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Posts posted by AAArdvark

  1. I have never been able to find anything like TV in the Philippines which I don't understand given the amount of expats who live there.  Not as many as Thailand but still a significant amount.  It is possible to find agents to help with the process which aren't too expensive.  The problem is with googling where just about any search returns agencies who's business is to help Filipinos get visas for other countries.  I will attach a booklet which will help with most of your questions but certainly not all.  Remember that 99% of Filipino officials speak English. There are also multiple Youtube videos out there with varying degrees of usefulness.  Like the ones for Thailand, they seem to cater to on sector of spending ability. 

    Where are you interested in living?


    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, thailand49 said:

    Don't go bank, I use a broker from an Expat club independent accident policy 2000 to 4000 baht a year coverage 50-100,000 of course like Medical insurance you get into the mid 60's coverage is higher but I'm still covered.

    Are you talking about only accident insurance which would cover you for falling off your skate board but not cancer or a heart attack?  If that is the case, why would age have anything to do with accidents other than someone might be more prone to falling off said skate board.

    The insurance needed is general health insurance.

  3. 1 hour ago, cmarshall said:

    We expats are entitled to buy into any of the Medicare or Medicare Advantage programs within 2 months of repatriating without penalty

    Can you share where you found that information?  It directly contradicts what I have been told by Medicare.  Can it be that you are talking about the ability to sign up outside of the normal enrollment period?


    I did find this from Medicare but it means you have to have been living overseas at the time you you turned 65.  But if your were 65 prior to moving overseas it does not apply.


    "If you turned 65 while living overseas and you didn’t sign up for Medicare when you were first eligible, you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period that starts when you return to the U.S. and lasts three months. You generally don’t need to pay a late-enrollment penalty if you enroll during this three-month period."

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    Follow on question, my official USA residence is in Florida,  Do the Thai Embassies in the USA require one to use the Embassy associated with the state of their USA residence?  Could a Florida person submit paper to the Los Angeles California embassy?  The reason I as is it is very likely I may be traveling away from home and visiting California when I submit my paperwork.

    Florida is assigned to the Embassy in DC.  It may work elsewhere if done in person but if by mail it must be DC.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, onekoolguy said:

    Medicare doesnt cover you when out of country. However many of the add on plans do. I have a HMO plan that covers me while out of country for accidents and sudden illnesses. The plan is free.

    Pays to check out these plans to see what works for you?

    I am interested if your HMO knows that you actually reside out of the country?  It seems that it would work if you still have a US address.

  6. On 9/7/2019 at 6:14 PM, watgate said:

    going to other countries to ply their trade

    And walking straight into trafficking and some really horrible experiences.

    In CM the average age is 35  but there are still "new" ones arriving every week.  Most of them don't last.  They either get tired when they find out there are very few customers or then never fully realized what they were getting into in the first place.  But they all still face the same dilemma of 8000 baht per month in a factory or the same in maybe two nights.  

  7. 21 hours ago, moogradod said:

    was forced to finish highschool

    I assume that you mean forced to NOT finish high school.  Anyway, 8000 bht is not that bad for Thailand.  It is much better than most factory workers get and about the same as a new Police officer.

  8. On 9/7/2019 at 6:08 PM, Momofarang said:

    At 71 no one should even think of moving to Thailand. I you can afford TE have a look M2H (Malaysia second Home). They have solid requirements for entry, but during your stay none of the petty xenophobic hassles one is submitted to here. And for those who get older and a bit more frail, healthcare matches western standards, with English speaking doctors, who don't have a certain attitude...

    The big problem with M2H, even if you wished to live in Malaysia, is the cost.  He would need RM350,000 in liquid asserts and another RM150,000 in a fixed deposit.  In addition, there is a requirement of income of RM10,000.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, 4675636b596f75 said:

    The police cannot just search your home without a warrant, not even in Thailand

    We can not tell from the picture what the alleged crime was. We don't even know if that was their home or was it a hotel.  Perhaps there was a reasonable suspicion that the person was engaged in sex with a 15 year old.  In every country there are exceptions to warrant laws.   One of the of the strange exceptions in Thailand is that if there is reason to believe that the suspect is guilty, a warrant may not be needed.  

    • Confused 1
  10. My understanding is that a citizen of the Philippines can arrive in Thailand without a visa and stay up to 30 days.  They need proof of return travel and they cannot extend the 30 days.

    There is a Tourist visa available at the Thai Embassy which is good for 90 days although it might be 60 + 30.  The visa application is very straight forward but the list of requirements is typically vague and there is some sort of "supplemental form for Filipinos" that I cannot find. 

    "2. Bank Certification or Online Bank Statement (Minimum of 1000USD or any equivalent)

    3. Employment Certification: if employed in the Philippines Student Certificate: if studying in the Philippines Marriage Certificate: if married to a Filipino Business Registration: if the applicant have his/her own business in the Philippines"

    Most Filipinos do not have such a bank account

    For item 3, it seems to infer that they are looking for proof of return but it isn't specific.

    So I have a few questions for anyone who has actually done this.

    What is the supplemental form?

    Is there any workaround for the 1000USD?

    Is at least one of certifications in item 3 required?

    Is the 90 tourist visa extendable?  

  11. On 9/3/2019 at 5:34 PM, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Well CM is the gay retiree capital of Thailand


    My thoughts entirely. Its a town under occupation with the army kicking everybody out of bars about 11pm.  Bahrain is better CM but soon Bahrain and Dubai will be better than Thailand. More Freedom. Good luck to the OP.

    What rubbish.

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