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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Link? Lol
  2. Ballz to the Walz is a common cringe worthy phrase for peeps with a bromance going on.
  3. Fox News September 4th lol Rolling Stones thinks that is folding? If that's the case Kamala will be there with heels on and her legs down. Right?
  4. People that criticize the United States for wanting to become isolationist, want the USA to engage in a war that can't be won and don't ever say anything about deadbeat nations that don't pay their share. If you are somewhere like Poland, germany France etc. it is in your direct intersection to become stringer now and sooner than that. Russia couldn't steam roll Ukraine and similarly the USA can only offer basic help. We don't have a huge military full of bad asses. We can send a couple of morbidly obese bureaucrats and missiles if you buy them.
  5. You can basically transpose her rallies on top of eachother and they are identical almost to the very word..Trump is repetitive but you can't just overlay what he says in that same way. He also does one hour Q&A with all media present. Kamala is the milli vanilli of politics. Girl you know it's true.
  6. China would sink the entire naval fleet of the USA with in about an hour if we go with in 1,000 miles of their territory. The jdea of aircraft carriers that are as old as my deceased grandfather can win is laughable these days.
  7. Not sure what Trump has to do with the fact that Romania sends me millions of dollars a year and now I am on trial for tax fraud.
  8. That's like Madonna siniging the same songs at a concert. Let her do a one hour Q&A like Trump did today. Now you can attack what he said and that is fine. At keast we have that info. Let Kamala do an hour of the same so we know where she is at. Her campaign is an opaque wall.
  9. An empty anonymous podium like pictured is the current policy and would be how Kamala runs the show. Never seen in public. Invisible.
  10. Cats are pests that kill anything they can.
  11. I am sure there is a legitimate reason that Hunter received large amounts of money from Romania. It get a few million from them every year just for being me.
  12. Everybody must have had to sign a disclaimer to do this.
  13. Kamala made a big show of saying come say it to her face so there it is. She all gangsta until she gets called out. You go girl. Her game is as weak as Bidens golf game. She needs a big can of STFU before she calls anybody out again.
  14. The architect of the October 7 massacre has been chosen to be the new leader of hamas. Hamas still sends rockets into israel. There will be no cease fire.
  15. No it wasn't a mistake. Beggars can't be choosers.
  16. Most of us don't share your homo-erotic fantasies involving elderly silver daddy high school coaches.
  17. i am sure if Biden wants to honor the agreement and show you up to debate Trump the offer would be accepted.
  18. I know way more about him than you do I am from Minnesota. I was asking other people for their opinions no need to be a snarky ahole about it.
  19. He should show in the town in Nebraska where he came from. I dont think he cares and am 100% certain it is in decline.
  20. It was meant in humor. Walls don't work is his mantra. he was smart enough to ditch Nebraska as soon as he could. Minnesota was a huge step up for him.he was lucky to be a part of it before he undermied our schools to the point kids can't read or do math.
  21. We all know Walz don't work.
  22. In all fairness she has been keeping it on the down low. She hasn't seen daylight the entire time.she came up for air on a teleprompter today.
  23. I wouldn't say that but i don't think Walz helps her in PA and she must win that state. Her path to 270 is very thin otherwise.
  24. yeah Shapiro met her and his spider senses went off. He actually wants to be president some day.
  25. Of course you don't know.
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