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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. I had a memory foam mattress, but it developed Alzeheimers! 555 No seriously, what does Memory Foam actually do? Does it stay in the shape it was when you turned over or got up, or does it go back to it's original shape, in which case it is 'no memory'.
  2. Surely a 'household' mattress is used every day whereas a 'hotel' quality is possibly used only 3 or 4 nights a week.
  3. Only by going to ALL hospitals/doctors/clinics you may have visited and ask for past records.
  4. So how does it work please? The cannabis has to be heated to decarbolate? it.
  5. Why do you need any letter from Social Security? Immigration do not care where the money is 'earned' as long as it comes into a Thai Bank every month and shows as a Foreign Transfer. Wise to Bangkok Bank works a treat. $1400 is about Bht 50k when transferred. So if you put Bht 200k in the bank, the total is 800k so should be accepted, as it is in my Imm Office in P'lok.
  6. Strangely, I currently transfer 50k per month plus I have 220k in the bank under the Retirement Combination method. Next year I shall cut it down to 40k plus 350k in the bank because I do not need the 50k.
  7. This is about Marriage not Retirement.
  8. I have just emailed Patrick asking how would I know whether or not a claim would be approved in the event of me lying in hospital after having a stroke, heart attack or accident. I want to be assured that I am covered for all eventualities. On the Summary of Cover for Serenity policy, it still says that preexisting conditions 'To be Considered. A bit worrying.
  9. Here is the Policy Document I received from WrLife yesterday. Anyone out there can see anything untowards in it please. Also a Summary of my Serenity Cover. WR Policy.pdf Serenity Summary.pdf
  10. Don't understand. Why would the hospital fill out a life insurance application for you?
  11. Do you not need two different spares, for front and back.
  12. I meant that I turn them off at the switch ie no power going to them. Sorry I was not so specific previously.
  13. You didn't say what answers you put to get it approved.
  14. How can you compare or try different tyres without fitting them to your vehicle and doing your 95/5% use for 60,000 km
  15. Interesting. Isn't No.6 rather silly asking if husband or wife has been diagnosed with things?
  16. It is not in my policy because I took that out in February, but I have email from Mr Lorentz, the CEO, saying that I am covered. Whether that is legally binding is anyone's guess. I shall ask him for an updated policy document. Will let you all know the answer.
  17. I did Ep 1 yesterday and got a bit bored.
  18. Didn't WrLife say recently that all policy holders over 6 months would be covered for pre-existing conditions.
  19. A glass of the red stuff, or a puff of the green stuff could help.
  20. The WrLife site leads you to a company called AIS (not the phone people) who will sort that side of it out...so it says. Have any of your many friends made a claim yet?
  21. Unless of course it's been nicked, you lost it or the ATM swallowed it. Then just book & passport ID.
  22. But the initial purchase and fitting costs will take years to repay.
  23. Cheapo Chinese ones off Lazada, Bht 150 each
  24. I was under the impression that CBD does not cause any psychological effect.
  25. Where is the 'Second World' coming before 'Third World' countries.?
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