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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 9 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Simply not true! A big bike smashed into the back of a car I was driving, no other passenger. Right outside a big police station and opposite a hospital. 


    The hospital security rushed over to help and also told the police what happened. The motor cyclist was shook up but thankfully not badly hurt. The damage to my car was heavy. We went to the police station. His and my statements tallied with the witness.


    He was fined ThB 400 for careless riding and I was free to go, having been treated very friendly and helpfully by officers who spoke and understood good English. The insurance company reps did the most work.

    You were lucky. In my experience your story is untypical. Most accidents the Farang gets blamed, though I have had a couple of cases were I won one at the Police station! I have also experienced a visit from gangsters who wanted money, as did the Police. I have also been rammed by a city bus and the local Police said it was the bus co's responsibility to pay for my car repairs. The bus co' insurers however, turned out to be run by the Police too, and they didn't want to pay. I had to go down there and confront them with one of their own Police statements... they reluctantly paid up. Amazing Thailand, anything is possible.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  2. 11 hours ago, fhickson said:

    My understanding was if there was a monetary dispute without obvious fraud I'm on my own.

    As is often the case with these threads, we don't have sufficient info'.


    How much money is involved? Is it worth pursuing? Have you tried to settle out of court? Is this going to be heard in the main court or the small claims court where you have no right of appeal?


    Everything has to be in Thai language. Not sure but I think you need to be a lawyer to serve notice on the other party to appear in court.


    A Thai Judge will not only look at the legal viewpoint, but also take into fair consideration other circumstances.


    Just because you are right, does not mean you are going to win.... can you prove it in court?


    Bear in mind this is Thailand, someone may bribe your own lawyer to lose the case!


    Bottom line.... anything to do with lawyers and courts is to be avoided if possible.

  3. 14 minutes ago, bill.donnelly.501 said:

    Very nice of you,  a very happy dog, I guess he flew in the cargo hold?   I might be moving to Thailand and have 2 cats, any suggestions on a Airline

    Airline is not the problem except they have varying restrictions on pet carrier size. Don't send em by cargo as many freeze to death in the hold. You are allowed up to two animals hand carried on board.


    Before you do it, check if you can get them back into your own country when you want to return? Some countries have quarantine laws.


    Also check Thai regs, they may want a health certificate.


    I would think twice, moving a cat from its home usually does not go down well with the critter!

    • Thanks 1
  4. 12 hours ago, malagateddy said:

    Please remember that you're paying for the " name " and the fancy all singing/dancing razamatazz.
    The quality and experience of a Consultant..general doctor and nursing stall is of paramount importance..NOT the " posh " name.

    True, but for my condition there is no one at the Govt hospitals. I am forced to go private.

  5. Insurance companies will only write off a car if the cost of repair is more than the value of the car. Write offs are rare in Thailand as labour is cheap.


    At the amount you are talking about this is a heavy accident. If the chassis got bent it may not drive straight when finished.


    Try the lawyer? They already spent too much on repairs and won't want to write it off but you can put pressure on them by saying you want cash as they have failed to repair it.

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