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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Address and length of employment. It also took you forever to dig that up. So we have narrowed it down from the "bay area" to somewhere on central ave. Okay. I feel the joy.
  2. All anybody is asking is for a physical location, which doesn't seem to exist. We know where Trump did it.
  3. It is the only job outside of government that has been verified by more than one source.
  4. I have said i think trump is crazy in the past. However it seems odd to stay op topic, that not one human being in the world can locate where Kamala worked with an address'
  5. Nice lawns.... https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=422e53398117162e&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS967US972&hl=en-US&q=westmount+montreal&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0B3WNFCYvaBrNDHYAL-6rQSsFLQdEBB_H1bSYTxvkCOnEcUtKfg_kGGL5C3GRQpmB7uNKj_9OHvGCEwrEemsHVcjBHVKvTsVrakksRk3gLB6fuoMtt_etacsuBaVXhDSZYbWQnleh-Jkzh-bVaopgo3qD4drJJgdwYvmKd42QNgbRCsrUNMIOq4Z2invczgWyCql5sMIUJ9PoXPz-FPgNOfeOuXQmnQGSQ1Kl7ubhvU8Hkn1X0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiugLTuoJ6JAxWIjYkEHSV1MHMQtKgLegQIFRAB&biw=1052&bih=553&dpr=2
  6. You can't answer and have no receipts.
  7. Seems it can't be found. Let's try again, where was it?
  8. I just want a physical store location. Simple stuff.
  9. So you acknowledge she is lying. That's a start.
  10. You would know the location and approximate dates. Thats all I am asking for. Not an article saying her staff confirmed it was somewhere. She wont say it herself because she will get caught in a lie. So it just 'leaks"
  11. I agree if it was a place she honestly worked at.
  12. The dems have had power the majority of the past 2 decades.
  13. I am not a Trump supporter. I say positive thing about him but I have no intention of voting for him. So let's get that out of the way. Seattle was the first to raise minimum wages and amongst the first to have $4,000 studio apartments. It makes no difference to me raise the minimum wage to $50 an hour. It doesnt work. As i said earlier just add a zero to every bank note.
  14. It would make the change irrelevant. Let's make the minimum wage $50 an hour. Even in rural locations. You simply can not manipulate an economy like the USA doing this. Unless you want rent to be $10,000 a month. It has been tried many times and they quit the experiment at $7.25 because it has never worked.
  15. Because prices increase as everybody moves up the ladder. You arent going to find peop,e that do well making $40 an hour now that unskilled labor makes $20 an hour ask the long shore men.
  16. She could just give an exact location and approximate dates.She won't why? Instead we get her campaign staff told The Times...
  17. The times.... why doesn't she say it out loud herself and end all doubt?
  18. "Bay area" LOl She could say from her own lizard lips which branch it was and where. Better yet show up in person and demonstrate a working knowledge of the McFlurry machine, a skill Walz waxed poetic about. This would be an easy political point to make but she doesn't. Although I give credit to Walz he has the used jockstraps from his extensive career as an assistant coach in his closet,. He is making for awkward moments and Mankato football games lately.
  19. If raising the minimum wage was a solution that worked it would have been done as it has many times before and been scuccesful. Everybody above the minimum wage also has to have an increase so there is nothing gained. In fact you bring the middle towards the bottom not the bottom towards the top. Okay so what city was it and what year? I had no idea a friend confirmed it. Where was that? Address?
  20. That's amateur hour. What needs to be done is add a zero to the currency. Suddenly everybody across the board makes at least $100 an hour.
  21. A living wage varies by location. If you are too innumerate to understand that I don't know what to tell you. Doi you go into your buddies bar in Isaan and start talking about how everybody working there should make more? I am guessing every business you go to has living wages? Can anybody really be this naive? Does anybody believe Kamala actually ever worked at McDonalds given the unacceptably low pay?
  22. States should decide on the minimum wage. Also it would be a bit awkward to come into somebodies business and suggest things that will harm them.
  23. Kamal didn't ever work there so his claim is valid. If not she would show up at the shop she worked at and have a cheap gotcha. We know that won't happen.
  24. I think that 86K Baht table went straight to your head. I guess at least you aren't one of the posters here claiming to have large payloads booked on Space X to be deployed into outer space. But yeah seriously if I had spent nearly $2,600 on a table I would be online running my mouth. Next you will say you have a halfway decent couch in a house.
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