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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. You might be the only person I have ever heard about who has a Thai wife who wanted to stay in Pattaya.  Most want to leave big time.
    Why is that?  She have friends or family in town? 
    I think CM far out weighs Pattaya as a retirement venue.  Much much better quality of life and I think the people are much more low key, less deperate and friendlier. 
    My GF also loves Pattaya but we live in BKK. Everything is so easy. Street food everywhere, baht buses, central world and soon t21 and koh larn is 30 mins and 30 baht, nightlife, cheap drinks, tons of resteraunts .. What's not to like?

    I never saw a happy hour in CM. What's up with that?
  2. Can your wife pay to play?

    Sure as long as it goes no further than what I do in go go bars these days the girl gives me rub while I play with her


    If she goes further then as long as I don't know..


    A good mate was a stripper on the gold coast in oz. He knew most of the girls in the private shows, many with a BF or a hubby. He tells me even the shy girls would give it a stroke when he pulled it out and a few would do a bit of oral


    End of the show if it was the last for the night there would occasionally be one to take the money shot.


    End of the day even your "good girl" wife may play up when the chiseled dude strips .. Non of us woukd know


    I speak of oz though. I wasn't aware there were straight strippers for ladies in Thailand.


  3. Is she allowed to give BJs? The OP is talking about Oral pleasures. Other issues are money. The OP talks about spending money on professional sex workers. Would he accept his wife going to gigilo bars and toy boy bars and paying men for sex or it it make him feel inadequate and maybe leave a nasty taste in his mouth?
    As long as she brushes her teeth when she gets home.

    Strangely I don't really see oral as cheating. I've done it in go go bars years ago and went back home to my partner without giving a second thought to what occurred
    • Sad 1
  4. Nirun is kind of a dump.  Would be like living in a ghetto.  Only thing good about it is the price.  I know some people who don't seem to mind it but I could never see myself living there.
    When you read hundreds of posts saying don't buy because rent is so cheap here. There actually talking about places like that dump!

    What a way to live out your golden years [emoji24]
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    Please do.  Renters are so stupid for renting after all.  They should be buying from you instead...amirite?  Clearly your opinion is without bias.  You only posted 4 of these stupid things [emoji23] after all.  Not a sign of any over reaction and emotional bias there, nope
    [emoji106] Thumbs up PLEASE keeps renting
    I'm with you brother. I'm in Your side... Trust me
  6. Tough words! Big Fake won't be going after anyone that's for sure. That will be the responsibility of those at the coal face who do his dirty work for him which is fair enough. 

    All that BF will be going after is the publicity for himself later in front of his signature heavy duty vinyl banner plus as many media people with cameras he can invite along. 

    Most other Ministers seem to get on and do their jobs without all this self glorification and media hoopla nonsense. What makes him so special?

    "Most other Ministers seem to get on and do their jobs "



  7. Yea yea sure.  Everyone makes money buying and selling condos.  Just sign on the dotted line and worry about the details later.  Fools and their money.  
    What the market will bear?  More like musical chairs and make sure to sell before the music stops.  Take the base for example.  Bet a lot of those people who bought sea views weren't expecting another building to go up between them and their sea view.  At least it's off to the side so a lot of condos probably won't be affect too much.  Unlike other horror stories like that big stink that happened in Jomtien a few years ago.  As I recall a building went up right in front of the other building ruining everyone's sea view, even though there was supposedly some guarantee that no high rise would ever go up in front of the other one.  But TiT so nothing is guaranteed.
    You give 2 examples and apply a broad brush against the whole condo market

    Snap out of it! But the more renters out there convincing more to rent is working for the landlord wealth creation

    I'm tempted to give your post a thumbs up [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
    • Like 1
  8. Wha, i agree with Cadbury and i retired at 41 after having 2 high profile marketing companies for just over 20 years.
    I am therefore more right than you, you lose! Conversation over unless you want to tell me how much money you have and how fast your car can go, so i can compare that to what i have and then we determine who is right.
    You couldn't have been to successful if you can't proof read.

    I was replying to his "conversation closed" comment

    • Confused 1
    I wonder how married farang who regularly / ever pay around would react to find out their wife (in Thailand or anywhere), goes regularly to pubs and clubs where handsome hot young Thai men are readily available for money*?
    *And there are plenty of these venues in Bkk, Pattaya, Phuket and most regional centres.
    I always allowed GF's or wives to go to hens nights or clubs with the girls where there were male strippers.

