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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 6 hours ago, 30la said:

    How much money will they have to invest to "improve" the situation?
    Probably some more baht than in Pattaya!

    Soi 13 and 15 lower sukhumvit were recently completely dug up from one end all the way to the other, a mammoth job that took about 2 months each however they installed massive new drainage pipes along with huge drain runoffs every ten meters on both sides of each soi along with new concrete surface.


    There were only a few puddles after the rain where there where rivers before. They are moving up all sois on lower sukhumvit so yes it has "improved" big time but They are spending on tourist areas ATM so it may expand or ..maybe not

    • Like 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    It used to be called keeping up with the Jones's. The Thais have it badly - everything has to be new to impress family, friends and neighbours. Face feeds it as well.

    A lot of people would be better off by embracing minimalism. Why rent a house when all one's needs are served by a studio apartment? Why buy new clothes when there are plenty of secondhand shops at a fraction of the price? Why buy a new car which loses 10 - 20% of its value as soon as the key is turned?

    Credit is a disease of modern society. I only buy what I have money available for. Have only had debit cards for the past 30 years.

    A single guy rarely rents a house and a family will not rent a studio. To much generalisation. Also business people and high end income earners can give the government 50% tax or they can put it towards tax deductible items like a BMW (if not office bound) and the latest Iphone and really nothing to do with impressing anyone

  3. 51 minutes ago, APJ291 said:

    Disgusting Vile animal.., hope they sell his taxi off to pay for 2 new replacement smartphones, private hospital treatment for the ladies and throw him in the slammer for a few years... leopard ???? don’t change his spots as they say... blatant knock merchant...

    Does he look like he owns it? They are rented , thats why he couldn't give a rats about his assault

  4. 5 minutes ago, Nemises said:

    Today’s Melbourne SunHerald.....


    MIDDLE-income families are among those having trouble putting food on the table at times because of stretched budgets, research has found.
    A study involving Melbourne households found some mums reduced their own portion sizes or skip meals when money was tight so children didn’t go without.
    Others relentlessly chased grocery specials at different stores and hosted occasional “bring a plate” dinners with friends to manage, the Monash University investigation revealed.
    Research published in The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found food insecurity was not restricted to people on low incomes, and could extend to the middle class.
    Food insecurity is described as limited or uncertain access to enough nutritious food.
    Monash University researcher and public health dietitian Sue Kleve said families juggling housing, grocery, utility and other costs could at times be pushed to the brink by unexpected medical or other bills, or cuts to casual or contract work hours.
    “We are talking about people who are employed, who have a roof over their head and a mortgage,” Dr Kleve said.
    “Food insecurity leads to stress, anxiety and concern about having enough food, enough money for food. You might have to buy cheaper choices, which are higher in energy and lower in nutrition.
    “It’s like mortgage stress but with food — food stress.”
    The research, in collaboration with Flinders University, surveyed 134 people and found a third had experienced food stress. In-depth interviews were then held with 16 people from households with annual before-tax incomes of $40,000 to $80,000 about their food experiences.
    Dr Kleve said some grew vegies in pots, or always had tinned food in the pantry to prepare basic, cheap meals.
    “One woman talked about ensuring the household had fruit and vegetables but at times was so challenged at the end of the week she had to feed a family of three with a $5 pizza,” she said.
    “Another said friends regularly bought her basics such as toilet paper so she had an extra $10 for food.”
    Dr Kleve said most already had good budgeting and home cooking skills, so policies for affordable food and utilities, and more secure employment, were also needed.

    They never heard of mama noodles ?  

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  5. Just now, tomazbodner said:

    How hard would it be for police to put the names of condos in their area into Agoda, Booking.com and AirBnB, make bookings, and arrest the landlord and helpers during the check-in?

    Not easy. They would need to pay upfront to seal the deal to entrap the owners. They already struggling with funding and there are thousands of illegals to catch..aint gonna happen

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