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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. Nice to be back Owl and crew. Never a dull day here @aseannow, or 6… 🙄 I hear it’s been a bit cool Owl ?
  2. Now youre just being silly, have you never seen a Saint Bernard dog ? :D
  3. When I joined wise about 6 years ago they were always at the end of the phone if needed, nowadays they are hard to contact and almost impossible to contact voice to voice… but they are not alone there. Unless your issue slots into a nice neat little pidgeon hole…
  4. Relax op. i had similar earlier this year, they refunded within a few days of me notifying of a fraudulent transaction. You are right that their communication could be better, they didn’t notify me that they’d refunded my acc. They did cancel the card (which I’d frozen) and I applied and recieved a new card.
  5. Glad to hear that you kids are still flying the flag
  6. I thought the “accepted wisdom” was that Thai vegetables were loaded with every pesticide and herbicide known to man with a few experimentals thrown in “just in case” ?
  7. Pigs tails look interesting.
  8. Personally, I think you’re far too interested in other people’s consensual sex lives.
  9. All those cummings and goings must be quite confronting, luckily you’re such a virile heterosexual ???????? You should pop over to the other LB thread just to remind everyone that you’re only interested in real women… ????
  10. There’s probably 15 in Otop, 1/2 doz in Bangla and a bakers doz in Nanai, how many do you want ?
  11. Mrs HP says that mums electricity is 4-500 baht a month. How many beer fridges and Aircon’s are you running Owl ? Or has the neighbour slipped an extension lead through the fence again . ????
  12. Seems reasonable… ????????
  13. Absolutely correct ???????? im wondering about OP’s next thread “Should I eat banana pancakes ?” Or “Should I drink the bottled water in my bar fridge ?” ????
  14. Definitely not.
  15. If it can’t be predicted, measured and replicated it’s Hokus pokus in my book Owl and adult women prove my point…
  16. Australian Sceptics Society tried to organise a “competition” years ago offering a cash prize for the diviners who could detect water in buried pipes… It was a manifold of parallel pvc pipes controlled by solenoids with obviously double blind testing, no takers… My bore whisperer was telling me that you can even use your “old fella”… he is an old bloke, it might be the only exercise it gets… ????
  17. Mid dry here in Darwin Garry. When I left on Wednesday morning the driller said he had 2-3lt/sec but might be there all week trying to clean it up, then said he might go deeper… 2 hours later he sent the above video, the key here is not always depth, it’s stopping at the right place, Dolomite being the preference (he extended from about 50 to 56m) The bore I replaced had 5lt/sec @56-58m when drilled, but dirty water. They went deeper to 107m but went through the Dolomite and found nothing and ended up making do back at 56-58m… but the bore was always problematic with possibly sabotage as well. The crazy thing is that this new bore is only 10m from the old bore… ????????‍♂️
  18. Almost TG. I have a bore whisperer on hand… and yes he walked around with a couple of bits of wire and then a plumb bob, and eventually settled on “The spot” In spite of my skepticism he got the result.
  19. Here, hear ! We need TBL back on the job to ensure this thread doesn’t degenerate back into a soccer thread again ! ???? We need Big News, leaning trees, pond levels, Avocado seedling status and with some degree of trepidation, DIL/SIL/all bloody inlaws updates too ! To get us back on the right path, here’s a video that was sent to me by the guy who drilled a new water bore for me last week. I haven’t struck gold but close to it !! IMG_1620.mov
  20. Someone did it… ????
  21. My death will happen when it does, I’m more concerned about my quality of life until then… A friends father passed away 12 months ago aged 90+ hadn’t been to a hospital for 30+ years and was on no medication, he died in his sleep. Wheras my mother is still going but with dementia, I know which I’d prefer…
  22. To the words outa my mouth ????????
  23. Roof drainage in the outside kitchen ?
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