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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Clone Harris? KJP raised her hand.
  2. Somewhere under a glacier in Iceland an elite team of childless cat ladies is being assembled ready to board John Kerry's carbon free jet. At the same time Greta is readying her ship to return to the high seas. I wouldn't worry too much about it. We can do this. Yes we can.
  3. I am guessing it is to fake sponsors in the USA that do not exist.
  4. Who couldn't see the whole Trump is afraid narrative from a mile away? Trump is many things but the notion he is afraid to get on a stage and run his mouth is not based in reality.
  5. It's good you understand that now.
  6. I am not sure who will win. Kamala is a hot mess but Trump has gone into full blown mental retard mode. You can't believe anything on the news from the left or right so I don't think anybody has some inside edge on knowing who will win. There is 90 days left and anything could happen. what you are doing is like using body english when you hit a baseball. It makes you feel better but it doesn't change the trajectory of the ball.
  7. well I guess that settles that then. I also have rarely missed an election prediction. I think most people can say that because up until the last few elections it was painfully obvious who would win.
  8. Not sure how anybody can predict anything right now. The economy is about to become a very interesting issue. The market continues to implode from the dismal job numbers last week. A new war is about to break out and Monday morning brings us chaotic news. Things are getting iffy. The plan is beginning to work out perfectly. Let them blame it on Trump and let's see the market tank another 20% from here. I have a 30 year time frame so would love to see a bunch of boomers get squeezed on mandatory draw downs. Who would have thought that eventually lying about the numbers would come back to bite you?
  9. Biden already explained to us that poor kids are as smart as white kids.
  10. Fear not. Joe woke up earlier than 10 am and hauled his teleprompter to the situation room. Behind the scenes he is as sharp as a tack. We also have Kamala on the job. She is a true secret weapon. Team America is in great shape and a well oiled machine.
  11. We should have just summarily executed every prisoner Russia asked for. We play by rules they do not. We will never win this way. Also if you go to Russia now you should be on your own. Thats the case anywhere else. I don't see the embassy doing much for people that get railroaded in Thailand.
  12. Thailands lax visa laws have always made it a magnet for losers and wack jobs on both sides. There are more lefties as they tend to hate their home countries is my guess. Many of which leave with not much to their name and end up in places like Thailand. you will for example find many liberal expats in places like Japan. However the vetting is stringent and the most extreme fringe lunatic component usually doesn't qualify to live there. The common theme for a better class of expat isn't the requirement that they must actually provide something useful to the country they wish to reside in. Your rabid right wing types tend to have a reason to go somewhere. This could be the military ir the church or whatever, liberals also like their servants and being an notch up the totem pole. In Thailand it's massages and eating out and whatever else. So to a degree it's is because it is easier to exploit the education and economic status of the lower rung here. Many wouldn't be here if they could do this in some place like LA.
  13. Mother Jones is a very left leaning publication. Ome of their editors was a friend of mine she had really wacky views. My explanation is simple and brief but you can Google Mother Jones and when that was and what the magazine is about. i did the electric for her cabin. At first she wanted to go solar and I explained to her that it really could be worse than using the grid and had little to no benefit. She hooked to the grid. I was a solar installer in a remote area.
  14. This is the reason things like weight class exist. They should make a separate class for these people. Chess is a bas example as you don't risk anybody getting killed it isn't combat sport. Although even in chess with no physical advantage being present they keep women and men in separate events. The best female chess player wouldn't stand a chance against a man.
  15. If Trump carries PA it is almost over. Shapiro has scandals now. Kelly might join but trading Pa for az is a no brainer. Shapiro is gone.
  16. Maduro would win. However Zuckerberg would end him.
  17. I said no male moderator. It is assumed all parties ties would be black given the venue. I have no problem with that.
  18. Kamala is going to have a hard time finding a VP selection that has this level of schizophrenia. The records won't match. Also nobody wants to be the involved with a childless cat lady. Lately she reads from a binder.
  19. The entire thing was suboptimal because everybody working there is a DEI hire. Noi one male in a three person team of moderators. Lol The entire production was a botch job
  20. Looks like Shapiro now has his own hush money scandal going on. Lol okay next.
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 44 seconds  
  22. As I have been saying two of these are too busy and watch Shapiro politely decline it.
  23. I would appoint Trump the leader of Thailand.
  24. Her policy will be whatever is fed to her on a teleprompter. Otherwise Russia is a big country....
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