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Posts posted by AAArdvark

  1. There are many Chinese fake copies available.  You have to be tech savvy to know the difference.  I recently was in the Philippines where I was offered Samsung S10 + phones for $100.00.  They looked good but the performance was terrible. I bought a Google Pixel 3a XL for a very good price from Lazada.  The phone was definitely legitimate.  The seller in Bangkok actually phoned me to tell me that the color that I wanted was not in stock and would I accept a different color.  

  2. 44 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    I recommend you to read post #7 in this thread, and then you may say sorry for your ignorance.

    I think the wording should be "may need a reentry permit".  I just returned on a 1st year O-A with only the O-A's ME and had no issue getting the full year stamp at DMK.  So it is obviously hit and miss.


    Also, the other important word for several of the recent posters here is "CIVILITY"

    • Thanks 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, beddhist said:

    My experience was different. When I applied in NZ a bit over a year ago I did have to show funds in the bank. In any case, I can't see a connection between visa requirements and insurance requirement for extensions. I am certain that at some point in the not too distant future O and O-A extensions will require insurance. It doesn't make sense any other way.

    If you are referring to an O-A in NZ, you would have had to show funds in a NZ bank which you could spend immediately after the visa was issued.  Which means that you could live in Thailand for nearly 2 years without having any funds to cover medical emergencies.  Why an extension of stay on an O-A or an O has different insurance requirements is a mystery. 

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:


    Attached below scans of a fully documented first-hand-case of re-entry on an original not expired OA Visa.

    Some TV Forum members (including myself), are/were very worried whether they will be denied the 1 year permission to stay when they re-enter Thailand and some even postponed or cancelled trips outside Thailand for that reason.

    But the report indicates that re-entering on a pre Oct 31 issued and still valid OA Visa is safe.  Also there are NO reports of people being refused when re-entering on an already expired OA Visa with a valid re-entry permit.

    CONCLUSION > Entry or re-entry in Thailand with a pre Oct 31 issued OA Visa does NOT require health-insurance.


    Note: The travel-insurance shown to the IO when he did query about health-insurance is NOT a thai-approved health-insurance, but a UK travel-insurance policy.  Was probably just a routine-question asked by the IO on which the answer didn't matter anyway, because after a quick look on it the IO proceeded with stamping the OA Visa holder in for the full-year.


    Note: documented report is from 2 days ago, but I only post now as I waited for permission of @Forresttrump

    to share it.  Many thanks for that!


    Do we know where that reentry took place.

    It also appears that there is a separate ME stamp in his passport.  My passport with a still valid O-A (1st year) has not such stamp.  It has just the ME which is on the visa itself.

  5. On 11/12/2019 at 11:56 AM, armadillo215 said:

    Check DeeMoney....Easy, you can do on your mobile, relatively inexpensive and no gov. paperwork. You can send cash or transfer from your bank here to where ever...

    Except it is too difficult to apply.  I am in Chiang Mai.  I did an online application and received an immediate email reply that someone would contact me within 24 hours to finalize the application.  72 hours later someone did but I was unable to answer the phone at that time.  I called back and was told they wanted me to go to Bangkok to complete the application!  I said no and was told someone would call me back within a week.  I am still waiting.

  6. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Why? He could have a permit to stay beyond the visa validity date. It is only important he cancel that permission (ie have no re-entry permit).

    You said a valid O-A which has its own ME (ie the the first year of the visa).  There is no way that I know of to cancel that ME.  It he is in his second year (ie exit and reenter) he has no reentry permit unless he buys one.  So if he leaves within the first year, how does he cancel that permission?

  7. On 11/16/2019 at 10:11 PM, Max69xl said:

    If the O-A is about to expire,then leave the country without a re-entry permit, and the O-A is officially invalid. Go to the consulate in, let's say Savannaket in Laos and apply for a 90 days Non-Immigrant O Visa based on retirement. Enter Thailand and after 60 days apply for a 1 year extension at the local immigration office. IF, he meets the financial requirements. 

    That person would have to leave while the O-A is still valid and stay outside of Thailand until it expires since the valid O-A would have a ME with it.  This might be tricky if there are any issues with the 90 day O.

  8. 1 hour ago, BritTim said:

    As you say, a unique situation. I would have thought you could find another reason why you need to leave than visa problems, especially as your girlfriend might come up with suggested solutions to those. However, I obviously do not know as much about your situation as you do.


    Please take a few minutes to let us know whether insurance was an issue reentering with the Non O-A.

    Will do.

  9. 21 hours ago, BritTim said:

    You should be fine. Note that the second visa exempt entry (by land) can also be extended by 30 days so a second border bounce is not necessary.

    Thank you.  I am in a unique situation (of my own making).  I am still in the first year of a pre-31 October O-A visa.  I will be reentering at DMK on the 26th.  What is unique is that I actually want them to say I have to have insurance and give me a 30 day stamp.  It is the easiest way to leave the GF, gives me time to finish my condo lease and move on.

  10. US citizen arrives on a visa exempt.  Needs 96 days but can live with 90.  Can this be done?

    Extend the visa exempt for 30 days for a total of ~60 days

    Do a border run to add 30 days for a total of ~90 days

    Do another border run to add another 30 days or try another extension, get denied and get 7 days.


    Do extensions and border runs start on the day they applied for or at the end of the previous one?

  11. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    You would have to leave the country to get a visa exempt entry. Then apply for a non immigrant visa.

    The reply to a post I quoted was due to his wife being on an extension based upon his that would end when his does and would need a new non-o visa to apply for hers. Immigration does not issue non immigrant visas for family members.

    How does that work? Presumably, he would have an existing O-A or an extension of stay.  So wouldn't someone with either of those two be simply granted entry based on one of those?

  12. 4 hours ago, FPizzle said:

    I'm totally confused. I renew again in June, 2020 (13th year). I have my monthly deposit in line and now I see this. Do I need health insurance or not?  Just for fun I checked all of the companies listed and none, that I can see, will offer insurance to a person over 70 unless it is a renewal. These are the guidelines I found for the O-A (Retirement) renewal and there doesn't seem to be anything indicating a way to get around it.  It also states that if you have insurance from overseas you will have to show proof of Thai issued insurance at renewal. As usual none of this makes any sense!

    Applicant must be aged 50 years old and over (on the day of visa submission application)
    This visa is allowed to stay in Thailand for 1 year each time.
    Health insurance policy must have coverage not less than 400,000 Thai Baht per policy year for Inpatient, and not less than 40,000 Thai Baht per policy year for outpatient.
    In the case where the accompanying spouse is not eligible to apply for the O-A visa, he or she will be considered for temporary stay under Category “O” visa. A marriage certificate must be provided as evidence.
    First year, all applicants can buy health insurance from insurance companies in their owned countries or authorized insurance company in Thailand. When the applicants want to renew the visa, the applicants must buy insurance from authorized insurance companies in Thailand only. Any inquiries on completing Insurance application can be addressed at each insurance company.

    Pacific Cross does.

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