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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. I think ???? this is what I used… I said above it was stainless steel, this stuff is alloy. https://www.bunnings.com.au/gumleaf-6m-1200mm-aluminium-screwless-pinhole-gutter-guard-5-pack_p3040695
  2. The damage from that little storm was crazy ! As for your thoughts on humidity, you must be overdue for a visit… ???????? though the dry is trying to kick in.
  3. Where I live in Darwin Australia we get 1600mm of rainfall in 6 months and most of it in December, January and February. Traditionally Darwin houses didn’t have gutters, that’s changing somewhat. Gutters and downpipes concentrate the flow of water and in times of heavy rain can cause significant erosion, it’s not rocket science to contour the land to avoid ponding from a gutter less roof shedding water. The biggest drag of no gutters is the elevated houses in Darwin where the drip line is directly over the stairs… ????????‍♂️
  4. In Oz I’ve got an old shed 16m x 16.5m with a hipped roof, each side has 4 x 100mm pvc downpipes that feed to 2 runs of pipe that feed a 275,000lt tank. I haven’t seen any overflowing of gutters. I also have a “U” shaped perforated stainless steel leaf guard in the guttering. I think you will be fine with your proposed roof drainage.
  5. I thought nonsense was the theme of this thread ?
  6. Not quite derelict and or deserted.
  7. Cheers FIATOC, ???? I had to do a mercy flight to Melbourne on sunday night on JetFail, and returned on tuesday night. The 9:05 pm became 10:20 which became 12:10 or something... Grrr. And to top it off they seem to have found a way to squeeze an extra coupe of rows into the plane, remember the brace position...? Not a hope in hell to actually perform it now !! And the cheapest seats on the Darwin/Melbourne route start @$290 My biggest problem is that JetFail canned the Darwin/Singapore route post covid. Silk Air are still flying it, but the bottom line is there is not enough seats and/or competition for the bums that need them seats... Nothing I like more than flying 4hrs in the wrong direction to sit for 12hrs before spending another 6hrs to get where I wanted to be in the first place ! ????
  8. Yep, we had what was probably our last rainfall on saturday and shes topped up nicely. But the pump from the crappy bore needs to looked at as its not working, the bore will only get us to maybe August leaving a couple of long hot months to use some of our drinking water to keep the garden alive.
  9. You try spending 40yrs in the Special Forces…
  10. Planes hurt right now. Pre Covid I could get to Phuket and back to Darwin for Aud$240 pp, now looking at $1200+.
  11. That is some great news Bannork !
  12. Some of Owls comments of Mrs Owl are written in a jocular vein but thinking back to the Thai BIL thread he’s talking straight, which is very sad. I hope Mrs Owl can pull her head in for a couple of years for Mildred’s sake. Big hugs Owl xo
  13. I’m just looking for a thread about ladyboys so I can tell everyone how much I like women, especially by the hour…
  14. I was wondering why there were quotation marks and an attribution… ????
  15. I just assumed it was being English… ????
  16. No comment… ???? Your pic seems fine on my iPad mate ????????
  17. Sorry you didn’t get your book Owl. I would have searched the product and then purchased, I detest advertising. Everytime you click on their links you encourage them, sorta like voting with similar results…
  18. Then the correct term would be “Ladyboy” ????
  19. There’s a special place in hell reserved for people like you…
  20. The only one I get is the bloody AN newsletter one and that’s more than annoying enough for me.
  21. We are all brave in here @Andrew Dwyer #fearless ????????
  22. Alls well that ends well @xylophone ????????????
  23. Thanks for explaining that @gamb00ler. sometimes if you venture into dark corners of places like this you’ll find many threads with lost/broken/just plain missing links, it saddens me.
  24. So what happens when you hit 15Gb ? Do you then delete the older files ? Or pay for extra storage ?
  25. @owl sees all what are the upload restrictions ? Are they from your provider or AN ?
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