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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. This being Thailand I would be more concerned with finding a dentist that did the job properly.


    As for the sleeping pills. Some of the drugs suggested have nasty side effects. Google the drug and read up on side effects before using.

  2. 2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    An abdominal massage is a massage of the abdominal area only with an oil or as was stated here a cream and the massage is done in a clockwise direction only and it is not what all the foul minded degenerates claim as a happy ending. All these types are only ever interested in is their own foul minded dreams and to degenerate the whole massage industry

    You have your massage your way, I'll have the happy end thanks.

    • Sad 1
  3. I can understand you wanting to get outta Thailand with all the Visa problems. However, after considering all the other potential countries I came to the conclusion that all posed various problems and hassles, some worse than here. You may be going out of the frying pan into the fire. I wish you luck, please post how you get on over there.


    I cannot be arsed to move to another country, unless I get posted to an inactive position.

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, Delight said:

    Any judge ,in Thailand, will rule in favour of the owners.

    I think you will find that in this case the owners are the bank. By law, the bank is the first line creditor and can seize the property to recoup their loan. In Da Roadrunner's example, the buyer tried unsuccessfully to keep the property.


    10 minutes ago, Delight said:

    If the case outlined by Da Roadrunner actually occurred then no body who purchases a condo is safe. 

    Nothing is safe or sure in this country. In this case the lawyer took his fee but failed to do his job. Common malpractice of Thai lawyers.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Traubert said:

    A man sitting at the back of a high powered meeting, still in uniform with rank on his epaulettes despite being stripped of all rank, murmuring into his phone with his mouth covered in front of his superiors and no name board in front of him is usually there because he wants to be.

    So the Joke is not so funny now, he may yet have the last laugh. There is something very odd about his presence at this meeting.


    The big question for us Farang is, who will replace him?

    • Like 1
  6. Stick with the well known companies that provide insurance. Though I also wonder why you would want to drive here, unless you want to go out of town? If on vacation in Bangkok, taxis are cheap and we have a useful Skytrain and Underground service.

  7. And still they come to Thailand, see the tropical turquoise blue water and powder sand beaches and think they are in paradise.


    By the looks of him he's neither rich nor well connected, so he's going to do time.


    Amazing how the Thai Police can be so efficient when they want to be.... again it's nobody rich nor well connected.


    Ladies reading this. Do not go anywhere alone in this country.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  8. 1 hour ago, mserror said:

    I went to Taiwan recently and loved the place. Great scenery, infrastructure and vegan restaurants.


    It is a developed country, way ahead of Thailand.


    The only things I did not like were the excessive smoking, and occasional motorcycles on footpaths.


    I have met and known many Chinese, and as a group, I like them. It is usually the China people who behave like you said, another reason I will never go there.



    Taiwan isn't mainland China. The Taiwanese are comparatively civilized and decent.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. Thanks to the OP for posting. This subject really got me fired up.


    Good, about time something was done. Money and medicine are a bad mix. Many private hospitals are registered on the stock market, they are a business first and a hospital last. The only part of  a Thai hospital you can guarantee to be efficient is the cashier. Open wallet surgery. It wouldn’t be so bad but some of the Thai doctors don’t know what they’re doing, malpractice is common. No wonder it's a restricted occupation for Thais only, they could not compete with a foreign doctor.


    As an example of prices, they charge 1500 B for a liter of saline drip that comes out of a factory for 100 B. It’s just salt water!


    There is also two tier pricing, with Farang paying up to double what the Thais pay.

    All this just drives up the insurance premiums too.


    Lets name and shame here….. Overcharging and malpractice has been experienced by me at Bumrungrad and Bangkok Pattaya and Vibhavadi General.


    As for Khun Wichai Pochanakit of the Commerce Ministry’s Internal Trade Department….. Thanks brother but be careful someone influential does not get you transferred to an inactive post!

    For anyone wishing to complain about hospital pricing, here is the link to the Dept of Internal Trade



    And why is hospital food lousy? My thanks to Pizza Hut who saved Da Roadrunner from starvation and delivered to my room! If only the hospital was half as efficient as Pizza Hut.


    • Like 2
  10. To illustrate my point, here follows an example of one of the many things which can go pear shaped here.


    A Farang I knew bought a condo, (not a house), thinking this was legal. He moves in and then finds the bank knocking on his door; they want the condo back!


    Turns out the Thai builder who sold our Farang the property, had borrowed from the bank to construct it. Having sold all the units he then ran off with everyone's money. The Farang's lawyer had taken his money and not bothered to check the title deeds, which were in the hands of the bank.


    So our Farang got stuffed by the Thai builder and his own lawyer! That's why I told you.... Get a reputable lawyer.


    The bank as first line creditor had legal right to take the condo back.


    Our Farang was left with an 8 million Baht loss and no condo. His options:- Sue his own lawyer and pay the police to find the builder. Amazing Thailand.


    That was on a condo, and you want to buy a house, which we Farang are not supposed to own in the first place. It can be done, but be very wary, there are all sorts of scams going on.


    • Like 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, camckz said:

    Thai Share holders have been set up through law firm on the opening of the company.

    Remember the words of Caligula. "Trust no one and thrust everyone." Except it may be the Thais doing the thrusting. Who are these share holders? Can you trust the lawyer? Is he part of a well known reputable firm? Thai lawyers are not like the ones you are used to back home.

    • Like 2
  12. 42 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    He had a powerful and influential backer in Prawit, by all accounts, but apparently that was not enough to save him from the current circumstance. That should be telling in and of itself.

    There are some serious power struggles going on and it extends all the way to the top. BJ is just a minor casualty, a mere Pawn in the game.

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