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Bruce Aussie

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Everything posted by Bruce Aussie

  1. Wow he saved heaps money not doing yearly visas and losing his Thai wife. Good work by Police only took 9years????????????
  2. Amazing Police work. Hell if they was to really catch everyone with illegal firearms there would be a massive boost to the economy. Building 10 new prisions.????????????????
  3. He should have the title Big Joke. Are there really Americans who believe his bullsxxx?
  4. Make love to your wife then a Cookie or brownie you will sleep well.
  5. 100% agree I have a cookie or brownie 2 hours before bedtime helps sleeping heaps
  6. He HIV positive, I think he should get suite and medical care if he guilty.????
  7. Sorry I can't comment. But I needed a good laugh.???? ROFL
  8. Be careful when you stop because the pickup behind has no intention of stopping.????
  9. Might be a place in the Government for him
  10. show it on Chinese TV every day
  11. What the hell. 4 children murdered and no reports of missing children or RTP just done nothing.? The mothers need to be charged. Bloody sad joke.
  12. 10/10 both here and Australia. Lived in both with my lovely Thai wife. Just live life happily and relax let your wife pamper you. They love taking care of us. Be happy with what you got and life is easy.????
  13. How long is a piece of string?
  14. Bruce Aussie


    Make your own it easier tan falling off a log.
  15. Yep Australians tomorrow, Germans on Friday. other have wait next week.
  16. I never look in the mirror for the same reason.????
  17. As long as he can pay off next 8 years he be living in luxury. <deleted> hope I live to 82.
  18. Not really us Aussie not burn our own houses.????
  19. No not really some of our Thai wives actually care and worry about us. ????
  20. No let them stay they are improving the standind of the Aussies????
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