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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. Old school.
    Classic straight razor. 
    You'll never look back.
    Don't you have to go slow in case of cuts? I don't enjoy shaving so a triple blade I can do it in about a minute with little chance of getting a cut unless it's past used by.
  2. There are other threads on this subject on this Forum, I believe, that are quite lengthy and have some bad stories of Tramadol addiction.  
    There is a big difference between addiction and dependancy though. Many of us are on it for life and it would be pointless to stop unless pain is your thing
    • Thanks 2
  3. The Rooster. 15 floors up and I can hear that Rooster at full volume even when I have the doors closed and the Aircon on. Sometimes I put the Aircon on just to muffle the noise a bit. 4 am and it starts......I go out on the balcony with my camera and try to spot it so maybe I can stalk it and take it out...its slowly driving me mad I tell you...mad...mad...the noise...the uuuuurguuurgurrrguuuurgggg over and over and over...I cant take it....I have to to something....must stop it.....must........must.....
    Buy a ferret or similar and throw it over the fence. Problem solved
    • Like 1
  4. Looks good think I will pick it up. Was about to order from Ali express but long delivery times

    I've had excellent luck with a cheap Flyco brand electric shavers with 3 rotary heads.  Bought one in China and it worked great, but it has a battery so I couldn't put it in my checked bags when I flew to Thailand.  So I bought another Flyco in Thailand via Lazada and it worked great, too.  Rechargeable, and works in the shower.
    BTW, I'm a chrome dome so it shaves everything but my eyebrows...  Not as close as a blade, but neither was my Panasonic or Braun.
    Best news- less than half the price of a similar Braun, Panasonic or similar.  Less than $20 USD for the one I bought on Lazada.
  5. Vietnam seems to be a good choice.
    I met a few foreigners there who said that the situation about working (may it under the radar or legal) is much more relaxed than Thailand.
    Unfortunately that actually means leaving thailand and living there.

    I'm guessing you didn't take your own advice and move there yourself?

    I rate Cambodia and Vietnam the same.. Simply awful to live but good fun for 7 days
    • Like 1
  6. I believe that everyone is barking up the wrong tree on this. Before you all jump, just think about this. 4 years ago there was a coup where the elected government was overthrown by the military. There was no sign of Big Joke, 2 years ago or even 1 year ago, he has only been on the scene since the date for the election was decided for February. The coup promised to clean up corruption and if they had done that at the start then the people would have forgotten about it so it is being done now plus there has been 6 military ministers formed and registered a new political party and I would guess that in the not too distant future the PM and his little watch mate will resign from the military and become heads of this new political party. I would say that all this is going to continue until after the February election just so they can stay in power as a democratic government
    You must be daft If you think big joke will win the election for them. That's just a farang fantasy. The Thais won't give him a second thought
    If the pm stays on then its because the Thais want him
    • Like 2
  7. Just a cautionary word for those posters congratulating themselves on being legit. (as I am) and thus having nothing to worry about.Just suppose the crackdown proceeds successfully...who will they look to next to make up the massive shortfall in income it will cause?Think about that before smugly patting yourselves on the back..
    Every country went through a developing stage. At some point corruption was tackled, toes were stepped on etc and it's gonna take a long long time but I'm really surprised that TV posters want it to continue with no attempt at all to even try

    Simply unbelievable but then again it's is TV posters
    • Thanks 1
  8. I's actually never thought of it, and don't know for certain but I suspect it could be for a number of reasons:


    1) Slightly different type of tourist - it's unusual to see hammered tourists round the old city as you might in Bangkok and some of the islands. Lots of yoga tourists, vegans, vegetarians and stuff who don't seem to get written off like tourists elsewhere.


    2) Probably one of those weird market quirks where no one else is doing it, so no one does it. If a few bars were to bring it in, perhaps it would spread. 


    3) I've found beers (and food) here already seem comparatively cheaper to other major tourist areas in Thailand. Putting aside the OP's experience of course. 

