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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. This is one eg of a sheet membrane system: https://ardexaustralia.com/product/ardex-wpm-1000/ This is an eg of a liquid applied membrane system: https://ardexaustralia.com/product/ardex-wpm-908/ The entire Ardex roof and deck waterproofing range can be found here: https://ardexaustralia.com/products_category/waterproofing-roofing-membranes/ Ardex are a premium company, good products but they make you pay ! I've used the liquid applied membrane once, about 20 years ago but I've never used the sheet style membranes. I found the liquid applied product was difficult to apply neatly in the heat in Darwin Australia. The sheet style membranes seem to have become the "go to" product for commercial projects from what I can gather. The skillset and experience of the applicators should be your guide in my opinion... PS I'm surprised that you're only getting 50mm outlets to drain the roofs, I can see theres multiple of them but personally I'd be looking at more like 100mm, will take more volume and be more resistant to blocking with leaves etc.
  2. AS mentioned above there are sheet membranes that can be applied and various versions of the liquid applied product suggested by your Architect. I assume the sand/cement topping over the membrane is primarily to protect from UV. The concrete roof itself should have a fall of 1/100 prior to the membrane being applied.
  3. Was it an international or Thai purchase ? If international I doubt the local plod can/will be able to help you.
  4. I'm just glad they're not buying cheap stuff, the last thing we want is them keeping the cheap charlie thing going !
  5. Back in the olden days (last week) I could have given you a laughing emoji, but alas…
  6. Embracing tech won’t get you anywhere in this thread mate ????
  7. Nothing better than chainsaw bloodlust
  8. Here in Oz they say the (Darwin ????) cold is good for the mango crop ????????‍♂️
  9. My iPhone has never had problems knowing who I am. Is the facial recognition tech proprietary to apple/google or does each manufacturer design their own ?
  10. The only time I use a laptop and internet banking is when I need to view, print and save my statements. Every other transaction is done on my Mobi and app. My short arms are no longer a hinderance to my transactions since I started using my reading glasses.
  11. I think you've just guaranteed that EVERYTHING will end up down there !! ????????
  12. How deep is the gap going to Be ? My only concern is that if you can drop something down there, you will... ????
  13. Have I told you how incredibly good I am ? I've got 3 monitors and a bottle of baby oil and I know how to use them !!
  14. Who says Mr Owl or anyone needs to make sense to you in here ? I think you need to dial back your sense of self importance and relevance...
  15. I agree that thats the benefit that Mr Owl doesn't understand, the security of smartphones. But I can also see how daunting they can be to someone who has had no exposure to one.
  16. @owl sees all Have you thought of getting/do you have a tablet ? Its an iPad or android type thingy. Sort of like a smartphone that doesn't have a phone ???? but can under certain circumstances... ???? The tablet is like laptop/smartphone hybrid, bigger screen than your phone, but smaller than your laptop, most apps are great to use on them. They use passcode/fingerprint/facial recognition to keep your stuff safe and for you only. Various options from cheap and nasty to top of the range iPad/Samsungs are available.
  17. But if his main access to the bank is via its internet banking software then it is for him. Rightly or wrongly hes reluctant to move to a smartphone and thats leaving him stuck up a creek without a paddle.
  18. I've never used a qr code to pay myself but here in Oz, pubs, cafes etc cash is the exception, my dad would be horrified ! ????
  19. Just be careful that you set it up for account/password login, otherwise the smartphone will use her facial/fingerprint recognition to validate login to your account !! Even if you do this, you’ll still need to ensure the phone doesn’t save your login details AND that you log out of EVERY banking session you did on her phone. I think you should dismiss this option Owl. Better to bite the bullet and get a smartphone that’s YOURS and then only you can access it.
  20. Yep, often there’s not much in the way of physical security and certainly my wife is almost paranoid about “dangers”.
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