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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. Thats the ones they know about, What do you plan to do about it?
  2. Will the pond be out in the sun all day?
  3. It must be quite deep as they have a springboard at that end,
  4. Tourism is down right now, I had some family a couple of weeks ago staying in a 5 star hotel in Karon, only 5 rooms booked and at night the place was in darkness, restaurant closed,
  5. I see there is a new taxi app on it's way, things could get worse
  6. Im using Brave web browser that stops them all
  7. What evidence do you have they bought from the police, Most of the guys I used to know here in Phuket the one you are referring to were legit, But only Brit's arrested?
  8. Now they know how it feels when tourist get robbed everyday in Thailand, Just get a taxi you are being robbed
  9. The immigration raiding places is not exclusive to Thailand, It happens in the UK, last week in the Uk the immigration raided my Daughter's restaurant, it took 10 immigration officers to carry out the raid, They found no illegals working there,
  10. My guest told me Indrive was not cheap and unreliable here in Phuket, lets say around Rawai,
  11. Down here in Phuket BOLT works fine, recently I had some family over here we had to use it a few times for us was always on time and decent cars, One day a driver turned up a a fortuna just for me,
  12. They believe speed was a factor, 5am you can factor that in,
  13. We have a guest who is showing signs of covid today they have been traveling around Thailand now in Phuket, My wife sent them to the pharmacy,
  14. Nothing wrong with a bit of corruption, as for getting rid of it I don't think it will happen, the penalties are not severe enough,
  15. Many years ago low season here in Phuket used to be full of Aussies, Come to think of it we have not had any Aussie guest for a couple of years, are they all going to Bali?
  16. Nothing new here I remember reading a book 20 years ago about the Black economy in Thailand and oil was part of the story,
  17. Low season is definitely down this season what you going to do about that? ok nothing
  18. Dont pick a fight with an old man because I will shoot you,
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