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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 56 minutes ago, taninthai said:

    For about two weeks off the year in many tourist areas maybe demand already does outstrip supply but for the rest off the 6 month tourist season it’s massive oversupply.

    I know off a hotel that 3 years ago was selling rooms 4500 bht dec,jan,feb and was full most of the time last 2 years they now selling rooms 2500 bht and cannot get 100% occupancy apart from the Christmas two weeks.

    what hotel is that sounds like a good deal?

  2. On 4/19/2019 at 10:33 AM, smedly said:

    Although I am all for removing these now numerous scooters that have no effective exhaust and are extremely loud and annoying - how are they testing them for noise compliance, I know of people who have been wrongly fined, when asked how did they measure the sound level ?, answer - they didn't 

    Not rocket science. Punk flies past no helmet no licence, no tail lights and a SCREAMING exhaust.

    Why are you hangin with those punks anyway?

  3. 4 hours ago, FracturedRabbit said:

    I have never understood the "quality of life" argument, where the quality is defined as being able to continue to consume things that are bad for your health. If you become ill due to your lifestyle, both the quality and quantity of life will degrade. Example: I have an acquaintance who was told fifteen years ago that his overindulgence in beer and crap food was making him obese and would be bad for his health long term. "But I want to enjoy my life".


    Fifteen years on he has been diabetic for years, almost had to have a foot amputated as a result and has osteoporosis.  Can't move much so is getting bigger and less healthy whilst throwing down daily pills and waiting for whatever diabetes, or some other chronic disease, hits him next. Quality of life....

    For me, the "little pleasures of life" include waking every morning feeling fresh and healthy, being able to do all the things I want to do. That's my quality of life, which I enjoy because I decided to change my lifestyle and give up some things I previously enjoyed. 

    I would suggest that abandoning some of your little pleasures to avoid diabetes might be a good trade off. The impact of the  disease can be horrific and it opens you  up to other delights such as Alzheimer's.

    I think for the most part your expiry date is hardwired in your DNA. Generally long lives in family history will be passed on and yes you can drink and smoke while others fall down around you. Going Vegan and drinking spring water form the spring guarantees nothing

  4. 23 hours ago, elektrified said:

    OMG skip the train and hop on a plane. Why in today's world would anyone take a train or bus when you can fly for 650 Baht and be there in an hour is beyond me.

    I met my 11th and 16th GF on trains. None on planes

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  5. 5 hours ago, smutcakes said:

    In all my years reading Thai Visa i have never once ever seen an expat admit fault in any scenario, its always a scam, the Thais were always wrong etc etc.


    Maybe the bike was on the main road with right of way. Small village roads dont really have left or right, car pulls out into the motorbike who has right of way.....

    You nailed it. No farang will EVER admit fault because the Thais are out to get him , even the judge is in on it. 

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  6. Business is down everywhere Even my wife's restaurant has done half the trade it uses to do last year. I put it down to this so-called government we have It is slowly destroying Thailand the world use to know. Freedom of speech is a big one Thailand is just going backward. The world saw how Thai democracy works they cheat at elections and then put on the big Thai smile "welcome" Then you see Rubbish lying around everywhere on the beaches, Wild dogs trying to attack you, Taxi drivers ripping you off, Getting mugged by gangs of Thais and stealing off you while the keystone in their good looking uniforms stand around do nothing Thailand wake up You were a great spot once but now there are better places to go to
    Geez you done it tough. Never experienced that my self
    Odd how many cruise through life and the other half struggle
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  7. 9 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    Yet another "anti foreigner" campaign. What these people have done is illegal, there are already laws in place, does it really need to be a news headline. This is one of the reasons i am moving out of this craphole, it is the most unwelcome place i have ever been and i dont want my son growing up around this anti foreigner mentality that is running right through society. What they did might be wrong but how is it there is no mention of Thais behaving badly? Not worth it, nothing special about thailand, time to leave for good!

    Your in for a shock. where ever you go you will always be a foreigner..unless its back to nanny state

  8. Im 56 a condo owner and pay $1200 a year for insurance . Most will let you pay monthly so what makes you think it will crash the RE sector?

    The people MOST likley to have insurance are condo owners who arrived with between 5 to 10 million baht in cash. The people less likley to have it are the pensioners in chiang Mai so I think you got that back the front

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