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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. Makes me laugh when you see in another post, they dont want overstaying farang damaging the image of Thailand, Thai's are doing good job themselves without any help from us,
  2. We all know what goes on its not big secret, so now what they going to do about it? start arresting the Farang? Dont pi$$ the Farang off to much this news will travel fast especially around the Russian community,
  3. Dogs are not always the answer I've known a couple of dogs get Poisoned so much for having a guard dog
  4. Would be good if other hotel and resort owners came forward with a similar story,
  5. I reckon they could raid every Law office on the island and find plenty of dodge deals
  6. Few years back where i Live it was rife lots of stand alone villas down the dark soi's not just Farang owned houses, I did get told the local poo yai baan's got together this has to stop, I haven't heard of any houses getting broken into for a while, The best thing to do when you look at your house think like a thief where are the weak spots that a thief would go for, we had empty land around us for years so obviously the back would be a point of entry, so I put wrought iron on the windows the back door and the upstairs windows, if you want to break in my house they would have to make a lot of noise, We have a roller shutters on the front any thief would look at my house and give it a miss find an easier job, They have improved the street lighting over the years and I leave 2 flouresant lights on the front driveway I dont have a dog or cameras,
  7. They do that in England send them home to die they can get home help from the social services,
  8. If you think Thailand hospitals are bad you should try the ones in India,
  9. 500 is a bit steep, ours are 300 baht we have the same problem have to buy them from the office, and we are also not allowed to change the lock, I think they are all connected to some computer program,
  10. Thai's know nothing about refrigeration and how to store food you will find these mom and pop shops they turn the fridges of at night, washing their hands after using the toilet it's not a Thai thing, I noticed that a long time ago, I have a friend who has a good restaurant he told me they will take stuff out of the freezer then put it back later he said to me he cannot make them understand.
  11. I had it a couple of weeks ago, I put it down to a Dodgy toasted sandwich that I eat about 9-30 in the morning sure enough when I got the packet out of the bin, it was past it's sell by date,
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