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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 5 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

    But it’s not zero. Even former communist counties gave up on this kind of nonsense years ago. Here on the other hand, regression on a daily basis. Calling someone a sissy in this way says more about you than him btw.

    Comparing Thailand to Nazi germany says way more about him and you defending him than it does about me and you managed to offend the Jews without even knowing it


    Thats the type of post that should be reported to the Thai authorities !! it's beyond sick..I bet my condo somebody will 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I'm a British journalist who until slipping into semi-retirement used to have a journalist visa for the US. It allowed me unlimited time in the country and the visa was valid for 10 years, until my passport needed renewing and then I got another.

    In Thailand, I have been married to and supporting a Thai for over 25 years, and I am still told I must get out of the country every 90 days. From what I understand, my wife could be in trouble for not reporting that I am at the address I have already given immigration when I arrive in the country. I also understand that I could be stopped in the street at any time and my passport demanded. The Nazis used to do that before World War 2. "Show me your papers!" Now, that is a police state in any sensible person's mind. Your rose-coloured glasses hide that from you. It's all about control and serves no other purpose.

    Quite a contrast, hmm?

    Just carry a pic in your phone ya big sissy. Chances of being randomly pulled over just for an ID check alone is to close to zero to worry about.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    So far, over three years, I have had minimal losses on defaults. I spread my risk by only committing $1000 max on any one peer to peer loan. I'm currently averaging 8% return overall.

    15 baht to the dollar is Chicken Little territory. IMHO it's more likely the baht will tank as Thai exports become more expensive.

    Invest in the SET? Only if I had a death wish. I don't invest in something I don't understand.

    We'll see in a few years, won't we? What's with the black fill on your post?

    AUD been steadily falling from 32baht to now approx 22 baht. That's a much bigger fall than the next leg down to 15 baht which it will test ..That's what charts are for. Time will tell


    Black fill is an APP on my PC that turns the screen dark at night so it doesn't burn my eyes

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    I wonder how Thais would feel, having to report every 90 days in the US, Australia or the UK even if they are there on valid visas. Better yet, I wonder how they would feel about reporting their whereabouts every time they stayed somewhere different?


    I'm willing to bet there would be a lot of complaints and accusations of discrimination.


    And they'd be right.

    Australia will make you jump through endless hoops and then deny your GF even a tourist visa since Most gfs have a dodgy history. Lets keep it real shall we?

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I'm not sure why I would buy property in Thailand for rental income, with all its attendant risks, when I can get 5 - 10% return on my capital in Australia with peer-to-peer lending.

    "Peer-to-peer lending, also abbreviated as P2P lending, is the practice of lending money to individuals or businesses through online services that match lenders with borrowers. ... There is the risk of the borrower defaulting on the loans taken out frompeer-lending websites."


    No thanks plus the dollar is heading to 15 baht historical low and will be there in a few years. Any profit you might get if you don't lose it all due to risk will be wiped out by currency exchange. I would dump that and buy into the SET here in managed funds or watch your oz dllors die a slow death

  6. 9 minutes ago, Stoker58 said:

     Naive? After 12 years living here there’s not much I don’t know about this s***hole. The only reason I’m still here at all is to please my wife, who likes to be near her children and grandchildren.

    Yawwnnn..everybody says that. I would get <deleted> out if not for ..( insert BS excuse here)

    If you really wanted out you grab your wife and take her to first world, give 2 trips a year back home for as long as she wants. :coffee1:

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  7. 1 minute ago, Number 6 said:

    I don't see how you're making money. Maybe over 45 years.


    I'm being constructive.

    Sub 5 million purchase 78 sqm rented 40K lower sukhumvit 7 min walk to nana or Aoke bts bought with the aus dollar flying 13 years ago off plan. When the time comes to sell I already no the going price which is good and exchange rate is great but dont want to sell with fantastic rent.

    Dont listen to TV BS that everybody loses money on RE  posted by 4k /month fan room renters in pattaya. Its just complete nonsense unless of course location wasn't an issue then thats the same the world over, harder to sell!

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  8. On 6/12/2019 at 8:03 AM, murraynz said:

    thanks for your coments..of course it would be foolish of a landlord, not to allow for paying taxes,but as above, i dont think many of the locals do...

    either way, the tax rates are much lower % than what im used to paying..

    much lower expenses than what im used to paying NZ and aust..

    sure, pattaya is seasonal, but i would rather do annual rents to long term tenants..

    i would never buy from developer before completion.

    You will struggle. There is no industry or work pulling in westerners to Pattaya and you only need to spend 30 mins on soi buakhao where all the locals gather to see most are poor pensioners more concerned with alcohol expense than rent expense. 

    In low season the dramatic drop of tourists will also affect long termers as landlords get desperate ..some money better than none. If you have the money go VT6 , absolute prime position but not cheap 

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