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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. When my neighbor in a small village burns the leaves and the wind is blowing toward my house, that is burning season...
    as to CM... for me, it is only ugly for a brief period in March... others are much more sensitive. I had a friend deeply complaining about bad air - 1 hour out of CM - I looked out my window and had a perfectly clear view of Doi Suthep... I'm not sure where this guy can live... but pretty much all cities have some pollution problems at times...
    An air purifier can be bought cheaper these days on lazada. I have a 4 filter one that handles the smog on bangkok and they do really work. The second I drop oil into the frying pan the damn thing ramps up to the highest fan speed making a racket but it does the job

    I've often wondered why CM expats don't use them
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. TOUR OPERATORS cried foul yesterday and sought help from authorities

    So sad that I am not a Thai national and allowed to participate in the travel business. Exploit something until it is completely destroyed and depleted and then ask the government for help.
    They really live in a parallel Universum called Thailand...

    If I were the government I would tell them the truth and nothing but the truth. That they didn't listen to the warnings and recommendations from the national park management so now it is their very own fault and problem that they do not have any income now.
    They can go back to their farms. Always work needed there
    • Like 1
  3. Part of my point.


    Why would you want to raise your kids in one of the worst educational systems in the world?


    Thai is a language and education that is useless outside of Thailand.


    Young families that are working, getting older every year and have no avenue to a pension or anything else for their future.



    It's called poor parenting. Greedy fathers putting themselves first instead of doing everything they can to relocate to 1st world and give their kids a real shot at life!




  4. You misquote me. I didn't say he contributed nothing. I said he contributed to the publicity of his own inflated opinion of himself. Conversation closed; I am flogging a dead horse with this discussion.
    Your obviously a blue collar worker. You never saw the need for promotional work.
    If your the head of that department you absolutely must look confident and beam for the camera.
    I retired at 42 after having a high profile marketing company for nearly 20 years

    I get it.. You don't. Conversation over

    • Like 1
  5. Thank you for agreeing with me. And being such a modest man he does rather an excellent job of promoting himself rather than those who get their hands dirty. Rather like someone else we all know.
    It's exactly what the RTP need. I'm sure the lazy thieving bib would rather not have the light shining on them. Much easier for them to just stay under the radar

    You don't understand the power of promotion.

    And you can't say that he has contributed nothing because you could never know
  6. I don’t know many Thai police officers who would say no to a photo op. I’d rather they concentrated on doing their jobs and not the accolades. 
    He has the power to generate motivation. When he walks into a station I'm pretty sure the phones get turned off pretty quick.

    Strange it's fine to have a promotional face for the police in first world but dare to do it in Thailand and there must be underlying dark forces behind it. Just another form of endlessly thai bashing
  7. Does your intelligence allow you to believe that it is actually Big Fake himself who goes out and nails these villains. If so, you are either extremely naive or s..... or both.
    He is just there to take the glory and make the PM look good. Open your eyes and mind.
    He is not sitting on his Arse but actually WORKING whatever his role. It doesn't matter if it's promotional or not its never a bad thing. Every country has a promotional face of its police force.

    If your suggesting he has never made a bust then me thinks you may be the s.... One
    • Like 2
  8. For me, too many foreigners is a big part of why I've never considered Chiang Mai.
    I've always believed that when a place gets too touristy or has too large of an expat population that the level of interaction with the locals goes down because everyone assumes you're hanging out with other foreigners. Also, everyone starts speaking English to you no matter how good your Thai is. I like living in an area where foreigners are few and far between and most people don't speak English. But I can see how CM would have a big appeal if you value the social support of a large expat community and more of the conveniences of back home.
    Exactly my experience. It felt more like I was in Europe than Thailand and was surprised to see a lot of women retirees as well. I didn't actual mind it as I far prefer the company of my own people
    • Like 1
  9. I'm in Thailand because I have a Thai child, and everything here is free for him.
    10 years back Vietnam wasn't as developed or accessible as it is now.
    10 years back I could get a 1 year VISA for Thailand with no financials.
    Thailand has changed for the worse.
    Vietnam has changed for the better.
    For someone starting fresh, it's way better than Thailand now.
    Funny that. When you ask people who recommended another country why they don't go there to live themselves there is ALWAYS an excuse.

    Wife, GF, property, kids.. You name it. But the real truth is even though they have grown tired of thailand they have no intention to ever leave
    • Like 1
       Yes, I do prefer the quiet life .
    Maybe thats because I am quiet .
    I take it that you are quite noisy and this enjoy noisy Bangkok
    Are you a partyman ?
    Out clubbing and dancing most nights until the early hours ?
    Life  & soul of the party ?
    What is wrong with you? Your being childish
  11. Seemingly, the entire country needs work in this area, and I've been around before you ask.
    Agreed. Are they finally seeing past their belief system that the disabled [emoji708] must have done something bad in their previous life and karma is now to blame?

    You never see old people on the bts in bangkok because the escalators only go up and the newly installed lifts all only go to concourse level
    • Sad 1
       What does BKK have that CM doesnt have ?
    Summed up in a few words.

    It has atmosphere, it's vibrant, pulsating, Alive, cosmopolitan.. Everything that chiang mai, gods waiting room isn't.
    • Haha 2
  13. I have been here 10 years, and I can't think of any other city I would rather live in.  We live on the "outskirts" east of the city, and haven't had the smoke problem in our area in the past 7 or eight years.  


    I find that CM has everything BKK has, but at much lower prices, and no where near the crime.  


    We live in an extremely quiet, middle class moo bahn with most 2 story houses in the 3-5 million baht range.  On our soi, everyone is in bed before 9:00.  Couple of houses have small kids, but they aren't out running the streets, yelling & screaming.  


    For 6 years I took motorcycle trips all over the North, Northeast, and Central Thailand, and have yet to find a city I would prefer over CM.  Overall, the people are much friendlier and accommodating.  


    CM city is getting worse on the traffic at certain hour of the day, but if you look close, you'll see a good one-fourth of the cars sporting license plates from BKK.  And with the upgrades to the airport, now you never have to go to BKK for a flight any where you want to go.


    My only complaint: Too damn many farangs moving here. lol


    "I find that CM has everything BKK has"




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