    I'm in Pattaya now for my monthly holiday from Bangkok and the food is about the same but the beers are way cheaper than chiang mai


    Apart from the happy hours that run untill 7 or 8pm there are several bars that sell tall bottles for 70 baht around the clock


    My favorite place is the beer garden with the best Waterview in town with 55 baht draft tiger all night


    Having said that I wouldn't choose a town just on beer prices or I would have left BKK already


    • Like 1
  9. That is the point of the Govt. hospitals, they are not really there to make a profit. However, that is an extremely good price. Normally you do not get the "real" Tramadol from those hospitals, usually it is something generic like "Paindol"
    If you think you are getting fakes, try taking 6 of those 50mG yellow/green caps before you go to bed. If you can get out of bed feeling "normal"  the next day then they are fake.
    I have been taking (3 per day prescribed) 4 or 5 caps daily for 8 months, and trying to get off these and get them out of my system is killing me! They have a terrible effect, if I do not take one in 8 hours they knock me for 6, to the point I cannot even walk downstairs, they make you totally zombified, but you cannot sleep, it is like the living dead. It takes me over a week to get it out of my system. But then if the pain starts again I am forced to take them and then I am back at square one. Really good for pain but a nightmare to give up.
    Very true. I've been on 200 to 400 mg daily for 7 years due to nerve pain along with a cocktail of other pain killers so it's for life however what many don't know is its also a very efficient anti depressant although not classified as one

    That in particular makes it very difficult to stop taking them after extended use
  10.   I live in the area .
    I usually go to a proper bar , well restaurant/ bar kind of place and its clean and comfortable , with sport on TV and reasonable food , no bargirls and they charge a reasonable 95 Baht for a big Chang .
       I was unable to go there that night because it was closed , so I went to a nearby bar to watch the game .
       Went to a bar where everything was 30 years old , chairs, bar paint ect and they charged 150 Baht for the same big Chang .
      This was a girly bar..................but no girls in there .
    There were a few grannies in there , not sure what they were doing there
    I asked before but never got an answer. How come no happy hours in CM?

    Only one I found was the Irish Pub in the main st
  11. I go to the Government Hospital every 4 months for follow up appointments following ACDF surgery.
    At my last appointment, 2 months ago, I requested 120 Tramadol, to last me until my next appointment at the end of November. The specialist obliged, prescribed 120 tablets, and my bill was 50 baht consultation fee, and 120 baht for the Tramadol, total 170 baht.
    1 baht per tablet. How do they even make a profit on that
  12. i could not let that happen without persuing it further ... I know , I know, TIT etc. but I am just that sort of person,  and no, I have never been beaten up by taxi drivers or club bouncers after complaining or refusing to go along with whatever scam is flavour of the month.
    It's a tough one. My word against hers and who to report it to? Where was big joke when I needed him
  13. Many people at the 19 mark could not get a retirement visa on a Stat Dec on a pension if this proves to be true. The dollar is to remain under a lot of pressure till 2020. We may only see an interest rate rise then but I would not count on it. We have been down in the low 50's before. I bought in a lot of money at 28 baht to keep my marriage visa. I am glad I did now. I think we are going to have hard times and if your an Aussie or a Brit, things are not going to get easier, prices are going up in Thailand and this place is not cheap anymore. I can hold out but I know a lot of Aussies that cannot and going home may be cheaper. I was always told to be careful about the FX rates when I moved and I can see why now. The AUD has been on a steady decline since I moved here 10 years ago and that direction is not going to change soon. One of my friends moved his whole cash holding into US dollars at $1.04. He his laughing all the way to the bank now. I should have done the same thing but 10 years ago, I did not know if I was going to stay here.
    Your friend did well but if we could all pick the highs and lows we would be retired in Monaco
    • Like 2
  14. At jomtien Immigration I was told I needed to go to a bangkok approved office for translation to get my income statement translated.... However the lady offered to take care of my retirement extension for 15k. This happened after I was taken to an office where it was quite.

    Politely declined and took my rejected paperwork to bangkok immigration where I own a condo and job done, no translation

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