    So what if she gives the guy a few strokes?
    He isn't going to chase her for a relationship over it and she gets to feel a bit naughty
    I'm wondering what purpose does this law services? As I explained earlier, it's technically not that difficult to execute destruct the sensitive data, if need be. It's also possible to do in the way that the inspector doesn't notice there ever was any data.
    MNC business travellers possible carry with them access to data which is potentially worth of billions and are hopefully educated not to give it to foreign officials. Leaks do happen. 
    So who are they going to catch with this law? Petty criminals with records of their acts, pedophiles with photos of their acts, extremely stupid bankers with criminating financial records with them, similarly stupid extremists who wish to detonate themselves in a crowd?
     While this law might be targeted to those groups, the reality of it is, the rest of the population suffers. "I'd like to take a sexy photo of my wife, during our wonderful honeymoon, but why risk it? The photo could become viral in a Line Group of 'investigators' " 
     While that is still, at the moment, hopefully stretching the reality in the more restricted world, is it so far from the reality for example in Thailand, Philippines or Indonesia?
    There is much more to privacy and to the right to be anonymous, than what is actually observed. The feeling of being observed, matters. 
    But this is more of philosophy than real life, right?
    What's the big deal. They ask you give. They are not going to spend hours on financial forensics but they are looking for kiddy porn. What's the problem with that?

    They won't catch the IT expert but there are plenty of stupid pedos to nab a few
  11. Too many posters on this forum looking down on Thais and the Thai way of life.
    I think they have it right, and we western people have it wrong (which is one of the reasons I'm here).
    Family is important, money not so.
    Many of you would be better off returning to your home countries where things are more to your liking.
    I don't have a problem with thais. I have a problem with farang extracting money from there kids thai style.

    How do losers end up peeing every bean against the wall after 40 years of working and breed to create an income thai style?

    Please do not misquote me!
  12. I paid 1.7Mbht for my 3 bed/3 shower modern house, 90% home loan 1.5Mbht, repayments 11kbht/month. Secured against a wage of 25k/month (6 payslips required). About 12KM from the centre of Chiang Mai.

    Plenty of cheaper houses around between 1M-1.5Mbht, or you can buy a plot for 400k and build your own as many young Thais do.


    Hardly in the middle of nowhere, my daughter had about 5 universities to choose from within 15Km

    My son's school is 1Km down the road, all the local teachers send their kids there (which is why he goes there).

    Why wouldn't I want my children to live like all my middle-class Thai neighbour's children?






  13. I expect my children to share whatever they have with me when I am old.
    Same as I shared whatever I had with them when they were young.
    Same as all the Thais around me do now and my parents and my grandparents did before.
    Well I hope for your kids sakes they are boys and not girls. A girl who didn't Excell in the thai education system on a lowly wage will feel enormous pressure to take on a part time income that I really don't want to talk about.

    Good luck to your family sir.
    • Like 1
    I remember my elderly grandmother in the UK spending half her life with my parents, half her life with my aunt's family in the 1960s. It was considered normal, and now just 50 years later westerners insult people who still think elderly parents should still be cared for by their children. I used to look forward to the 6 months Gran came to live with us.
    How callous and cold and selfish western people have become.
    It's a true sign that modern western civilisation is worthless.
    Nothing wrong with taking care of your parents on 150k usd a year.
    I helped my mother with a credit card linked to my business account.

    But we are in Thailand. How much do you think your kids can help you?

    Your in lala land. Stop thinking like a thai that can actually live on 7k a month. This is not you
  15. You're joking right, the west is full of kids with degrees working minimum wage jobs.
    How good a job do you think a degree in women's studies (et al) gets you?
    This system is for children who still love and care for their parents.
    The western system is for kids who can't wait to get you in a care home and have your house.
    Your not thai. And when your kid after going through a crap school system ends up giving you 5k a month from his /hers 15k a month job it will put enormous stress on them and do bugger all for your lifestyle.

    It's shameful that isaan families are happy for their kids to get banged non stop in Pattaya and pretend it doesn't happen to collect their monthly "pension"

    Dead beat FARANG dads that expect some sort of life long payment from their children should be sterilized IMO So it never happens again
    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  16. All I've seen in some of the ads are 10,000B per month with 3 earnings pay stubs to qualify....They can indeed own a home here....
    In fact, my wife did (car also) - although she was well above that pay scale....
    How much deposit and where can you buy a home on a few hundred dollars a month?
    Out in the middle of nowhere that's where. Do farang really want their kids to live like that? It's shameful

    Thailand already had a meltdown in the real estate sector and its unlikely they would be doing a subprime type of scenario now so I for one would like to see what was left out of the "ad" you recalled
    • Thanks 1
    Would you be more happy back in the air con English pubs?
    I thought so..
    Yes. Never went the last few years. A pain to try and get served and then never an empty seat, much younger crowd.. Certainly lost the charm of 10 years ago

    Anyway way off topic
  18. Way off topic,
    But I've got a few back in the UK mortgaging their souls to get a worthless degree, and living with their mom.
    At least out here, my kids can earn enough money in a fairly basic job to buy their own house.
    And my kids here tell me they will pay for me and support me in my old age, the ones back in the UK wish I were already dead.
    All in all, I prefer the Thai way, poor education and love for their parents.
    A degree is only as good as the owners ambition. There are far more positives than negatives in higher education.

    By talking about your kids supporting you already are you not putting your own needs first? This system is for thais who have no pension, not for foreigners
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