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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Yes and i participate in those as well. I know some people here so i find this place amusing. The other places i go actually have a few smart people. You can pm me if you want to know where they are. This is like amateur hour.
  2. that would depend unlike some parts if Thailand the menu would say more than food. An average place like Applebees or something you maybe just under $100 with tip and tax these days.
  3. This is the world forum section. Unlike many posters here i don't talk a bunch of garbage or feel obligated to add to topics about places I don't live. I don't use any other large of this forum anymore. I add things here to try and add some semblance of truth to those living in their little boxes in Thailand. You deserve it you are worth it, it isn't your fault. Being I live in the USA full time i have a perspective that many here would be completely ignorant of if i refrained from posting. You're welcome.
  4. Because they support policies that weaken America and make it unlivable or terribly expensive. Look at how many people say California was so great and they would live there if they could. Yet seem detach3d that it could be that way if things changed a little. I am happy they are sand boxed and won't be here to be a weight on society.
  5. Well I am from Minneapolis so I know a bit about Walz and what he did there. They always just throw out scary stuff that has no solution, yet somehow they will sove it with no actual explanation of how they will do it.
  6. you don't mention one single policy that will help the middle class economically. Let's add in world peace while we are at it. The rally was very light on details or policy.
  7. the rumor goes they didn't gel when they met. As esrly as this morning Harris hadn't chosen because of this. I don't believe they planned this really in PA knowing Shapiro wouldn't be the VP pick. People can believe whatever they want. Wlaz came out of nowhere after everybody else got cold feet. https://www.nj.com/politics/2024/08/behind-the-scenes-not-a-great-feeling-between-harris-shapiro-report-says.html
  8. Can you explain a single thing they said that sill improve the lives if the middle class economically? It was nothing more than a biography or introduction. With glaring omissions of course.
  9. Because Shapiro doesn't really get along with Harris after meeting her and said no.
  10. So they didn't talk about any policies that could be realistically passed. Abortion will be struck down by the ckurt, guns same thing. They talked a lot about their last and suggested they would help the middle class but not one specific policy of how they will help the middle class. Vance is weird. Okay.
  11. politico reported it. I am beginning to phrase things like that because I am tired of people that think it is my legal obligations to provide links.
  12. They fished Walz out of the stinkiest side of the dumpster. Everybody else said no. It is said that even Shapiro backed away. He drew the long straw.
  13. yeah high school football coaches are born leaders, real impressive stuff there. Reminds me of the all american football quarterback from Nebraska on Team America. A natural born talent and true leader. I am sure you don't believe your own nonsense. If Vance had been a coach you would laugh. Maybe we could find the best martial arts expert from Detroit to be the defence secretary and some childless cat lady with a degree in clairvoyance from the university of Berkeley to be Secretary of State.
  14. Then again you defended teaching kids about butt plugs, so there is that.
  15. Fox has been used in the world news forum by the official news team. I thought actually acting as a mod or discussing it was against the rules.
  16. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/minnesota-democrat-argues-menstrual-products-boys-bathroom-menstruate-female
  17. He was known to put tampon dispensers in the boys bathroom of schools.
  18. you know he rocks the socks and sandals combo.
  19. Actually Rushmore is a year older than Biden.
  20. That's how it goes when you are that progressive (bigoted)
  21. She was running out of choices and time.
  22. Shapiro was becoming tainted meat. I think they wanted to stop digging so he can be governor in peace.
  23. It sill be interesting to see if he is for fracking and has the same change of heart on many issues as Kamala seemingly has. They had better get him a prompter quickly so they can keep the story straight. Just as they criticize Trump for picking Vance who is his ideological twin Kamala has done the same thing. But then again this wasn't her first pick undoubtedly.
  24. I don't know his specific policies but I do know that's Minnesota has been in bad decline under his leadership.
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