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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 26 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

    I might suggest you drink the urine of young boys.

    If you follow his advice you certainly do need some help. Sorry, just taking the pi55

    • Haha 1
  2. 14 hours ago, Trillian said:

    I let my flat several months ago before leaving the UK for a two year secondment, the tenant, a women of 65 years had said she wanted to remain for the full term. As soon as the virus struck she wrote to say that government had told her not to work because she is a shielded person, a previous kidney transplant patient apparently. Because they were unusual times I told her she could stay in the flat and pay what she could afford until things settled down and the way forward made more clear.


    The estate agent who was handling  a fully managed let wrote to say she could not afford anything so there would be no rent, the agent however still wanted their monthly fee to manage the property and the tenant. Leaving the tenant in place at zero rent meant the flat would be occupied and I would not have to pay utility bills and Council Tax so not a total loss.


    Last week the agent wrote to say the tenant had moved out, no notice and the place is a mess, she's lived there virtually rent free for six months and left me with a large cleaning bill.


    Not being able to evict tennats is a double edged sword, it's good for some but lousy for many, the laws designed to protect tenants have swung too far in their favour, those evil landlords must be made to pay and to suffer, apparently.

    despite which, Boris says we cannot kick the tenant out.





  3. 16 hours ago, canopy said:

    For most people, the physics of fuel cell vehicles make little sense compared to battery-powered vehicles.


    Maybe you should research a little deeper.

    We already have fuel cell vehicles. Hydrogen is already being used successfully in buses in California. Cost will come down.


    I would also like to know where you expect me to plug my electric car in when I am on the fourth floor? And how long you expect me to wait while it is being charged?


    And no matter what Elon Musk says, I do not want a milk float, even if it will out run a Ferrari.


    Roadrunner has worked with five car manufacturers. Maybe YOU should research a little deeper.


    Oh and here is a photo of the ginormous expensive heavy battery Musk has to use. Do you know what a replacement costs?




    No wonder the guy is scratching his head.



    Tesla model-3-battery-pack-modules_grande.jpg

  4. The OPs link states that in Cambodia, your worldwide salary will be subject to Cambodian Tax on Salary of 20%. (I came across the same problem with Bali). How is this enforced and are there ways around it?


    the ER-Class: Cambodia Visa for Retirees

    The extension of an E-Class Visa plus modification into the ER-Class entitled retirees to live in Cambodia.

    A certificate from the home country proving that the applicant has the necessary financial means to provide for its living is required. This can e.g. be a certificate of pension. Evidence of bank savings is also accepted as proof in exceptional cases...... Just how much funds are required?

  5. The electric car is a dinosaur before it has even started. Hydrogen powered vehicles will kill it off, just as soon as they get the cost down.


    Beauty of Hydrogen is the only bi-product of combustion is water vapour, so zero pollution. Manufacturing it is still not quite so clean, though they are working on it. At present Hydrogen is converted to electricity via a fuel cell which powers the electric motors. What I want is an internal combustion engine powered direct by Hydrogen so I get the character of the engine we love without the pollution.


    Got any comment Elon Musk?

  6. 9 hours ago, Bill97 said:
    12 hours ago, 1arry1iu said:

    would scold her assistants and colleagues for incompetence harshly in front of us

    Very poor management practice And a very rude behavior.  I would never have a relationship or support someone like that.


    Should be reported to top management for firing or demotion.

    I reckon the average Thai would benefit from a good scolding. I wake one of em up almost every day.

    • Haha 1
  7. 13 hours ago, London Boy said:

    Just to update everyone who has an interest in my dilema I spoke to an English trained lawyer last night (working in Bangkok). He said that a document between myself and GF won’t really carry much weight if it ever went to court. The cost of such a legal document is around ฿30-50,000, and its primary purpose is to to cement the idea in her mind that the deposit is not joint property. He said the only real protection is to supply 50% of the purchase price so your name is on the land registry documents. As such I think the best course of action is to increase my percentage to 50% (in 3 years time) after the fixed mortgage period runs out and get my name on the title.

    Do you think she is going to agree to this later? Dream on sucker. That is assuming you are still together and she has not already kicked you out of HER condo.


    Any businessman will tell you that you must have control of your investment.


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