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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. On 7/3/2020 at 10:02 AM, nchuckle said:

    As am I ,though not due back until September anyway. Despite being married I will not go through the quarantine/ COVID insurance inconveniences and considerable expense even if sacrificing my return ticket. Everything is just being done on the hoof anyway with ill  thought through consequences which will be changed again when that becomes apparent,so my strategy is just one of watch and wait. An expired extension can be started again with a new application process any way so the least of the current concerns. Also,signs are that new outbreaks are starting so that will likely trump everything.

    Has it occurred to you that the Thai neither need nor want you back?

  2. On 7/3/2020 at 2:45 PM, pedro01 said:

    So when you were (for example) looking at a German made door that had been bolted on in Thailand - what did your expert eye reveal?

    A brand new Benz door I had to slam cuz it did not fit properly.


    A carpet so sparse in pile it resembled my balding head .... I could go on. Those who have worked in the motor trade see a car differently to the general public.


    The figure has changed over the years but last time I looked ....to qualify for local assembly they have to be 58% local content. Nuff said.

  3. No point looking at independent part suppliers for the problem you have.


    Hyundai Thai HQ is at 92 Vibhavadhi Rangsit Road.


    The service manager Khun Kittisuk speaks some English and they generally do a good job.





  4. 12 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    the Baht is not going to plummet. Western currencies are going to slowly drop in value.  


    the Thai economy has contracted about 10% so things are difficult but they will make adjustments like they always do and just have to get by on no more tourism for at least 24 more months.  


    keep the borders closed and keep the virus out so the local economy can continue to open up and function. I am not talking about expat bars. 


    Good luck Thailand and keep up the good work fighting the virus. 


    Could it be you just want to keep others out so you can have all the girls to yourself?

    • Like 1
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  5. 18 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    God knows, its not as if the Scots have not had to endure a lifetime of English wants being forced upon them against their will. 

    True the Scots have suffered at the hands of the English for too long. Freedom!


    But Sturgeon is a menace who repeatedly throws a spanner in the works and will only be happy when she proclaims herself Queen of Scotland.


    • Thanks 1
  6. They are not called air CON shops without reason.


    Here is your solution:- http://www.formula.co.th/en/


    It's a factory where they manufacture air con parts for cars. They also have a retail outlet where I got mine fixed for a fair price. They even made up a part for me which was no longer available. You will have to phone the factory to ask for the retail outlet address as I cannot find it right now.


    Or try:-

    Tel: +6627362021-25
    Fax: +6627360027
    [email protected]

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/30/2020 at 12:52 AM, mistral53 said:

    So I take it you have been to the Benz factory in Thailand, and since you have a degree in manufacturing engineering for automobiles, we are safe to trust your expert opinion..........

    As for having money - so far the overwhelming majority on here frown on communism in China, that implies we are open to accept everybody has a right to spend his surplus money on frivolous luxuries if he is so inclined.

    No, I have not been to the Thai Benz factory. No need, I just examined the product in the showroom. After years in the uk motor trade working for five car manufacturers I knew what I was looking at. If you want to pay more than the cost in Germany for a Thai copy, go ahead.

    • Like 1
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  8. On 6/30/2020 at 9:07 PM, BritManToo said:

    You're right, anything harder than a temperature check and a signed declaration, and they'll get NO tourists.

    If it costs me extra time or money, I ain't going.


    I've money in my pocket for 2 holidays to Cambodia at the moment.

    Rumour has it Canbodge also wants insurance and a deposit.... not yet verified.


    Roadrunner is on a flight to Europe tomorrow, I know I can't get back into Thailand anytime soon and if they want extravagant outlay for insurance I ain't coming back.


    I am tired of their greed, ignorance and stupidity. Wait till they find out the tourists are not coming.


    Beep! Beep! Gone.......

    • Like 2
  9. 22 hours ago, Boit said:

    Temporary travel insurance rather than a permanent policy, available prior to departure from one's own country to Thailand.

    OK, so you might be able to enter Thailand cheaper on the above temporary insurance method. But will insurance be required for long term visa extension once in country?


    As for tourists.... they are not gonna come, other places to go without such expensive restrictions.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    These night venues are required to ensure customers are seated at least a metre apart, with tables separated by a two-metre space and 1.5-metre-high partitions. Patrons are not allowed to share tables with strangers while servers must wear masks at all times. Furthermore, frequently touched areas, including toilets, must be cleaned regularly, smoking areas clearly marked and the venues properly ventilated.

    Some bars are open already. Most not taking much notice of these rules.

  11. 13 minutes ago, RichCor said:

    Yes, you can fly OUT of Thailand, but the return side of the trip would be in a perpetually holding pattern. And they're not saying anything about that.

    Roadrunner has a return flight booked for July, valid 1 year. Presume the airlines figure Thailand will re-open in the near future.


    11 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    I have had 4 EVA Air flights to Seattle, with the obligatory transit of Taipei, cancelled since May 1st and was rescheduled for Aug 1st after my July 3rd flight was pulled

    Did they offer to put you in a hotel at their expense while you were waiting?

  12. 4 hours ago, drbeach said:

    How come she was allowed into Germany as a foreigner? Unless she has a residence permit there?

    Germany is now open to all EU countries, plus Thailand is not on the list of countries banned from Germany.



    Roadrunner has a return ticket for July 22,000 Baht to Germany, valid 1 year. Austrian Airlines, who say they will switch me to Lufthansa if flight is cancelled. I will believe it when I see it!


    4 hours ago, thonglorjimmy said:

    As a matter of interest what is this large group of foreigners (50,000+) who are going to start arriving from Wednesday?

    And will they still have to be quarantined 14 days in a Thai hotel at their own expense? In which case 50,000 will be a no show. Anyone got up to date info?

  13. 22 hours ago, blackcab said:

    Which part of Bangkok? What's your price point?


    As you know, the closer you get to the centre and the Central Business District the more the price will increase.

    Any part of Bkk. Found one at 1500 baht / month, but no proper security. Another was outdoors.



  14. 32 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    There are flights out of the country. What would be the problem? 

    Getting back in!


    No inbound passenger flights, just Cargo or returning Thais. Then 14 days in quarantine at your expense IF you can get in.


    Also, there are not many flights out and they often get cancelled. Roadrunner is currently experiencing difficulty in flying to Germany.

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