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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. @Encidits a simple and quick system after a few jobs to get your head around it. It’s normally used with stick down on concrete slabs as opposed to wet bedding. Depending on skill level we’d bedding should give a perfectly flat lip free finish if the tiles are actually flat… which yours probably are. Plank tiles are often not flat and usually layed with an offset in the joint accentuates the lips. I would inform the builder that the system isn’t being used correctly (he may not know) but I wouldn’t recommend using the system properly in any case because of the wet bedding.
  2. @carlyaihave we met ? ????????
  3. Sorry to laugh @Encid ???? Ive never seen clips used when wet bedding before… and I still haven’t ???? The tiler is using the clips as spacers, which is ok but he’s using them upside down and without the wedges ???? It looks flat and lip free from what I can see in the pic, I probably would let it slide mate, unless they’ve hit you with a big charge for using them.
  4. He was a nice bloke ???????? My wife’s friends Pizza and Aey used to work there in circa 2017.
  5. Lovely Bar @xylophone?
  6. I thought this was another story about which Pattaya bar is best…
  7. “The man revealed he often watched news about this crime and was vigilant; however, he fell victim to the skilled hands of the thief.” I’ve seen this movie before…
  8. Your second and last pics aren’t loading for me Owl, but a very pleasant read anyway ????????
  9. Not so sure about tide here in Oz.
  10. I believe on Australian Army bases the code was in the form of laundry powder, OMO or FAB brands, Old Man Out or Flamin A holes Back… ????
  11. C’mon guys, I saw it in a YouTube video ! ReSuRCH dOnE…!! ????
  12. @carlyaiis on the money @Encid if you take a screwdriver and just lightly trail the metal end across the wall, no force required, imagine the screwdriver is a paint brush. You will distinctly hear the difference between bonded and “drummy” render.
  13. if you need a hug I’d suggest a trip to a bar or massage shop.
  14. You’re nothing but astute Richard but don’t get too bent out of shape, the other bozo isn’t sharp enough to pick up on it…
  15. Autocorrect is fine Richard ????????????
  16. The two bozos above are correct. Also the case and earbuds don’t fully charge just because you’ve plugged them in, like your iPhone they will delay charging to 100% to maximise battery life.
  17. @Encid I think the “etching” in external rendering is to create a minor weak point to encourage any cracking that may occur due to the different structures Columns/blockwork etc to be confined in the “etch” Its like the construction joints used in concrete on verandas and paths, if the concrete needs to crack to relieve stress it tends to crack in the construction joint.
  18. I guess the thing is (most of us) change, places change and so do our needs and wants. Wishing a place as dynamic as a city to stay static is nothing more than nostalgia for when we were young enough to live that place to its fullest, which as we age we realise we can’t, so we are really missing our youth and less so the changing environs.
  19. In Thailand they train farang… ????
  20. And neither should your solution of kissing Putins arsssse He must be defeated.
  21. Even heaven loses it luster eventually I’m told, obviously not referring to PaTong… ???? You make interesting observations and have a gift with language xylophone, I hope that you can find other sources of inspiration to share with us here.
  22. Nice post Owl, I’d like to add a farewell to UbonJoe a mod who helped far more than he annoyed.
  23. ????????????
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