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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. Can you add me to please ? TIA ????????
  2. Mrs HP is also terrified of “Doom Dum”, like you guys I also love ‘em ????????
  3. Chinese cells… ???? It looks nice and neat @carlyai????????
  4. That's why I didn't offer any... One of the reasons people wanted more information was because what happened to you doesn't happen very often. You were given advice but up to you to accept.
  5. But you can appreciate that right from your first post on this subject people were requesting such information in order to help you help yourself ?
  6. Someone alluded above about frequent comings and goings being frowned upon. My wife got her prospective marriage visa in 2019 and within a week of landing in Darwin she found out her father had terminal cancer. She returned to Thailand with a backpack and some underwear, nursed him for 4 weeks, burned him and returned after 6 weeks out of Oz. Coming back into Darwin (again with the backpack and underwear) they held and questioned her for 2 hours ! I was sitting in the arrivals lounge and no one notified me or spoke to me to clarify why she had travelled as she did, really poor form by immigration.
  7. As mentioned the holiday visa will need to be sponsored, and by you personally is better than by your business. Again as mentioned the visa will state no work and no further visa application in Australia (must return to Thailand) Aussie gov also want to see evidence that she will return to Thailand if on holiday visa, long term employment, care for children/mother etc, owning property etc. If you’ve been married 11 years I’d expect a permanent visa to expedite. I assume you must be able to show multiple and regular visits to Thailand with truckloads of pics of you two together with her family, at temples and doing tourist things etc ? Why hasn’t she been to Australia before though ?
  8. I was wondering if you got to choose or had to take the one they offered…? ????
  9. You are perfectly correct, green is the color you turn when sitting in traffic surrounded by your ICE vehicles, mmmm ????
  10. Deny, deny, deny...
  11. They got the spelling wrong though C I d e r V i n e g a r ????????‍♂️
  12. Everytime I see @owl sees all on a ladder I just look down and walk the other way quickly… ????????
  13. So you've never had a case adjudicated by a judge...? I rest my case... ????
  14. Hard to catch those moving trees too, its like they're scared of getting trimmed
  15. Is the ladder propped up properly by a couple of bricks Owl ? ????
  16. And if the students danced well they might get better marks… ???? Mmmm… amazing huh.
  17. I’m laughing because I didn’t realise how many lawyers we had in here… ???? I mean, it’s ok to say “I read the regulations as this…” and I can also understand someone else saying “I take them to mean that…” but the categoric statements and claims of absolutes… ????????
  18. Have you performed a username search ?
  19. I think for myself and do my own research ! Oh look, my fav opinionist is on Fox...
  20. Express delivery inside Australia is ordinary. In Darwin we pay the same fee for overnight delivery but it takes 4 days minimum. Second others experiences re parcel delivery.
  21. They're a solid connection, so will require a good push to engage (and to separate...)
  22. They look to be a type of Anderson Conector. If you rotate one 180 degrees they should couple, blue/blue green/green (you can see the +/- align).
  23. he might be hungry and has heard that farang Sausage is more filling than Isaan Sausage... B)
  24. "Give up now, come out with your hands up and we wont shoot"
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