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Bruce Aussie

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Everything posted by Bruce Aussie

  1. Be careful Guy Fawkes could be about that date.
  2. Because the drivers can not stay on correct side of ride. Cut the corners and pass on bends and continuous lines. More bends more accidents due to poor driving ability and a selfish attitude. Ridden my bike up there many times and seen it all.
  3. Cross dressing men, anyone one who goes with them is kinda gay
  4. He would have been drunk alcohol more than likely. Pot heads don't do the <deleted> piss heads do.
  5. I be y /Lazada size 48 no problems. Walk 10 kns every morning and are good with extra inserts. Cheap also about 700bht.
  6. Not if he gets you first sore eyes.
  7. I like dog but can't eat a whole one.😄
  8. Shown respect it die, Amazing Thailand 😄
  9. They are noso clever to get to possibly😭
  10. Lucky they found tablets or weed would have copped the blame from the clowns.
  11. Some of blame lies with the idiot who leaves his bag unattended in a shop. He lucky he never had a nice lot of buds in there. Then he would have been devastated. Still send the thieving tossers back home
  12. Plus side is while she is making good money in the bar, she not asking you for money. Many if us here have good happy relationships. Some have married bar girls and prostitutes and are happy. Everybody to their own. My wife worked many years at Home Pro so was easy for me to see her background. First time I met her I asked if she could show me where she worked. She took me to both stores she worked in previous 5 years. I was amazed by how much respect from staff and management was shown. Maybe you could do same before partingj with you money. Staff at hospital and bar, and her customers. Good luck
  13. Won't be problem, she will have in diaper.
  14. No after seeing damage to her vehicle. She thought the bull bar was not up to standard.🤐
  15. Would need be big stick for a pitbull, might be ok to use on the owner. I saw a pitbull grab a neighbor's dog years ago. The owner of the little dog grabbed a club hammer and hit on the head 3 times. It dropped the little bloodied dog and staggered across the road to it's own house. Next day it was walking around like it had never been hit. The local council came spoke to owner and pitbull was taken away. Moral of story forget the stick.
  16. Do they have good phycologists in Venezuela? 😀
  17. 35 a better pressure than 29 for tyre wear
  18. You know the word gullible is not in dictionary 😀
  19. Yes don't see many pickups that color.
  20. He went and got help, I thinks something fishy here. The divers took a while to get gear on before entering the knee deep water.
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