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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Sorry I don't have somebody to translate it into numptynese for you.
  2. When adults play the game "I know you are but what am I?" On the internet.
  3. Well yeah that's a very valid point the OP has. It isn't like the last POTUS was brain dead or unable to function. Suddenly we have such high standards. Hopefully if a dem ever gets elected again we can keep those standards now that we have raised the bar.
  4. I saw a Tesla down here with a sticker on it saying anti-Elon Tesla owner. That made me laugh. Must be a sad life to drive something that makes you ashamed of yourself, not being able to look people in the eyes and say you are an American, knowing your only choice is to keep that Tesla as it is worthless now and if you change back to ICE the world will end. What a conundrum.
  5. Please learn how to spell racist not rasist and dumber not dummer
  6. Really? The EU hasn't produced a single trillion dollar company and it took more than 50 years to produce a handful of companies with a market cap of 100 billion. The mag 7 are worth more than all European markets combined. Put the crack pipe down it isnt even close.
  7. You mean you don't want people moving next to you that are pretty nice but sometimes behead your children cut your wife's tits off and put you babies in ovens, before offering them To you and putting a bullet in your head?
  8. It makes sense if Trump brought them back from the dead they would be zombies. They wander around the political wilderness like that. I didn't know Trump had the powers of Jesus and could resurrect people. Maybe the dems should call themselves the party of Lazurus? Frankensteinians?
  9. That's not them being bright but Europe being dumb. Do you consider cockroaches smart if you leave food lying about and they infest your house?
  10. Nothing has changed. It's been just over a month.
  11. Zelensky is done.
  12. They formed the Eu to try to compete with the USA. It has been a spectacular failure.
  13. Islam is intolerant. They can't expect people to meet them with love when they want to slaughter all infidels. Eye for an eye. Why do you hate Islam so much, all we want to do is kill you and rule the world. Their only problem is they are too stupid to pull it off.
  14. Suddenly a lib says we don't want or need immigrants. lol If we don't have them who will pick our fruit?
  15. You lost me, Trump is making a visa for rich people, thats the topic.
  16. I guess you didn't pay 5 million bucks to be there. You aren't the target demographic.
  17. Let Gaza be what it wants to be. There is no need to improve upon perfection.
  18. Onced the reality that they will all starve and day in place sets in they will move of their own volition. That's just the truth there is no way to survive in Gaza now. There is no reason Israel should let anybody give aid to their enemy at this point.
  19. There are a number of them on this very forum.
  20. Trump was asked who qualifies for it and he replied people with money. lol
  21. If this works out we could do something even more radical like build a high speed train from SF to LA.
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