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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. "rubber production would drop by at least 30 per cent" .... does that mean condoms will be 30% smaller?


    A Malay rubber plantation owner once told me Thai rubber was comparatively poor quality as the greedy Thais over milked the trees. He explained that you have to allow the tree to live if you want more rubber next year.... Sounds typical of how Thais milk everything to death.

    • Sad 1
  2. There is a guy runs a small shop in Cholburi repairing wheels. Near the CP factory. His Tel 086 112 6882, 080 644 2330, 087 096 3849. He does not speak English so you will need a Thai to talk with him. I have seen him repair worse than yours. Question is, how safe are they once he's finished?


    I can't read the make of wheel on your photo but you might try tracking down the manufacturer, in which case they would sell you one wheel for +4000 Bats.


    Even if the tyre looks ok, its core will have been damaged. Needs to be replaced.



    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, moonseeker said:

    Ridiculous this obsession with tourism news and daily changing numbers and statements. MS>

    They are not obsessed with numbers of Chinese tourist taking a crap on their streets.

    The Thais are obsessed with GREED.


    There are 1.5 billion Chinese, lets hope they all show up at once and the Thais get buried in crap.


    As for those of us who live here, supporting Thai families and sick buffalo, .... keep filing your TM30.

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  4. Cleaning injectors... proper way is to remove them for cleaning. Avoid fuel additives as some are corrosive and cause engine wear.


    Rubbing compounds... there are abrasive grades of these. Try T Cut which removes the film of grime without being too abrasive. Then polish.


    Another good product is silicone wax rubbing compound which does 2 in one.


    Avoid the highly abrasive types and ladyboys who only want to polish your knob.

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  5. Having read others comments I come to the conclusion that even if the cake is made of sh1t the Thais will put icing on it so it looks ok.


    Similarly, when cornered, they will lie to cover up a problem. Then blame you for their loss of face (deep isn't it).


    Image is everything, substance is sadly lacking.


    Can anyone explain why they are like this? It drives a westerner nuts.


    There has to be a way to turn their inadequacies to our advantage but I can't figure out how. They are useless yet Farang never wins.

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  6. 8 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    If you are convicted of federal carjacking charges, you face a maximum sentence of 15 years in state prison. If you are convicted of federal carjacking, you face severe punishment. Upon conviction under 18 USC 2119, you face a maximum of 15 years in federal prison, a fine of up to $250,000, or both.


    Section 1201) makes kidnapping a serious felony offense, with prison sentences of 20 or more years, depending on prior convictions and the circumstances of the case. Federal law prosecutes international parental kidnapping under a different code (18 U.S.C.


    Federal law does not use the term "rape". Rape is grouped with all forms of non-consensual sexual acts under chapter 109a of the United States Code (18 U.S.C. §§ 2241–2248). Under federal law, the punishment for rape can range from a fine to life imprisonment.


    OK. 500 baht fine. Next case.

    You seem to know a lot about the law relating to this case. Have you committed this crime at a short time hotel before?

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