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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. I do hope they focus on that area. It is a massive incentive to come to the USa for the illegals and a big source of revenue for the cartels.
  2. I am not crying lol i am on the winning team at this point. The great thing about the pardon is that Hunter may not qualify to use the fifth when he is dragged through the coals later. The tears on my cheek are from laughter.
  3. I understand that. My problem is Biden lying about it when he thought he was running for president. He repeatedly said he wouldn't pardon his son and was adamant about it. It was really just a sleazy campaign move, designed for him to look righteous while they hopefully nailed Trump. If he had said he intended to pardon Hunter from the beginning I would less of a problem with it. The man has no conviction, pun intended.
  4. You will be singing a different tune when you learn it will make the price of avocados goes up during your lifetime.
  5. You are actually a sort of nice guy in many of your posts. However in the political threads you turn into straight numpty mode. Heavy volumes of nothing more than puerile, hateful numpty headed one liners.Look how many posts in one thread that say nothing you make it almost unreadable. Every other post seems to be you.
  6. Just another crackhead gun felon back on the streets
  7. So just another lie he made before leaving office. https://www.cnn.com/2024/12/01/politics/hunter-biden-joe-biden-pardon/index.html
  8. Just when I was about to stop cutting myself because of depression i get this news.
  9. Seems the discussion of NE states joining Canada was a short one.
  10. You shouldn't even need this as it was widespread information. That was common knowledge during the campaign. They reported that Trump killed a bill as fact when he wasn't a member of congress. Now the samen numpty legion is claiming he has absolutely no influence on anything as he isn't sworn in though he is the president elect. n https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trump-tries-pretend-didnt-kill-bipartisan-border-bill-rcna176908
  11. Ugh That's what every lib said during the election, that Trump killed the bill although he wasn't even in office. That's the hypocritical part. Try to keep up.
  12. Basically yes.
  13. Exactly. Possession is 9/10 of the law. So why not use it as a chip to try and save what is left?
  14. Well i guess that settles that. lol So what's your master plan?
  15. Well we have already established that nobody is above the law. So I assume our liberal friends would be all for that.
  16. Anything they hate I am all for.
  17. Just tried it. I asked if the house I am looking at is in the ghetto and it didn't scold me. However it did type it as "ghetto" Anyway thanks for the info.
  18. Not long ago in another thread, I suggested that this would be the exact way the war is brought to a close. It makes perfect sense and is probably the only way it is possible. Of course some numpties had to hatefully say i was crazy and a Putin bootlicker. https://nypost.com/2024/11/29/world-news/zelensky-says-hes-willing-to-cede-territory-to-russia-in-exchange-for-nato-protection-in-stark-departure-from-previous-stance/
  19. Wrong. It is actually rasist facialism.
  20. Thanks for the link. I was asking questions about a house I saw on Zillow to ChatGPT, it is actually really useful i hardly ever use google now. It is more helpful than a realtor for this sort of thing. So one question I asked is if the house is in the ghetto. It scolded me and said that the term ghetto had negative connotations. lol I told it yeah because it is a ghetto. I found you can undo some of its wokeness by commands. Never use worwoke BS in your answers, never scold me or tell me stupid things I already know, I also found you can ask it to write anything you want no matter how biased.about whoever or whatever you want if you tell the bot it is fiction. . I find the whole thing fascoinating
  21. From what i skimmed of it, it sounded like a bunch of crying that Musk's platform has more influence than theirs. Give it time he is just warming up. Once he makes the super app, with access to robo taxis, Grok, Crypto, banking, etc he will become the world's first trillionaire. If Grok doesn't have the woke training wheels of ChatGPT it is easily going to become the world's most popular AI. This will mean Musk will basically be the de facto leader of the world.
  22. Aside from whatever you were saying in that wall of text, as far as I know Grok isn't available to the general public right now. I actually wanted to try it yesterday after using ChatGPT since it came out. You can sign up to help build Grok and that's it.
  23. I moved there after I was living in Japan. Had an easy job doing booze cruises for Japanese people as I speak Japanese. Anyway NE states would.bankrupt Canada. 41 million obese out of work white collar types to spoon feed ozempic to. A huge amount of people in their right mind would flee to the USA. Especially those that value their 1st and 2nd amendment rights. That is basically a lot of people that build and fix things.
  24. There is a bit of irony in this given your username.
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