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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 11 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Either take the parents to the bank and the local land department with the relevant originals or copies of the title deed, and the loan agreement to find out whatever your wife wishes to know, or get the wife to obtain a proper power of attorney from the parents and the signatory to the loan in order to be able to have access to relevant information relating to the property...

    Your problem is, how much power the son has over this and whether or not he will cooperate. I would take all papers to the bank and land office first and find out exactly where you stand before talking to the son. Based on the bank and land office answers you may be able to avoid involving the son anyway.


    If you use a lawyer, make sure it is one of the well known substantial firms. Not some mickey mouse shyster and hyster, of which there are many here.


    • Thanks 1
  2. An Immigration lady from the National Security Office phoned and made an appointment to visit shortly after applying for my last Retirement Visa. Three of em showed up at my Bkk apartment. They took photos of me together with ever smiling IO lady, outside and inside the apartment.


    Ended up with one very apologetic IO on her knees in my lounge.... "Sorry, it's not us, it's the General. We are Immigration and you will get your visa."


    She said they had been told to check the visas and addresses of every Farang. It begins to look like a Military / Police state. Except for the smiles and the fact that the IO didn't like it any more than we do!

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  3. 1 hour ago, KhunHeineken said:

    There you go again, posting about "me me me and 20 years ago." 


    How relevant is that information to the new retirees coming through, and future retirees considering Thailand?


    Also, you conveniently left out the part about the longer seasoning of 800k, and the untouchable 400k until you decide to leave Thailand, or die. 


    As far as insurance is concerned, how many will qualify with pre-existing conditions, and at an older age, the premiums will be rather cost prohibitive.  Put 2 and 2 together and most expats will have an expensive "junk policy" that covers next to nothing, just so they can qualify for a retirement visa and remain, or immigrate, to Thailand.


    The writing is on the wall.


    Thailand will soon be closed for business for retirees.



    Agreed, they are slowly forcing us out. The ever changing regs leave us unable to plan for a secure retirement here. Though, this being Thailand, I suspect we will be able to stay.... so long as we have money.


    No country for old men who cannot even qualify for medical insurance.


    Wait till their economy crashes again and they need big Daddy Farang to bail em out as in 1997.


    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, atyclb said:

    first off as you and i are both coffee buffs let me say viet has some very good coffee as growing conditions and soil......

    Could it be the residue of Agent Orange adds to the flavour?


    As for Vietnam, I agree with most of the comments.... it remains, for me, as a back up plan for when Thai Immigration finally outdo themselves with ridiculous rules and I scream 'get me outta here!' Cambodia and Da Phils are similarly on the list, but I have yet to find a replacement for Thailand.

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Pib said:

    Don't know why a person wants a FCD vs Thai baht account for extension of stay purposes

    Baht is overvalued now. Though you appear to assume it will go higher yet? Long term I see Baht going down. (Especially in the case of the £..... once UK recovers from Brexit).


    FCD does pay interest, as does US$ Savings Account (which is what I opened).


    Too much risk keeping lots of loot in Thai Baht... I remember 1997!

  6. 5 minutes ago, dlclark97 said:

    I have Bangkok Bank ATM and USD accounts.  Other than normal paperwork such as passport, no hassle opening either.  Can transfer USD to ATM via computer access.  This does need to be done during banking hours so correct exchange rate can be applied.  Also can transfer on line to my wife and others payees I have added.  Water and electric paid by direct debit, I top up my Mpass/Easy pass at any time, others could be done as well.  Absolutely no problems.

    They did mention the Thai Baht ATM account that can be used back to back with your US$ account, but after the 2 hours it took to open the first account I wasn't up for another 2 hours of paperwork.


    They told me updating  the US$ account has to be done in person at the branch I opened it at... can't be done online or at any other branch.



  7. 4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Why not ask the bank instead of us? The bank might have more information to give you.

    With the value of the Baht being too strong I wanted to keep my 800k in US$. Ubon Joe assures me Immigration will accept. You will visit Da Roadrunner in Immigration jail won't you Joe?


    As I found, every bank branch will likely tell you a different story. Only certain branches can do it. Exasperated, I went to Silom Head Office where it took 2 hours and a stack of paper to open a US$ Savings Account. You can also have it in other currencies. There is also a FCD account. They provide a paper showing the different accounts. There are fees, but acceptable.


    They want copy of passport plus a letter from your embassy if you have no work permit.


    So, doable, but the usual Thai headache. The first time you try to do something new in Thailand expect all sorts of barriers / stamps / papers etc.


    One drawback is, I was told you have to go back to the same branch to make any transaction.


    The rest of the world has gone online banking, the Thais still have person to person with passbook.

  8. 3 hours ago, Joe Mcseismic said:
    3 hours ago, ChasingTheSun said:

    What happened to the guy in post 3?

    Jailed for murdering his Thai missus and storing her remains in a wheely-bin in his house.

    Lemme guess, they did him for not putting out his bin.


    As for Paradise.... Is there anywhere left that has not been destroyed by man's greed?

  9. 7 hours ago, atyclb said:
    On 7/8/2019 at 1:21 PM, sanemax said:

    I do wonder what will happen in the future though , there are about ten 30-40 story hotels/condo buildings currently being built along the beach , well , across the big road from the beach


    visit nha trang for the answer

    Call some place paradise, - kiss it goodbye.


    Is there anywhere left to go that man has not destroyed with his greed?

  10. 7 hours ago, Andy59 said:

    Of course you can live there no problem live your life as you do at home not as a tourist Thailand is still very cheap just stay away from the girls as that's what eats all your money away they are nothing only scrounging money orientated whores the nice ones Thais have for themselves keep clean and safe and you'll be fine

    No offence meant but...... I take it you are not the man who invented punctuation.

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

    If it really is that tight, best to consider other options.

    If it's that tight he hasn't got much other option!


    I would say doable.... but not long term as you are going to run into visa problems.


    I am curious.... Why Krabi?

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