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Posts posted by AAArdvark

  1. On 12/8/2019 at 11:01 AM, Matzzon said:

    As you will have to go in to a shop to sign the cancellation in person and there will be a minimum of a 1 month time for the cancellation to go into effect. Why don´t ask in the shop when you sign? They will probably give you the best and the right answer.

    I went to the shop and was told to bring the equipment and that the cancellation would be immediate or when I scheduled it.  In my case I asked if I could schedule it for two days later and was told yes.  She looked at my billing cycle and I will be charged for the period between cancelling and the end of that billing cycle.

    • Like 1
  2. 53 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

    I wish all law abiding legally applying sincere requests could be approved but that is highly unlikely.  You can bet if there were not thousands of illegals running across the border every day and circumventing the proper process this would be a lesser problem for Thais.  Sadly the easiest route is simply to walk across the southern border. 

    The majority of illegal immigrants are from over stays (61%). 

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  3. 13 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Did you buy?


    In any event,  didn't you check the place out before you moved in?

    I always rent, but before I move in I thoroughly check for any pitfalls.  Or even stay in the place for a few nights prior to committing.

    Being above a noisy street seems pretty obvious...


    To add, if you cannot sleep buy a powerful fan.  I paid 1700 b for one it sounds like an airplane jet next to my bed can sleep through anything.

    Not always easy.  When I got my condo in CM, it seemed like a nice quiet soi.  There was no way to stay there ahead of time.  Most of the trouble is between 2 and 4 AM.  At the other end of the soi, where I would never think to look, are several large Thai teenage populated bars.  So, during those hours there is constant arguing, yelling, girls screening and fighting.  Recently, everyone who is young and owns a Harley or similar bike rides back and forth over and over again.  Seemingly, trying to make as much noise as possible.  Sometimes now there are like 15 at a time.

    I did have a clue that I ignored.  There were 4 very similar condos for rent in my building.  The 3 that I did not take were about ฿2500 more.  

  4. I can only speak for what sometimes happens in the US and yes I know the question is about Thailand.

    In the past ANY preexisting condition, i.e. a bad left knee, would disqualify someone for any coverage.  I have direct experience with my wife not being able to get insurance because she had osteoporosis.  I had a plan denied because of some minor issue which was not even one of their health questions but was discovered by some kind of medical records check.

    It doesn't matter what your doctor says.  It is what their doctor says.  In the example given, having a stroke could easily lead to being an underlying heart issue and cause for a denial.

    I would be surprised if they are more lenient in Thailand.

  5. 2 hours ago, toolpush said:

    If you are in a hurry or need assistance getting a police clearance you can go here: http://www.pcscenter.sb.police.go.th/eng/

    Go to the middle of the page on the left hand side and click on: "Service to obtain certificate in case of special urgency by out source." This will link you to A-Plus Service & Consulting. They will do everything for you and usually get the clearance back in about 4 working days. For a fee of ~4400 baht. I have used them and recommend them if you are in a hurry or can't be bothered doing it by yourself

    The problem with A-Plus is that they require me to get fingerprints in Bangkok only.  This would mean that I would still have to go to Bangkok from Chiang Mai.  So, it would be just as easy for me to go there and use the official office.

  6. 6 minutes ago, userabcd said:

    1) In Bangkok at the police centre. The address is online and there is a map how to find the location and the office. If there is some difficulty to locate the office just ask the people around they will direct you.

    2) When I did mine, I paid cash.

    3)The police at the police centre BKK have people there to take your fingerprints onto a card.

    4)You will need a residence certificate which can be obtained from your embassy if they issue this or obtain one from immigration. 

    5) Just fill the application form with the reason for the request. I did not submit any letter from the entity requesting the police report, just filled in the application form.


    Thanks.  Did you have to get any document copies certified or did they take care of it?

  7. I am in need of a Police Clearance Certificate for a Philippine visa.  I live in Chiang Mai and it appears that the only place to get it done is in Bangkok.  The mail option looks like it is only for people residing outside of Thailand.  So I guess that I am forced to take a trip to Bangkok but I don't want to make a mistake and have to do a return trip.


    1, Will the service center do the document certification or do I need to do it in CM?

    2. Can I pay in cash at the service center or do I have to do it by banking?

    3, Will they do the fingerprints there or do I have to get them somewhere else?  In one place I saw a note that they will only accept fingerprints from     Bangkok.

    4. They seem to want a copy of the house book which I do not have since I am renting, will a lease copy work?

    5. They also request a letter from the entity requesting the check.  No way would I be able to get that but they also say that in can be just written on      the application form.  I can also bring a copy of the visa authority instructions.  Will that work?


    There English comprehension over the phone is not too good.  If I lived in or near Bangkok, I would just go there.  I have also so far not been able to find and agency in Chiang Mai to handle it for me.  Their fee vs the airfare and hotel could be equal and it might be faster.

  8. This question has been asked before but never fully answered.


    I live in CM and I need a Police Clearance.   I have been told that somewhere in CM there is a specific police station where this can be done.  Does anyone know where that is or know of an agency that will do it for me?

    I know that I can, with difficulty, get it done in Bangkok or by mail.  One of the problems is that I need to get it officially translated and then certified by the Philippine Embassy in Bangkok.  After that I have to return to Bangkok for 3 or 4 days to get the visa I want.  

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