banned in our building.


  2. Very serious.
    You could perhaps rent my house and then put it on any of the online sites, AirBnb, Agoda, Booking, etc etc. and advertise as a hotel.
    They make no checks to see if you even have the rights to do this, local laws have nothing to do with it.
    I am very familiar with what is happening here at the moment, the main movers are the Chinese, here on tourist, education visas etc simply renting a couple of houses/ apartments advertising the them via the likes of QQ, WeChat, Weisin as homestay no need for the likes of AirBnb. No reporting so no records unless the neighbors complain and then unlikely to cause any waves.
    I see your point however most leases prevent the tenant to sub let the entire premises so that is between the tenant and the owner and not air bnb or agoda.

  3. Does this mean that the Thai government will allow AirBNB short term rentals again?  Because here in the south there has been a crackdown on daily rentals.   
    So if the rent is less than 1 month it's not allowed.   
    They may as well. Air bnb is an unstoppable force sweeping the globe and Thailand although why anybody would want to rent there condo out nightly is beyond me.. Air bnb customers are needy and expect extra service and 24 hour contact.

    Air bnb are very smart and generous. They offer hosts a 4k cash bonus if they recommend another host and that host gets a booking even if it's only one night.

    I have recommend 5 so far so a nice little bonus and it insures their platform continues to grow
  4. I doubt if 5% of AirBNB /Booking/ Agoda etc type of home/apartment rentals are operating legally including the foreign operators who in many cases are also illegally operating without correct visas, no wonder legal operations are pissed off.
    There is no control/ checks whatsoever by the companies providing the platforms to rent out the properties and the police and immigration seem to not care at all.
    You expect the companies to be up to date with the constantly changing laws the world over? Not only countries but also states within countries!

    You can't be serious
  5. We live in a nice little low-rise apt of three apt blocks. Electric and water were decreased but a b300 general services was tagged in monthly. We save about B150 from prior with a combined utility bill 1200-1750 depending. Now maxes about 15-1600. Nice place but office staff lazy af. Of course 300 is not in contract but we've been m2m for years.
    When asked about the 300 said is was for grounds and lift. I asked then why higher floors were more expensive, the electric was included in the rent. She shrugged.
    It's still good value but we are looking for a condo to buy when the market softens further.
    What market is softening? BKK keeps jumping in multiples including the finished Q condo adjoining Nana bts in a red light DISTRICT For 1 to 5 million... USA DOLLARS!!

    I still have friends waiting for the baht to crash and the bubble to burst from 15 years ago when I bought in lower Sukhumvit... Needles to say they are still renting

    Don't listen to the nonsense spewed here by folks without 2 satang to rub together

    Just some friendly advice.. BKK market will govern to a certain degree where the market is heading
  6. Not the only reason. For the last year and a half I lived in LOS because I liked my life there, even though I rarely went in a bar and never had a woman during that time. Just being warm all the time and having no hassles with owning a car were enough. 
    When I first discovered LOS, I admit that the wimmin were the attraction, after living in a country where to get a decent looking GF one had to have a very full wallet, and over 30- forgetaboudit.
    Your honesty is refreshing. When we all first got here most of us were as happy as a dog with 2 dicks. Eventually the monotonous drone of the bar girl qualifying questions got annoying and paying for sex got less exciting.

    Throw in the need for good medical cover which let's face it most (not all) don't have and the time eventually arrives when it's time to go home
    • Like 2
  7. The ranking by Master Card states Bangkok is the most visited destination, which is probably based on airport arrivals. It does not say anything like most popular destination nor that all these arriving people will stay here. It was base on hotel occupancy which means everyone frequenting a short time hotel is in the stats.

    . It's based on a 5 day stay which is an average of between 1 year and 1 night!


    Never met anyone who stayed 5 days at an airport!




    You sound like my Airbnb support rep. Literally, 25 emails trying to work out a financial compromise for an unhappy customer that thought (knows) he got screwed. 
    I'm not going into details because it would be too tedious and painful. It was a week of Airbnb hell. I was ripped off by my Airbnb host.  
    I'm going to contest the charge with my Visa. It might work. I'm also sending an email to the management of the building. The host told me not to tell the building I was an Airbnb customer. Obviously, condo owners aren't supposed to rent out their units but I'm looking to make life as miserable as I can for the people who screwed me. I told them I was going to file a police report for fraud. Can't be bothered. 
    The listing now has a price half of what I paid and features the correct studio. They changed the unit they advertised. I asked for a credit of $135. Rather than compromise with an extremely unhappy customer, they chose to stonewall. That pissed me off.  
    I have a history of renting with Airbnb with no problems. When I ran into a problem, Airbnb refused to support or help compromise between host and renter.  
    A big middle finger salute to Airbnb.
    You avoided the question of time stamp.

    You book at 10am they change from a penthouse to a studio at 10.03 am

    It's TIME STAMPED. You would have got a refund.

    No offense but you screwed up somewhere and that's why air bnb did not side with you.

    I'm guessing that's why you are being cagey on details.
  9. I just had the worst experience with an Airbnb rental. Instead of a luxury one bedroom condo, it was a postage sized studio. We checked out of the place the next morning instead of staying 3 more days. They would not admit they had changed the listing and would not return my money. Complete lack of support from Airbnb. 25 emails back and forth. I will NEVER use Airbnb again. You can get the same listings from Booking or Agoda without the service and cleaning fees. 


    That would be extremely unlikely. Something is missing in your story. Can you provide the air bnb link to that property?


    Luxury has nothing to do with condo size. The room could be decked out in Versace and be 10 sqm.. Perhaps Next time ask about room size BEFORE you book?


    By the way all listing changes are time stamped for obvious reasons .. So has nothing to do with "not admitting it"


    I change one word on my listing and I get an instant email saying you made changes


    Sorry but Something off with your story

  10. Where do you get the idea that Canada is dirt cheap? I love in Canada 1/2, as do my brothers and sisters.  At 2000$ a month you are a pauper in Canada. The only real benefit is having medical. There are not that many perks for being over 65. My mother and her husband make 3000 a month between them and they are in their 70s/80s. They can't afford to go to movies, or for dinner, travel, or much else. They lost their home years ago when the bank foreclosed on them. Their rent is almost 1/2 their income. The cost of food here is outrageous and the over 65 perks are minimal... First you have to be able to afford them to take advantage of them. 
    My mortgage in Thailand 250, my brothers mortgage in Cranbrook 1200. 
    Our monthly grocery bill in Thailand 150-200 for 2, the average my brothers and sisters pay in Canada is 500-700 for 2 a month, depending on how much healthy food you want. 
    Our utilities in Thailand come to about 80 a month, with air, for a 3 bedroom townhouse. My sister pays 80 a month just for electricity in a 2 bedroom house. Cable and Internet cost her 150, gas averages to 70 a month, and her cell phone is 75 a month, basic plan. 
    All numbers in Canadian dollars. 
    I have friends in canads who are struggling to live making 100000 a year because the cost of living in Canada is so high. My wife and I live a very good life here in Thailand on 35000 baht a month, and we save money. 
    Oh yes... Can't forget this... Medical... I pay 1700 baht a month. But then I told the insurance company I did not want a private room, that the provincial public hospitals were fine with me, and I did not care if noone spoke English. Their quote went from 4800 baht down to 1700 baht a month by doing that. 
    That's funny. Please tell us which insurance accepts 1700 baht a month at your age? You talking accident or medical?
    • Confused 1
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