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Posts posted by ChipButty

  1. A few months back my daughter was here and she was staying in Karon we used BOLT a few times very reliable and good cars, one day came back to Rawai alone and they sent s Fortuna, 

    From Rawai to the airport I just checked now with BOLT, 750 baht a normal taxi local 1000 baht or more,

    Another app I have on my phone same journey 615 baht 

  2. Most of the ones I have met over the last couple of years are not in Russia, come from all sorts of places, They cannot use Airbnb or Booking from Russia, quite a few live in Turkey I met a couple they said they live in Uzbekistan they still had Russian passports, 

    Must be a fair amount that have left Russia for other parts of the world, Bali has it's fair share, 



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  3. 1 hour ago, Andre0720 said:

    Well, I drive on these roads, Chao Fa West, East, and the road coming from Rawai.


    So there is no need for any bias here to suggest what happened.


    Just about all these younger guys, (girls do the same as I can see), training in Muay Thai or boxing gyms, they want to show their strength by renting big motorbikes, as loud as they can get them, and drive as if their abilities shield them from possible accidents.


    Speed, they just need that for their show of strength. From what I can see... Including quite a few accidents involving big motorbikes on these streets. Way too many compared to the ratio of smaller bikes, driving a tad bit too fast as well, but who make it to their destination...


    Sometimes I catch myself hoping that they just end up crashing somewhere, not involving other drivers. And now I catch myself hoping that my hope was not involved in this guy's demise....

    But the culture here has more power than any of my hopes...


    So Kap dee dee as they say here....

    I think I saw that guy in the morning we had stopped at the lights with Sai Yuan road, and he was infront of us in the outside lane when the lights changed he let rip, this was all about the same time, that morning we didnt go down the tunnel I did a U turn back to the post office, prior to that I had been on Nai Harn beach and saw all them Muay Thai guys from the same gym where he would have been going back to, 

  4. Once they announced that they all had to close down I bought a shaver from Lazada there was no way I could go months without an hair cut, My wife does it for me and still does but I might have to buy a new shaver soon it's not holding it's charge, 


    The other thing is I stopped going to the bar every day, Bad habit, I still have a drink at home but only one bottle, not 6 bottles,

    My wife likes I spend more time with her and we go out once or twice a week for something to eat, find some new places to go, have a few beers and my wife drives so everybody happy, 

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  5. They don't want nothing to do with it if someone has died in the house, I have known of a few cases down here in Phuket, one was some years ago and the farang died the house at that time was worth around 14 million obviously it takes time to sell so she borrowed a load of money against the house and never came back eventually the loan company took over the house, I did go and look at the house and it had been stripped of anything worth taking, who did that I don't know, 

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