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Bruce Aussie

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Everything posted by Bruce Aussie

  1. Yep, the railway line connection just the start.
  2. Yep he a dick, but probably seen Thais doing it and thought he could also. He at fault and will pay dearly. Motorcycle rental hear to easy lets unlicensed and inexperienced riders loose with a weapon
  3. Looks like Mile Tyson in drag.
  4. Next week it getting a bit of clean. Got get the BS from last time.😀
  5. He could give them 10 million reasons to let him leave. All stuffed in brown envelopes. 😂
  6. Me also and after that I would quickly leave😂😂😂
  7. Thank God we not all Americans. 😄
  8. Good as place as anywhere to die.
  9. It hard to buy sleeping pills here. Hospitals may prescribe. Pharmacies only offer useless herbal stuff. Weed helps but not clear headed next morning. Where did they get pills. Maybe Bangkok is easier, if I wrong and anyone knows where to buy in Chiang Mai I would be pleased to know. I will take the chances of the wife raping me 😂
  10. Look in the mirror then you will know it's all BS😀
  11. What a joke, 7 of them lined up for a haircut. 😀
  12. I need a few days to get a good BS story together.
  13. Happened to me we stayed a night in town . I done TM30 on line even though 4 months ago. Opened a account for wife and processed. Next day done the 90 day report again and was approved. No fines. 😊
  14. Keep a jury out of it, be too many brown envelopes. Be less for others higher up.
  15. She a wanna be news reporter.😀 A bloody face part of the experience. The <deleted> with tattoos still should not had hit regardless of his angy attitude. My father inlaw slipped down an embankment. aaWhen he didn't connect back from his walk we went to investigate. On arrival at location 4 people where taking videos of him lying on side slope. Not 1 ar##hole went to help. One of guys was a village head, he got politely told the delete video by my wife. She defused the situation and saved him from a possible bloody face Amazing Thailand🤣
  16. He came out to watch the beautiful Thai sunrise 😂
  17. We switched from E85 to E20. Now we getting 10% better fuel economy.
  18. Off course at 4am it will be stabbing. Anywhere at 4am you got more chance meeting the dregs of society.
  19. When I lived in PNG they use to eat a holes in the metal fly screens to get inside. Rat traps outside near hole solved problem.
  20. Are there any plastic bags if garage on sidewalks? If so that contributes to problem. I didn't go to Pattaya but guess not because it a first class tourist place according to media and government.
  21. Seriously 9 and a half in photo. Need wide angle lens. Then we could get 20 in photo 😂
  22. Deport him immediately, makes rest of us look like cheap skates 🤣
  23. Doesn't have to be dirty in your house, we live with rice fields around us. Have seen a rat in yard before. My dog lucky has fun killing them in garden so they don't make it inside.
  24. They got Macau closer and plenty choices
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