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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 2 hours ago, oznomad said:

    Retirement in Vietnam? Hold your horses. Things are changing there too.


    A friend has been there for several years, just renewing his visa annually. This week he was informed by his visa agent that VN immigration are developing a list of people that renew the yearly visa, but dont have a business in Vietnam - and are showing them the door.


    The time has come for scamming old farts to head back to their home countries . SEA 

    is changing fast for the poor pensioners with their poor currency. 

    • Confused 1
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    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Plenty of people who did live here. Who could afford to live here have been TOLD they cannot afford to live here by an arbitrary financial dictat and changes in the administration of some rules. My total annual income and spend here is greater than that which is required but is not accepted because it the amount differs from month to month or arrives bi monthly.


    But it was all sweet until Your embassy shut you down correct?

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  3. 7 minutes ago, owenm said:

    I thought that a TM28 was to notify of change of address.. Is this an incorrect assumption?? 

    no and only needed if you're doing a 90 day report away from home( in my case)

    Done this many times as a condo owner when I was away from home and staying in a pattaya hotel . But the last 2 times when doing a 90 day report at Pataya both the girl at the front desk andf the IO specifically said no need for tm28 anymore. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, smedly said:

    yes that about sums it up, it is the most ridiculous cluster F I have ever experienced - you want to enjoy a weekend away from your permanent residence you will spend most of that time filling in forms, so you go to Bangkok for one night, you spend all day in traffic trying to find immigration stand in a queue for hours and file a TM28 - then do it all again if you go somewhere else, next you'll need a (deleted)ing work permit for the time you spent completing all of this

    post it

  5. Baloon value allows for smaller monthly payments and a large last payment eg car xyz costs 20 k the ballon value could be 7k ( but never more than its trade in value)

    The 7k is then payed whern you trade it in and start the whole process again with your next car

    The 7k can also be paid in cash to the finance company or the owner could sell the car privatley and pay the 7k that way

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Moti24 said:

    f I visit my in-laws in the north east, my f-i-l will have a 160km round trip to the immigration office; he won't be able to do that, so that means I'll have to go.  Before anybody tells me that I can present my TM30 at a local police office, forget it; they don't even know what day it is, half the time.  Then, on return to my home, I'll have another 40km round trip to the immigration office.   It ain't going to happen

    Online or post office. I always posted a week or so after tenants arrived for air bnb .Never once got fined. Just date the form the same date when you post it but IIm noticing farang love drama and prefer doing the actual drive to immigration 



  7. 3 minutes ago, DEKEM said:

    if you put 800k baht in a thai bank,  and you are single, there is a good chance that if you die for whatever reason, all that money is given to the thai government.  and the same scenario holds true for those who have their ss auto-deposit into a thai bank every month for the purpose of satisfying the retirement extension financial requirements.


    link ?

  8. Before today, a foreigner could get a wp and EB extension for being slef employed;
    The Labour Ministry yesterday issued a directive banning foreign nationals from working as taxi drivers, street vendors and a handful of other jobs in the informal sector.
    Labour Minister Ith Samheng in the directive said foreigners are also banned from working as tuk-tuk drivers, truck drivers, barbers, masseuses, hairdressers, goldsmiths, shoeshiners, traditional instrument sellers, Buddha statue sellers, souvenir sellers and mechanics. Foreigners are also banned from running a small business and being self-employed.
      “A self-employed person refers to those who work and have income without an employer,” Mr Samheng said in the directive.
    He said that the Labour Ministry will no longer issue or renew work permits for foreigners working these jobs, and those who failed to comply with the directive could be punished under the Labour Laws.
    The screws are tightening all across SEA
  9. 1 hour ago, EricTh said:

    I don't know why people here are adverse to taking buses.


    I have taken quite a lot of times and never had any problems with them. Of course, I always take the vip class buses with free snacks and drinks that trains don't offer. It is also quite spacious and less bumpy sleep.




    I guess you missed the weekly pics of buses lying on their side with bloodied and dead paseengers. Your playing russian roulette


    A train gives you a flat bed and can go for a walk . cant do that on a bus

    • Like 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    The pound drops again as the possibility of a no deal Brexit grows.  Just imagine how it will bomb if it actually happens.  Fortunately I moved my business base to Europe and my trading currency is now the Euro so I am actually benefiting as it falls further.



    just imagine if you moved it to Thailand. Many of us sold up and took all our money to Thailand whilst the usuall experts were saying never deposit even 1 baht in a thai bank or the SET or condos etc and keep yourt money safe in your home countries


    What a bunch of idiots :-)))

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